16 November, 2015

At the Hall of Salvation

As I was going, I saw a very big mansion, with a very big inscription that said, “Welcome into the Palace of Salvation. Your sins shall be revisited before you can proceed further.” I met so many dead people there shivering profusely. At this point, I now understood the scripture in Isaiah 33:14:  
“The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrite. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings? We were all shivering

One Angel was standing in front very far from us, with his hands folded. As soon as somebody’s name is mentioned, for example, “Abraham Yakubu” and I answered “Sir”, a voice came from Heaven saying, “You were saved in so so year, in so so month, in so so week, so so day, so so hour, so so minute and so so second.” All those things we did not regard on earth were taken into serious consideration in Heaven. Then the Angel will say, “Your sins shall be revisited before you can continue.” Immediately when your name is mentioned, you will see yourself at the feet of the Angel standing.

The Angel will bring his face from Heaven down. There is a great shinning reflection from his eyes. His sparkling flaming eyes will be coming down gradually on the dead standing before him, and at that moment the dead standing before him will be shouting and crying; even at that, the Angel will not consider his crying, but will look at him with those sparkling flaming eyes from head to toe. On the other side is a very big television screen. Then the Angel will look at the screen and immediately all the sins of that person will appear on the screen. Do not misunderstand me, there was a moment when you were saved and all your sins were completely forgiven. 

After your salvation, all the sins you have committed after your salvation and you did not repent of them before you died (which might be twenty, thirty, ten or any number), will appear on the television screen. Once your sins appear on the screen, all the Angels will shout and the ground will be vibrating. Please, listen to this, the Angel will now ask you, “Why were you not cleansed in the blood of the lamb before you got here?” That person will be pleading, “Please, help me.” The Angel will shake his head saying, “It is too late.” Look my brethren, if you are going to cry, it is better you cry here on earth and now; so if you want to repent, you better repent now!

Remember I have told you that I backslid thrice and my actions then were terrible; but when I was at Igeyin – Ekiti, I had all my family present at one gathering and I confessed all my sins before them all. The Bible says,  “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper; but whosoever confesseth and foresaketh them shall have mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13) 

Immediately the Angel says, “It is too late,” a sudden sound will come from high above like a thunder saying, “DEPART!” Then a storm will lift that person up and will fling him into hell; and the next person will be called. At this moment everybody will be shivering because you don’t know who will be called next and what will become of such person. But certainly, I became very afraid of something we take very important here on earth, which is our titles; I forgot that I was a pastor. My people, whatsoever you are here, when you get there, you will forget everything that you were or had.

They were not even calling anybody by title, not even pastors, reverends, bishops etc. everybody shall be called by his/her own name because whatever you are ends here on earth. The judgment was so hot. Another name will be called, and immediately a sin is discovered in his life, they will shout “DEPART!” and that person is off to hell.


They called one man of God in our midst (a minister and he was shedding tears). This man was an old man; he has been a pastor for thirty six (36) years and a General Overseer (G.O). Then the Angel looked at him from head to toe, he said, “What a pity.” When he glanced through the television screen, it was only a bit of anger that condemned this man. The Angel shouted and said, “Oh you servant of God, upon all your suffering, why didn’t you deliver yourself from this anger; why didn’t you wash yourself with the blood of Jesus from this anger before you got here?” The elderly man was pleading, saying,

“Please, it was the devil, it was the devil, it was the devil; please help me.” And the Angel said, “If you see the devil, can you confront him?” the man said, ”Yes I will.” The Angel stretched his hand and the devil appeared, he was very tall and black, long horns and wearing a red and black garment. The Angel asked Lucifer, “Do you know this man?” Lucifer said, “Yes” (and the man of God began to cry again). Then Lucifer said, “I know him very well, he has even destroyed my work for a long time.”  

The Angel asked the devil why he did not allow the man to escape from spirit of anger. The devil now faced the man and said, “Is it true that you sincerely wanted to escape from the spirit of anger and I refused? Look at me very well, look at my clothes, one part is red and the other is black, and I have many clothes. The day I refused you to escape from the spirit of anger, what was the color of my garment that day?” 

The old man was confused and was looking left and right; and suddenly, the devil disappeared. After the departure of Satan, suddenly a voice came from Heaven with anger (and you can even realize that the voice must have been with a great anger), saying, “DEPART!” The storm came and lifted up the man, and he was crying in agony, saying, “Please help, please help me ooo …” Immediately, the man was sent into hell just because of the spirit of anger. 

At this juncture, I want us to sincerely pray. If you know, you still engage in sins: grudges, quarrel, anger, forgiveness, immoral life, fornication, adultery, or you tell lies or any kind of sin in your life, if you can remember any sin in your life, say to yourself, “I will not deceive myself.”

“if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9).


There was a woman that was called upon. Please brethren, when it is time to pray, I will like us to exactly what this woman did. Let me tell you something before I continue on the issue of that woman. It was not when that woman got to that place that she got mercy, but it was the way she pleaded for mercy before she died that made her obtain mercy. It was when she was on the hospital bed, and when she was told that all medical efforts had failed, and upon hearing this information, the woman started to ask for mercy before her death. Can you hear me? Praying for mercy after death does not work! Mercy only works before death. 

All those prayers that we pray at the burial ground or put on posters (for example: “Rest in Peace”) are all in vain. Once a man dies that is the end. It is here (on Earth) you have the grace, here you have mercy, here you have favour and all the love of God and all other things are only relevant here on earth. But immediately you depart from here it is judgment without mercy. Let us understand that it is not about being a Pastor, Bishop or any other position in life as soon as you depart from this world  judgment is waiting for you.  

“And as it is appointed for man to die once, but after this is judgment”  (Hebrew 9:27). 
The woman I was telling you about, she was shivering and praying continuously, “Jesus help”, “Jesus have mercy”, “Jesus save me” … and suddenly, her name was called. Though I cannot recollect her husband’s name but she was called Elizabeth with a maiden name, and she answered. Then she was told the time and period she got saved and she responded “Yes my Lord.” Before the Angel could bring down his head, she cried, “Jesus help me” and suddenly Jesus appeared in our midst.

My people as soon as Jesus appeared, the crown of thorns on the head of Jesus was much more than what we used to read or watch. Only God knows where those Roman Soldiers got that crown of thorns from. The thorns were stuck into His head all His body was full of cutlass wounds; only God knows with what material they used in cutting him from head to toe. Brethren there is this film titled “The Passion of the Christ.” In that film they really tried to reveal His suffering but Jesus suffered much more than that by what I saw at The Palace of Salvation. He was 100% naked, no clothing at all, and His body and skin was battered.

All these Jesus suffered for you and I... nonentities (but loved by God - John 3:16). So when she shouted, “Jesus have mercy on me” and Jesus turned to her she fell at His feet. Jesus then lifted her up and He cleaned her face with His blood soaked hand. At the moment Jesus arrived, all the Angels in that Palace went on their knees to worship Him all the dead went on their knees, I too went on my knees and we all bowed down our heads. Brethren maybe for this purpose (this book) I managed to raise up my head and I was watching all the happenings when Jesus used His blood to wash her face, the woman turned into the glory of Jesus. The Bible says in

“Beloved, now are we the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall see Him as He is.”... 1 John 3:2
As soon as they both turned into the same glory the two were then lifted up and there was a welcome song in Heaven that same song came down into The Palace of Salvation. When they had gone the judgment became faster and I was panting and crying... “Eh, eh, eh …” As I was crying, those Angels were shouting, “DEPART!” on every judgment they were passing. Meaning they were sending them all to hell. I became more afraid, panting and shivering. I started remembering all my sins in the Church when some children will bring some lost-but-found money to me and I will tell them... “Go and buy sweets with it.” I started shivering saying, “I am in trouble, I am in trouble.” Brethren, the judgment became so terrifying.


When it was my turn, I never thought or believed I could proceed because I knew my way of life before that moment. But do not forget that when I was about to be involved in that accident, I said some prayer points and I ended the prayer by confessing all my sins that I had committed to God. The conclusion of my prayer was:

“Since the day I was born, until this very moment, anything that could make me miss Heaven when I die, Lord, forgive me; wash me with Your blood.”  

This was what I was saying when the accident occurred. When they called “Abraham Yakubu” I came forward and the voice said... 

“You were saved in August 12, 1978 at Four Square Gospel Church, Nos. 18 Rafiu Crescent, Mafoluku, Oshodi, Lagos.”

 At this moment, both my ankles were hitting one another. But what baffled me mostly was that his (Angel) “Judgment eyes” that he was using before which were so terrifying and like a powerful torch going straight into your eyes, was now turned into “Angelic eyes” and it came down on me and surprisingly, the Angel shook my hands and congratulated me and said... “PROCEED!” There are only two words that are said to the dead in The Palace of Salvation and they are either DEPART! Or PROCEED!

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