12 November, 2015

Chapter 4a - The Queue of the Dead

Your shadow will hold you again saying. “Son of man, the journey is to the junction of separation now.” The two will take off on a very top speed and suddenly land at a point where there are so many dead persons queued on a line that you cannot see its end. You are the last to come and so you are at the back, and within that minute of your arrival, when you look behind you some other dead persons that must have lined up behind you will be more than five thousand. That is where I discovered that there are about five thousand dead every minute.

They all (all sinners) move with speed, I mean with jumping speed – as they go on the same line, naked and panting. The shadow will be by the right side of the dead person and the shadow will be speaking with his mouth and the dead with his mind. The shadow will be discussing with the dead saying, “Do you remember all the evil things that we have done?” Do you know why the dead will not speak with his mouth, but with his mind? It is because the conscience does not lie. Whatsoever you have done, your conscience will agree with your shadow. 

At a point in time the shadow will stand still and say, “Son of man, I can no longer continue with you on this journey and I want to go and report to the Maker, all what you have and I have done on earth.” The dead will be pleading, “Please don’t go …” And the shadow will say, “Sorry, here there is no disobedience; it is only on earth that there is disobedience.” Immediately he will just disappear into thin air.

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