16 November, 2015

The Hall of Vain Words

In this Palace of Vain Words, once you enter, there is a television on one side, and then you will stand on the other side. When it is your judgement time, you will see all the idle words you have said here on earth. If that person has repented from those idle words he has ever spoken, the blood of Jesus will come down on the screen and wipe them away. 

So, if that person has never said any evil word before his death, the television screen will be clean and that person shall be told “PROCEED!” But if you have ever said any idle word and repented of them, and during your journey in the world you say some other idle words without repenting of them, they will be written on the screen. Those who have not repented of their evil talks, and even those that repented and committed again the sin of idle words, will all go to hell. 

Remember David said “Oh Lord, my Saviour, let the word of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you.”(Psalm 19:14)   And Jesus said, “Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.” (Matthew 12:36) When I got there, my people, again God showed me mercy. The Angel shook my hand and said, “PROCEED!”; and I proceeded to another palace called The Palace of Accountability.

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