11 November, 2015

Warnings From Almighty God to All Humanity

After much prayer and confirmation, I am permitted to officially post Four (4) Warnings The Most High God gave me to all humanity including Christians and Preachers of these Last Days through Holy Spirit spoke to Me

1. Be careful all you people, i Warn you in the Name of Jesus to watchout concerning earthly prosperity and lavish living.Be careful of attaining important positions in the human world and systems of the world by seeking influence from the fallen angels (demons). For all you seek are for a short while and will all fade away.

2. Be careful all you people of going before God Almighty with a double (divided) heart. He alone is God and deserves all the Worship...No one else but Almighty God alone. If you direct his worship to any of the fallen angels, He will surely punish you together with all those fallen angels (demons) you consult.

3. Be careful all you people about seeking the Almighty God for your personal and selfish purposes. He is God Almighty and knows all your (everyone) thoughts.He knows the conditions of every Heart, He alone knows it all...He knows what you are thinking and what you will do in the next minute.... Almighty God knows it all.

4. To all Preachers, be careful of Pride, Envy, Selfishness, Hatred, Anger and the biggest of all Jealousy. The warning of the Most High God is towards you again and again for you (Preachers) are molding the people into what and who are (Disciples of Religion) but are not molding them to be like the only Begotten son - Our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth ( Disciples of Jesus Christ).

These are the Four Warnings Which came to me on the 11th Day of September 2015.

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