18 November, 2015

At the Hall of Holiness

After that, The Palace of Holiness. It was boldly written “Welcome to the city of the King of Glory. No unclean thing will ever go in and your sin shall be revisited before you can enter.” As you are coming out from the last gate, a white robe will just cover you. From all the Halls (Palaces) you have been coming from, you have been naked the all the while. In this Palace of Holiness, if anything called sin appears before you, it is straight to hell. 

Please now read and pray Paul’s prayer in the book of 1 Thessalonians 5:22 – 23, Abstain from every form of evil. Now may God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may you whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” At this Palace of Holiness, so many ministers of God with different titles on earth, and so many “Christians” went to hell from there. Pray day and night with crying that Jesus make you holy in your heart, in your spirit and make you holy in body.

“Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all the filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”(2 Corinthians 7:1)


A woman came to that hall; and she was told, “You cannot pass-by.” And she said, “I lived a holy Christian life. What did I do?” The Angel said, “Fold you hands.” She folded her hands, and the Angel said, “Open them.” When she opened her hands, twelve sticks of matches were in her hands. And the Angel said,Where did you get these twelve sticks of matches?” 

Then she said, “My neighbor gave me a box of matches to light my stove because I did not have any. I lit one and it did not light, but the second one was used to light the stove.” And then, she took out twelve extra sticks and put into her own match box without telling her neighbor.

But the Angel asked her,Did you tell that you removed twelve sticks of matches. And she said, “I did not.” The Angel now said, Look up and read. And she read, “No unclean thing will ever go in.” And the Angel said, “How many unclean things did it say?She said, “Only one.” The Angel now said, How many matches do you have?” She said, “Twelve.” And then the voice said, “DEPART!


A man of God came, who suffered a lot in the ministry. (You will be seeing everything on the screen), he had a farm beside the Church. One day he was tilling the farm and found where a foul laid four eggs inside hi farm. He took the eggs, cooked them and ate them. That was all! When he got to the Angel, he was told, You cannot enter. And he asked, “Please, what did I do?” The Angel said, Fold your hands. When he did, four eggs appeared in the hand. The Angel asked him,Where did you find these eggs? And he said, “I was weeding on my farm and because I did not have food to eat, I took the eggs.” The Angel said, “Are you the owner of the fowl? Did you even make effort to search for the owner of the fowl? That is stealing. And no thief can enter Heaven.And then the voice came DEPART!

When it was my turn, the Angel present in that palace was like a mirror and all his body was full of eyes and they (eyes) were all blinking; they called him the Angel of God. Once you appear and from far the Angel is shaking his head, that means you are unfortunate; and you are going straight to hell. When I got to him, he was full of smile, he shook my hand and said, You are welcome home.Immediately I left that palace and I was walking along the side of the wall, a door opened unto me and I saw the glory of Shekinah flashing into the place.

 No matter how powerful you are, you must close your eyes. And suddenly, a force pushed me out and already an Angel was standing there; a very tall Angel with white garment, his crown was shinning as he stood, his beauty was enormous. Immediately when he saw me he shook my hands and spoke in English saying, Son of the Most High God, you are welcome, and he left my hands.

You see where I was standing was full of bright shining gold and I was shouting, “Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God.” Beside me was a long pillar and fine flowers planted beside. So I bent down to pick a golden stone and the stone shouted, “Hallelujah!” I was just wondering what this beautiful place was, and after sometime, the Angel said to me, Son of Most High, let’s go; and I replied, “To where?” He answered,Home. I said, “So where are we?” He said,This is our bush here in Heaven. And I marveled and said, “You mean this is bush?!”

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