16 November, 2015

Chapter 4d - Turning to The Right Side

At that junction of separation, I have told you what happened when I got there. I turned to look at that demon on the other side; I became very afraid, for he was very intimidating and his face was scary! But I turned to the right side and it was because I obtained mercy. My prayer is that by the grace of God, we shall all obtain mercy. I was following the narrow path and there was this great wall that was very tall that had no end.

You see on your way to the Heavenly Kingdom, it is the Almighty God Himself that opens the door, because there is no door and there is no key to open the door.

“Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the Lord; This gate of the Lord, into which the righteous shall enter” (Psalm 118:19 – 20)

But as soon as you get there, the wall will just open slightly, and before you will look back, the wall and the door have been shut. The same narrow road I was following before was where I came back to again. There are about fifteen Halls (Palaces) to pass through before you get to the gate of Heaven.

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