23 November, 2015

Mary Weeping Because of Worship

 There is a place we went to that I have almost forgotten to mention. It was a big palace with twelve mansions. I asked about the owners of these mansions, and he said,The twelve Apostles and one of them is in hell right now. He asked me to look at one separate mansion, it was very big. 

So I went in to peep and I saw a lady, very beautiful in a white gown and full of glory, but she was crying with a high voice saying, No, please don’t worship me, I am not the Saviour. So I asked who she was and shy she was crying. The man beside me said, That is MARY, the mother of Jesus Christ (not the mother of God), and she is still crying till this moment, because people still worship her. Please my people, Mary was/is not our Saviour, she is just the mother of Jesus by physical birth, but not the mother of our Lord. So I asked, “When is she going to stop crying.” 

They said. Until the day of rapture. After that, I was taken to the New Jerusalem. Brethren, it is more beautiful than Heaven, even much more than paradise. You see, the whole Heaven is not paradise; there are streets, towns and cities. The New Jerusalem was surrounded by twelve walls, with twelve gates; each gate is named after the twelve Apostles. 

We go to a place and the Angel was showing me around. He pointed at a mansion and was shaking his head. He said, This is the house of Judas Iscariot, but Judas himself is in hell but his house is here in Jerusalem. 

Now he looked at me and said, Son of the Most High, it is time to return back to earth. And I was murmuring, “Earth, earth, earth; where is earth?” then I looked straight and saw a black place with scanty stars. So I asked the Angel, “Is this the place you want me to go? No, I won’t, you better go there yourself. But for me, I will rather stay here.” So I asked him, “What are those scanty stars I am seeing all over the place?” He said, “Those are the very few believers on earth.” I started arguing with him that I won’t come back to earth. 

So he opened up my vision of hell and I saw how people were rushing into the fire, how people were crying and shouting for help; so I begged him to close my vision to hell based on the promise that I will come back to earth. He also agreed to come with me to earth and stay with me until we both return together. Then he asked me to look straight, when I gazed, lo and behold, I met myself on the hospital bed.

The three things that will make you get to Heaven and have a mansion:
  1. A Godly life, 
  2. Evangelism and soul winning; and 
  3. Spending your money for God.
This is my story; Fear God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13 – 14). Please, avoid anything that will cause you to miss Heaven.
Stay blessed.

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