16 November, 2015

The Hall of Giving

Then we left The Palace of Forgiveness and proceeded to “The Palace of Giving.” In The Palace of Giving, any Christian who has not been giving to the work of God will go to hell from there. Imagine a believer in the Church, and an announcement is made for a certain thing and the certain amount of money needed to execute that thing, and the believer has the money in his pocket or bank account and hypocritically pretends no to have heard. Such a person will go to hell from that Palace of Giving, because James 4:17 will come to pass. 

“Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”(James 4:17)

The most unfortunate issue is that of a Christian that does not pay tithe (and probably believing that tithe is an Old Testament command). The way we regard armed robbers of this world, is the way they regard a Christian who does not pay tithe in Heaven (Malachi 3:11). I used to think that my tithe was just because of “the windows of Heaven” to be opened unto me for “blessing that there will not be enough room to receive it” (Malachi 3:10 – 12)

But in Heaven, tithe is more than that; because according to verses of Malachi 3: 8 – 9, if you pay your tithe, you are first of all not robbing God (imagine robbing God!) and you are not cursed by God, before you even talk of “blessing.” So it is basically the principle of “total obedience unto God,” because,  To obey (God) is better than sacrifice (of what you do), and to harken than the fat of rams.”  (1 Samuel 15:22) For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he guilty of all”   (James 2:10)

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