23 November, 2015


It was just like all the normal days, the sun came up as usual and children were happily going to school some also had tears in their eyes as they can’t just leave mummy alone. Traffic was heavy and the usual long faces and commercial drivers doing their best to swindle in and out in other to find quick ways to make more gains. The usual talk host was loud and clear busily doing what he loves to do every morning.

Suddenly, something beyond human understand happened, the news channels went off, Radios stopped broadcasting as the television and Satellite TVs instantly had a break. It’s a Technical Fault many comforted themselves whereas other never bothered but believed that no matter what; their favorite program will be aired. Signs of desperation forced others to complain as it has really become the unseen mother, the secret wife, the unaccepted sibling or relative in their lives. Certain people noticed the problem quickly and were thrown in despair, fear and confusion.

The next passenger had vanished without a trace, Right before their eyes. Filled with shock and seeking comfort by sharing the news with a passing fellow, it was there the confusion became even much more. My wife just vanished like that with our only Baby…Boom! there was a crush and it attracted the attention of some sympathy’s.
There they learned that the driver in charge of the vehicle had also vanished and leaving the passengers and the vehicle to the fate of Mercy. Everything seems to be at a stand still as people begin to pour out with similar stories of vanishing relatives, house-maids and neighbors.

Suddenly the news channels came back on air, as people begun making frantic calls to the police and other security networks, others run to their radio and TV sets to get updated on what was going on. We had a technical hitch and everything is back to normal the Voices said… we apologize for any inconvenience caused and our normal programs will resume uninterrupted. It continued but people know very well that something had gone wrong. Within some few seconds, the news started streaming on all the media channels in different formats and styles with live reports stating: It has been reported of vanishing babies from the Regional Hospital and it’s a desperate situation. Let’s join our correspondent live for the Hospital:

Yes what you said is the exact truth and all babies have vanished! I mean vanished some mothers are nowhere to be found and the management is in a hot tightly closed Door meeting querying the staff on duty of how it happened. We will update you as events keep unfolding. And the reporter signed off…

Back to the studio, the host continued, a bus crushed into a building when the driver handling it was also reported to have vanished. Eye witnesses say 10 people died whiles several other sustained serious degrees of injuries.
Other channels kept flooding the community with chilling reports and live eye witnesses saying their version and the confusion becoming even much greater. The international media reporting of the same incident and giving eye witness account from different countries and of different sources.

The amazing this is it happened at the same time all over the world.
What could this be? Is it a dead star which has mistakenly fallen on Earth? And if it was everyone would have been sucked up as well. Massive looting has also occurred in almost all cemeteries and this even made the situation worse. Who on earth will have such power to break such number of graves at the same time and for what reason? Some of these cemeteries had been turned into streets and highways and it’s all broken. What on earth is happening? These were Complains from panel present on of the regular Morning show.

The Police Stations and detention centers are even worse. Inmates had also vanished as well as some officers and the pressure mounting there cannot be described. As the public is running towards them for answers, they are also asking the public for clarification to their situation. A sight you cannot behold, a state you will never want to be in but its happening real and live.
Hurriedly, news channels begin to seek answers and with a surprise, someone begun reading the Bible what a strange thing and these were the words…

“At that time two men will be working in a field: one will be taken away, the other will be left behind.” Matthew 24:40.

Then a great silence fell upon the studio and suddenly a call was put through…

Hello and who is this? The host questioned

I am a pastor and want to explain the events that had just occurred…
the caller responded

Go ahead pastor the world is listening
....The host responded

Then the pastor began. My fellow citizens, what has happened is called the rapture, these events were stated in the Bible many, many years ago that one day Jesus is coming back into this world not as a Lamb to be put to the cross again but this time as a King riding on the clouds with His host of Angels and will be taking away those who belonged to Him……
He said

What does it mean to belong to Jesus
? The host interrupted jokingly

This is to be Born again the caller answered… the looting at the Cemetery was not done by a group of people but by the power of Jesus Christ……
He continued

Excuse me sir, do you mean this Jesus who came riding on the Clouds with Angels went to the cemetery and stole those dead bodies? …..
The host asked laughing with the panel present

You don’t understand, the broken graves are people who died righteous and those who vanished are the living righteous…
the caller went ahead to explain.

Well sir, thanks for the explanation we are very grateful for your time, your call and wonderful knowledge.
The host brushed the caller off with the panel laughing out louder this time.
“So then, where does that leave the wise? or the scholars? or the skillful debaters of this world? God has shown that this world's wisdom is foolishness!” 1Co 1:20

Dear Reader or Listener, will you also be like the pastor who knew the word but was left behind or like the host who knew nothing and laughed at the truth and the painful part is: they were not aware of the torment that is about to Come on them.

You can skip the torment and be part of the rapture by giving your life to Christ and Living the word everyday. Heaven’s ticket is only through Jesus Christ and you can be part by saying this Pray:

Lord Jesus, I admit my wrongs and Accept my mistakes have truly sinned against you and God and in my selfish ways I have hurt many people too. Please forgive me of all my mistakes and take me back. Cleanse away my sins and grant me your gift of life by living in my heart and becoming my Saviour from today. I thank you for forgiving me, accepting me and granting me Life. In Jesus Name I pray with thanksgiving Amen.

After this Prayer you can contact a Bible believing Church and tell them about your experience and you will be greatly helped.

But for further assistance you can contact
: crossevangelism@gmail.com


(This writing was given to me in the 2010, and am re-posting it again.)

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