11 November, 2015

Chapter 1 - God Himself Adressed Me

I was born into a muslim family in Iheima, Kogi State, Nigeria. My name is Iliasu and my father’s name (surname) is Yakubu. My brothers are Karim and Lamidi. I know that many of you have been in the work of the Lord before I was born. Even when we talk about being an Evangelist or Pastor, many of you have been Evangelists or Pastors long before my mother gave birth to me.

This morning, God himself addressed me and explicitly saidAbraham, don’t celebrate yet. The message I heard from God deeply touched my heart. It’s on this very message from God we shall talk about this morning (or whatever time of the day it is that you are reading this) as I address you: a minister of God who has been serving God for a long time; you, who have just started in the ministry with God; and you who may not even be born again and so carelessly living your own life without God. The Lord is saying that we should not glory yet. 

That in this ministry, we should not say yet, “I am competent”, “I am somebody”, or “I have arrived”; except we see the end of the work. It is not just to finish the work, but to finish well that matters. That is when the owner of the work takes us to His side and we drop our sword by the knee of Jesus. Then, we can now show our glory and say “Praise the Lord!” Read 1 Corinthians 9:15 – 17, 24 -27; Philippians 3:10; 2 Timothy 4:1 – 8 and Luke 13:22.
Most of our emphasis shall be on these passages, so don’t forget what the Lord told me, “Abraham, don’t celebrate yet.” The mission on our hands is a mission with absolute faithfulness and truthfulness, and is a work that must be done with fear. It is a mission with high expectation that at the end of the day, the owner will salute us and say, “Well done thou good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21). I pray in the name of Jesus that we don’t end-up miserable at the end of our lives. When you work as a minister, don’t do it because of any other thing rather than being faithful and truthful to the one that called us. 

I have determined that whatever it will take, I will make God happy for choosing and sending me to do His work. Anything contrary to this will be bad. I will like to say something that it is very unfortunate; that somebody left God’s place (God created all men and women, so we are all products of Heaven) and came to this world; and yet ended up in Lucifer’s place. This is unfortunate! It is even most unfortunate to call such a person a Christian who has testified to be born-again sometime; and at the end of the day, he cannot return to God whom he has confessed to be his Savior and Lord. It is rather unfortunate!

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