16 November, 2015

The Hall of Works

When we left The Palace of Giving, we proceeded to a palace called “The Palace of Works.” Don’t forget what Paul said I Corinthians that every effort of every child of God, be you a pastor, Evangelist, Bishop etc., that every work you have done for God will be tested by fire (please read 1 Corinthians 3:12 – 15). 

In this Palace of Work, when they mention somebody’s name, as you are approaching, there is a room not more than 8ft by 8ft and you go inside. Before you enter, somebody has always been behind you since you died and you won’t know that he has been following you. He is standing closely behind you like a shadow. As you enter into that room, that person will come in front of you with a portfolio in his hand, raised up to your face and writing your handwork on earth. There is a golden table and the portfolio will be placed on it.

The door will be shut behind you and suddenly the whole surrounding of that room will turn into fire and gradually the flame of that fire will be going down and finally it will quench. Then you will see if the work that person has done on earth is wood, grass, hay or stubble, the flame will consume it. But if it is gold, silver or any precious stone, another door will be opened unto you and you will still find yourself on that narrow road again. 

But this is what happened to me when I got there. I saw a little stone no too big and it landed on my palm. I became very happy and as I was rejoicing, the stone lifted up and was going again. But I understood very well that it means my work has gone to wait for me in paradise, since I am still on a journey, but my work has gone ahead of me. When I left The Palace of Works, I got to a palace called “The Palace of Vain Words.

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