23 November, 2015

Entering inside Heaven

We left the Palace of Children and we got to The Place of Blood. In that place there were two Angels seated opposite each other and a bottle of blood was placed in between them, and they asked me to go and collect the blood. Remember the blood you were redeemed with will appear before you. When I collected the blood and my Angel saw, he started jumping for joy and rejoicing and we started going together again; and there was this gate we were approaching.

At that gate, there was a big mansion in that place. From afar, it looked like a white mansion, but up-close it was pure gold. Immediately I entered into the mansion, in front was a very big book and Angels standing under some golden trees, though the book was not opened in my presence, I knew it was the Book of Life and we just passed through and kept moving. At this point, we were already entering inside Heaven. Some Angels were very tall, and some of normal height, and there were different creatures there, birds, animals etc. The ground and floors were made of pure gold; the houses were beautiful with different colours . 

In fact, I was engrossed in looking at their beauty. It is till we get to this level, that we can celebrate. Do not forget the theme: “Abraham, don’t celebrate your glory yet.” Whatever you are doing for God, please don’t celebrate yet, except you get to that place in Heaven. As soon as I got to Heaven I couldn't find my Angel any longer, but I was not afraid, because I knew I had already made it. I was looking at a very big mansion ahead of me that was full of glory. When I got to the door, it opened slightly and I entered. Oh my God! Come and see the gathering of holy people, they were all dressed in immaculate white garments and were singing, “Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah …” 

When I entered, I saw everyone of them with a crown on their heads. Brethren, your major task on earth should be ho to make Heaven. In Heaven people are with different ranks, some three ranks, some two ranks and so on; but at least they all made it to Heaven – that is ultimate. I pray to make Heaven with plenty of ranks and stars because those stars beautify the garment. What is the meaning of these stars? One star is one soul that you won for the Kingdom and that person stood to the end. The amount of souls you have saved will be attached to you garment as rank(s) and star(s). At this point, the most important thing on your mind is Jesus who redeemed you. 

So I was busy looking for Jesus; “Oh Jesus, oh Jesus, let me see you.” And in all of these searching, there was orderliness, no push, no argument, there was absolute peace. There was a place I got to, I saw the twelve elders on their knees with their crown on the ground, and on the other side there were also twelve elders also on their knees and their crowns too on the ground. Right there on the ground laid a man with a very large crown, he was tall and handsome. 

Suddenly my mind told me that that was Jesus Christ. So I shouted, “Oh Jesus, I have come, I have arrived.” He was very tall, handsome, full of glory, filled with humility. Sincerely, I don’t know where people get pictures of Jesus they used on calendars and posters. Immediately Jesus saw me, He said, “Abraham, Abraham, Abraham, You made it here.” He just lifted me up and shouted, “Hallelujah…” with a high voice and that sound of “Hallelujah…” covered the whole Heaven. How glorious shall it be to be in the hand of Jesus Christ.

In the Palace of the Holy People, Heaven is filled up people worshiping God; it is unfortunate for you not to make Heaven. Heaven is lacking people to worship there, it’s left to you check yourself, so that you too can make it and join them. I said, “I thought they said our forefather, the father of faith Abraham is here.” Immediately, I saw him saw him coming. 

Whatsoever you think of, it will come to pass. He was full of stars, his hair was white and he was glittering as he was approaching. He had a long white beard with golden parties, all the saints bowed their heads and he went away. I thought of Paul, and immediately I saw him coming too! He was of average height with long hair that bared a little in front but a lot at the back; and full of stars. 

Anybody I thought of, I immediately saw. Suddenly a thought came to my mind, about where I came from; “What about the saints that came from there?” Immediately I saw one black man coming and I realized that it was Apostle Ayodele Babalola; I saw Baba R. A. George; I saw that old tall evangelist Baba R. G. Akapo, he was full of stars; I saw so many holy people. 

I moved from that palace to another place where there were mansions of the past and present people. I saw the home of the General Overseer (G.O.) of this Church; the mansion was very tall and big. I saw Baba W.F. Kumuyi’s house in Heaven, and also so many other great men of God. But there were some other great men of God that I did not see their mansion in Heaven, but I will not mention names. 

Now they took me to my own house too and it was under construction. Then I said, “Let the builders come down now, I have to occupy it.” But they said, “No, the house must be completed before you can occupy it.” Later they took me where they kept clothes of the holy people and I saw plenty of them that were great, but they said many of the owners of these clothes are in hell, while some owners are still on earth. From there we went to see where they kept diverse crowns, here again the man cried saying some of the owners were in hell, while some were still here on earth.

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