26 November, 2015

The Six Most Important Things the Devil is Seeking to Steal from Your Life - Part 1

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you....Matthew 6:33

Greetings in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, am blessed to give out this great word from the Most High God to all His lovely Children across the surface of the Earth. Heavenly Father is pleased with how some of His Children are faithfully working hard to stand for Him, even to the extent of going to prison without the fear and bowing to the conditions laid out by the constitution. All who are being punished for the sake of the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness will be greatly rewared hence, Father says, each of those people suffering and being persecuted for His sake should not give up but stay strong to the end.

He is particularly taken notice of the continent of America especially those who are standing tall and speaking boldly about the Second Coming of His dearest Son Jesus Christ a midst massive police harassment and public riddicle, the Heavenly Father say...He is extermemly proud of you... Do not give up in speaking the Truth and do not relent or bow down to the Pressures of the world exhibited through the Governements for that is how our early Brethen of the Faith never relented and won the Battle even in the face of Death to the extent that, their excutioners became converted and are all sleeping right now awaitng the sound of the Trumpet so they shall awake unto a new day of Eternity. For to you are special Crowns of Glory, Special jewels of Endurance carefully crafted and created with your names inscribed into it in such a manner that, it reflects your names at the touch of Light.

One of the greatest things the Devil and all his divisions are seeking to take from you is not your marriage, your wealth, your children or even make them stubborn and wayward or cause disturbance in every aspect of your lives...but Rather take away these key components most needed on the Journey to Heaven on the Narrow way. Note these carefully and guard them faithfully but with great awakening and fiery anger on anyone who shall attempt to take any of these from you.


Your shield is your protection for it is with this that all fiery ducts of the enemy are quenched. It's also an evidencail tool used to determine your continouns trust in Almighty God through Jesus. The more and stronger you trust in the Almighty God, the greater your Shield grows because the enemy sends millions of scouts and new-comer initiates of the kingdom of darkness to go out and launch various forms of attacks on people who have intimate relationships with Almighty God through Jesus. The enemy does this so as to ensure his life will be preserved and will also not be held directly responsible for the fall of the trusted friends of God.

He did this in the Garden of Eden by passing through the snake in other to access Adam through Eve. Brethren all over the Earth, Lord Jesus died on the cross to launch us into a supernatural realm of understanding and power which will take out the kingdom of darkness in a flash if we are united of which he (the enemy) knows very well, hence he sends all sorts of troubles, waves of circumstances and even attack your relationships and your investments despite paying your Tithes and giving as directed by Holy Spirit. Despite working for God and being faithful in whatever office assigned to you... a question pops up...."WHAT HAS ALL THIS CHURCH STUFF DONE TO YOU? 

And the question seems right because it speaks of all the facts but never reveals the truth about the consequences of walking away from your faithfulness to God after all these years. Today in some countries, Virgins are mocked, teased and laughed at... Keeping yourself pure for your husband or wife has been stained with having a sexual experience to becoming the up-to-date romantic fellow. What the evil spirit do not tell you is this:
  1. One sexual act with the wrong guy can get you pregnant and change your life forever
  2. One sexual act with the wrong person can get you infected with HIV or other sexually transmitted infections
  3. One sexual act with the wrong person can get you initiated into the demonic world to serve the devil
  4. One sexual act with the wrong person is sacrificing your womb to a demon in exchange of money.
  5. One sexual act with the wrong person is establishing a soul-tie with a demonic spirit which will take away all forms of Joy and Peace from your marriage if you ever get married on Earth
  6. One sexual act with the wrong person is exchanging your freedom for bondage; for that person may already be pregnant and is looking for someone to hold responsible hence you have committed yourself to that. She is truly good in bed and gives you countless Orgasms but her character is like the Chain saw...to rip you apart just as chainsaws are used to fall trees that have lived for years
  7. One sexual act with the wrong person can get you into Hell Forever 
Brethren, i am using sex as an example because that is what is rampant across the earth these days. Even in the muslim world, it is an open secret where people are abusing this gift. 

Satan has sent demons across the earth to tell people especially prayerful Christians and Holiness preachers to take it easy and relax a little. These demons are in some of your close friends, Business partners and even walk into church sitting on the Shoulders of some Choristers, Ushers, Prayer Warriors, Pastors and even members of the evangelism team. The demons speaks through them to the Serious ones:

take it easy, Jesus is not Coming Now....Just one bottle of Beer....Nonalcoholic Beer Bro...Even the pastor also drinks this...there is no problem at all...Just a kiss, its not harmful... 

It is all to take away your shield of faith. So watch out Brethren...I have given you the Word From God so you will not be discouraged and fail to Enter the Kingdom of God. With the Prayer Bullet below, pray Concerning those sent to steal your shield of Faith so as to destroy your relationship with Almighty God.

Whatever situation has been created and launched to remove my confidence attack my faith in Jesus Christ and Almighty God, i evoke the Angel of destruction from the Kingdom of God upon the entire forces of darkness and their Commanders in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Let me Know what is going on as you Fired this prayer Bullet
Email me @ Crossevangelism@gmail.com

God Bless you

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