04 November, 2015

The Next Project

Brethren, For months, Holy Spirit has laid on my Heart to post this Book for the availability of all persons across the planet. Many are dying in ignorance and to the shocking of it all is how most Preachers are unknowingly leading the Souls under their care into Hell.

This  revelation was given to Pastor Abraham Yakabu to share with the Entire World - DO NOT GLORY YET!.  If you are reading this...you are fortunate...This Book shook the bones in my flesh and has caused me think about what happens when i close my eyes to this planet. Read this Book prayerfully and ensure you do not begin to feel successful of what you have achieved. Because Heaven sees things differently and assesses the work of People differently. Will publish the complete Book in the coming weeks so stay tuned and God Bless you.

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