16 November, 2015

The Hall of Forgiveness

As I left there, I got to another palace called “The Palace of Forgiveness.” In this palace of forgiveness, it is boldly written, “Unless you forgive others, you cannot be forgiven.” If there is anyone who has offended you and you did not forgive that person, this is the junction that will lead you to hell. If your wife has offended you, you must forgive her, forbear and restore fellowship with her. If she is not there with you, it is not just forgiveness, you will also call her on the phone and tell her that you have forgiven her because you do not want to go to hell! I remember I once offended my wife, I apologized nine times and prostrated to her. 
But she said, “My dear, you did not offend me.” I said, “Please, my wife don’t kill me. I offended you, you must forgive me.” The ninth time, she now said, “Oh my husband, we offend God and He forgives our sins, talk less of we humans. I have forgiven you.” 

In Heaven there is a big chain used by Jesus to chain those that refused to forgive. The chain is “Our Lord’s Prayer”: “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” (Matthew 6:12). What this verse means is that, “Lord, when I get to The Palace of Forgiveness and I have forgiven all my offenders, let me escape Your judgment; but if there is anyone I have not forgiven, oh Lord do not forgive me too.” 

That is the meaning and it is a chain in The Palace of Forgiveness that will send people to hell. There was a man there. He and his wife had a quarrel and they have even settled the quarrel and reconciled. But whenever his wife did something, he will always refer back to that incident. And he was told, If truly you have forgiven her, why are you still using it. It proves that you have not forgiven her from your heart.” This is what sent the man to hell, because of Matthew 18:35. 

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