11 November, 2015

Chapter 2 - The Accident

Father told me, “Abraham, don’t celebrate yet.” We all came to this world one day and one day we shall all leave this world. Everyone is entitled to death and there is no way out- death is inevitable. I will die, everybody must die someday and this death we are talking about can come at anytime. Death met me inside a vehicle; it can meet you inside your houses, on a ship or in an airplane. There is no place death cannot occur.

I will like to share with you what happened to me. What you should first know is that I obtained mercy and got grace from God. So many people of God and many ministers of God have left God and did not return back to Him. But He gave me the grace and some other people like Bro. Sambo, Moses, Sis. Cecilia etc. who left this world and were permitted by God to see so many things in Heaven and hell, and were later returned back to this world.

A man of God called me for a revival and I went. There is this man of God, who attended this revival with me – Rev. J. F. G. Ikupemesi and God worked miraculously in this revival. But as I was going back, my mind was telling: Be prepared, you are going to die.” But I said, “You demon that is speaking to me, the Lord rebuke you. I will not die but live, so as to praise the name of the Lord.” But I heard, “Abraham, this is not the voice of the devil, I am the One, your Maker. This vehicle you enter will be involved in an auto accident and you will die. Therefore, be prepared to meet your God.” My people in the Lord I obtained mercy. A prayer point came to my mind and this is how it went (I have never prayed like that before in my life):

“In the name of Jesus, every sin of my grandmother, the sins that they conceived me with and all the sins I have committed since the day I was born until this very moment, that will cause me to miss Heaven when i leave this world, oh Lord, wash me with your Holy Blood and forgive all my sins.”
That was how I continued to pray.

As soon as we left Guru-Maharaji spot on the (Lagos – Ibadan) expressway, the Tyre of the vehicle exploded. My people in the Lord, not that I was sleeping, the vehicle somersaulted and after sometimes, it appeared to me as if it was the break of dawn. I looked at the other side, I saw several vehicle sparked along the road. The vehicles going to Lagos parked. When the vehicle first somersaulted and landed, it landed by my side, so that affected my back and spinal cord. I heard a noise from my back and there was an iron in my front pressing my chest, and I was compressed in between.

I was groaning in pain and crying, “Please, come and help me; please, come and carry me …” Though I was crying for help, people were not hearing me. Please hear this; it is now that you still have the opportunity to talk. You can still call on God now, you can still amend your ways and you can still plead with God today. But a time is coming, when you will be talking to people standing beside you, and yet they will never hear you.

After sometime, I managed to release myself and the iron that was pressing me. That was how I came out of the vehicle. I saw some people sitting down and they were showering them with water. I never knew that there was blood all over me and I was telling somebody that nothing happened to me; but he was telling me to be patient I said again, “There is nothing wrong with me, and for you to be assured that there is nothing wrong with me, let me take some steps and walk.” When I took the first step I realized I was in the mood to run and I started running, somebody shouted, “Get hold of him and don’t let him fall.” Someone met me, griped me and laid me down. I was feeling very thirsty and shouting, “Please help me, I am thirsty, please help me, I am thirsty.”

And a Good Samaritan brought some water for me to drink but another person was opposing it, saying “Don’t give him the water, because if he should drink the water, he will surely die.” People of God, that thirst of water that day was because of the great loss of blood. Don’t forget the Savior said on the cross, that He was thirsty. The thirst of our Lord Jesus Christ was all of us seated here and all souls in the world, how we should succeed in our journey on this earth, so that we do not end our journey in modernity and end-up in hell fire.

I later heard that a man and his wife (who were both medical doctors) were coming all the way from Ilorin and the Spirit of God ministered to him, saying “One of my servants is in that vehicle, quickly take him to the hospital before he dies.” He was the one that took me to the hospital, he also paid my medical bills and he I never knew him before.

My prayer is that, one of these days, as I will be testifying like this, that he will come out of the congregations At this juncture, this is the end of a part of my life story, and I pray that all of you will not have a reason for Hospital this year; and for those of you who are medical doctors, I pray you shall be successful.

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