12 November, 2015

Chapter 4b - The Two Sides

The dead will be moving on and if he doesn’t move fast enough, other dead will begin to push him, until they get to a place with an inscription “Welcome to the Point of Separation.” By one corner is a sign post with an inscription, “Wide is way that lead to destruction and many people will be going through that place.” On the other side, is also an inscription saying, “Narrow is the way that leads to eternal life but few that go through it.

On the other side is a very tall demonic spirit, with scattered teeth, fire eyeballs, his hair is like deadlock of a mad man of many years, he has a spear with him and all he does is to mockingly welcome people to hell. There is an Angel at the other side; he has a golden crown surrounded by stars, dressed in a white gown (I mean pure immaculate shinning white robe), wearing gloves, a golden belt and golden shoes. He has crosses all over him, on his forehead and one cross was attached to his belt. All that he does is to Hallelujah …

That narrow path beside him is so tiny that two people cannot move in at the same time, and you cannot go with any luggage. Suddenly, I saw a multitude that cannot be numbered, being separated to the left side and they were going to hell in multitudes. In Heaven, there is neither day nor night, it is always bright.

Now reflect this is retrospect to our own world – a day means morning and night. In Heaven, on a very good day only five people might make Heaven; sometimes nobody makes Heaven at all! But on the other side to hell, the multitude that troop in there is like the sand on the sea shore. Remember I told you about five thousand people are trooping to hell every minute. Now, multiply that by sixty minutes (which is an hour), and then multiply that by twenty four hours (that is, a day). Can you now imagine the number of dead per day?

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