16 November, 2015

Chapter 4c- Turning to the Left Side

When you get to that junction of separation and you move left to hell fire, that wide road is very smooth. But immediately you move into the road, there are so many thorns, like nails on it to an extent that when you take a step, it will be like stepping on nails that seem to be everywhere. No matter how you move, you are always stepping on the nails. And as you turn into the road that leads to hell, it is on a top speed and by then you will be hearing the groaning and agony of people in hell. Some have cried and they are tired of crying. 

I did not go to hell, but it was revealed to me in Heaven. what you know in Heaven is different from what you know on earth. As soon as you get to Heaven, everything will be open to you and you understand easily. Our wisdom here is that of humans, but that of Heaven is of God. Before you enter the fire, you will be hearing lots and lots of lamentations, “Please help me, take me out of this fire”; “Please I am hungry, I am thirsty”; Please help me …”

Some of them will shout and say. “They preached Jesus to me and I did not accept Him.” Some will say, “I accepted Jesus before, I backslid, please come and take me out of this fire.” You will see the newcomers going into hell and continue to hear such comments and shouting too.

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