16 November, 2015

Chapter 4f - The Hall of Restitution

So when he (Angel) said, “PROCEED!”, I was looking at myself and thinking that the Angel might change his mind; but the next person was already being attended to. When I got to the wall, a door opened and I went outside. And immediately I stepped outside the door, that same narrow road I was following before from the junction of separation was where I found myself and I kept following the narrow path again. Right ahead of me, I saw a very big mansion with an inscription

Welcome to The Palace of Restitution. Your sins shall be revisited before you proceed further.”  

Listen to me; because there is restitution in the Bible therefore there is room for restoring what you have stolen or someone else’s property that was left in your care. Please, return them back to the owner NOW! Think of anything that doesn’t belong to you which is with you: Wristwatch, Sun Glasses, Clothing, Bible, Handset (Mobile Phone), Money, Cassette, CD, DVD etc. 

Please return everything that does not belong to you before you get to The Palace of Restitution and it can only be done NOW before you die. Even if you spent Government, Church or somebody’s money in a wrong way you must return them. If there is anything in your custody that does not belong to you, even as a minister of God (I know this is ridiculous), you must return it. If you are in a secret cult or/and you engage in fetish practice, I beg you, renounce them and destroy those things with fire before death comes because if death comes and meet with this dirty character then you are indebted.

And certainly you will beweighed in the balances and (will be) found wanting. (Daniel 5:27). If you have not paid the dowry on your wife go and pay it now because you are in debt. Please tell any wife that if she is collecting the family up-keep money from her husband and she decides (by her natural wisdom) to do contribution with the said money, tell her that that is stealing and she must return them all to her husband with apologies and ask for forgiveness. Likewise a husband that is stocking away money somewhere without the knowledge of his wife must go now and reveal the secret by letting her know. This is because “they are no more twin (individuals) but one flesh.” (Matthew 19:6). A husband that borrowed money from the wife without paying it should go and pay back now before it’s too late. 

Again, when I say unto the wicked, Thou shall surely die; if he return from his sin (repent), and do that which is lawful and right (live righteously); if the wicked restore the pledge, give again (restitute everything) that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity (not presently living in sin); he shall surely live (go to Heaven), he shall not die (not go to hell).”(Ezekiel 33:14 – 17) So from Ezekiel 33: 14 – 17 (which is one of the whole counsels of God), restitution then is one of the conditions of getting into Heaven.


 A woman came into the room of restitution. This woman lived a life that pleased God; and she was so humble. But the husband was a wicked man. When the Angel said, “You cannot go …You cannot continue any longer.” She shouted, “Please, have mercy on me … I used all my life to please God.” The Angel said,Truly, all your life you have lived a life that pleased God, but look at what happened.(Because Jesus Christ said that anything done in the secret will be revealed openly; so we were watching it on the screen). 

In the morning of that particular day, she came to her husband for money for food and he gave her a little amount. But she told her husband, “Truly, this is small.” She now faithfully gathered her husband’s clothes to wash and discovered that there was ₦27,500 in a pocket of one of his trousers; and took ₦7,000 from it. Before God and man, she did not buy anything for herself (not even a brassiere) but used the money to prepare food for the children, herself and her husband. 

 So she said, “Please, I did not do anything evil with the money.” And Heaven said, It is true that you did not buy anything personal with the money but used it to cook food for your family, but did you tell your husband that you took ₦7,000 from his pocket? And don’t forget that we are in The Hall of Restitution … A thief will not enter Heaven.And with that, the voice said, “DEPART!


A man, a minister of God who lived a holy life and preached the sound word of God was called. When he heard that he would not be able to proceed further, he asked, “Please, what did I do? I lived all my life to please God.” When his daughter wanted to get married, he took money from the Church’s treasury and added it to his own money for the wedding. 

As the G.O. nobody asked him what the money was meant for. At the end of the year, the Church’s account was read and there was no specification that, that particular money was used for the G.O.’s daughter’s wedding and so it was put as miscellaneous expenses. And the G.O. said, “But, I did not hide it the elders were there when the account was read.” And he was told, “Did you specify it?” And with that the voice said “DEPART!”

An incident happened to me at my Egbeda Church’s branch, Lagos State, Nigeria. When I got to Iyana – Ipaja, I bought two handkerchiefs, I gave one to my pastor and I kept the second handkerchief. Before God and man, I never knew I had a third handkerchief by mistake and I righteously paid for only two.

During the revival, right there on the altar, I heard a voice, “Abraham, if you die now, you are going to hell.” I said, “What is my offence?” The voice said, “Check your pocket.” When I did, I saw a third handkerchief in my pocket and I was bitter and embittered. But I said, “I never knew.” And the voice said, “It is because you don’t know, that is why I am telling you. Go and return that handkerchief back to the owner. And not only that you must come and confess in public that you are a thief because you stole an handkerchief.” 

To this story, there are people who can testify to it, that I openly confessed in the presence of the people of God that I was a thief who stole a handkerchief. First day, second day and the third day passed and I had not returned the handkerchief. But on the fourth day, I got to Iyana – Ipaja where I bought the handkerchief and made an attempt to return it. Immediately when I paid for that handkerchief, I heard a voice saying, “Now Abraham, if you die now, you will go to Heaven.” Please my people, what about those three days of my revival meetings (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)? What if I had died during the revival? I would have gone to hell! Please, if there is any property in your care that does not belong to you, please go and return it NOW! 

When it was my turn at The Palace of Restitution, I did not stay long at all. I got my salvation at Four Square Gospel Church, before I started messing around. Remember, I backslid five times. Before I started to backslide, I was attending Deeper Life Bible Church for about ten years, so I understood the lesson or teaching of restitution before I was told to proceed to the next level. All these, were as a result of the mercy of God upon my life.

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