26 November, 2015

The Six Most Important Things the Devil is Seeking to Steal from Your Life - Part 1

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you....Matthew 6:33

Greetings in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, am blessed to give out this great word from the Most High God to all His lovely Children across the surface of the Earth. Heavenly Father is pleased with how some of His Children are faithfully working hard to stand for Him, even to the extent of going to prison without the fear and bowing to the conditions laid out by the constitution. All who are being punished for the sake of the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness will be greatly rewared hence, Father says, each of those people suffering and being persecuted for His sake should not give up but stay strong to the end.

He is particularly taken notice of the continent of America especially those who are standing tall and speaking boldly about the Second Coming of His dearest Son Jesus Christ a midst massive police harassment and public riddicle, the Heavenly Father say...He is extermemly proud of you... Do not give up in speaking the Truth and do not relent or bow down to the Pressures of the world exhibited through the Governements for that is how our early Brethen of the Faith never relented and won the Battle even in the face of Death to the extent that, their excutioners became converted and are all sleeping right now awaitng the sound of the Trumpet so they shall awake unto a new day of Eternity. For to you are special Crowns of Glory, Special jewels of Endurance carefully crafted and created with your names inscribed into it in such a manner that, it reflects your names at the touch of Light.

One of the greatest things the Devil and all his divisions are seeking to take from you is not your marriage, your wealth, your children or even make them stubborn and wayward or cause disturbance in every aspect of your lives...but Rather take away these key components most needed on the Journey to Heaven on the Narrow way. Note these carefully and guard them faithfully but with great awakening and fiery anger on anyone who shall attempt to take any of these from you.


Your shield is your protection for it is with this that all fiery ducts of the enemy are quenched. It's also an evidencail tool used to determine your continouns trust in Almighty God through Jesus. The more and stronger you trust in the Almighty God, the greater your Shield grows because the enemy sends millions of scouts and new-comer initiates of the kingdom of darkness to go out and launch various forms of attacks on people who have intimate relationships with Almighty God through Jesus. The enemy does this so as to ensure his life will be preserved and will also not be held directly responsible for the fall of the trusted friends of God.

He did this in the Garden of Eden by passing through the snake in other to access Adam through Eve. Brethren all over the Earth, Lord Jesus died on the cross to launch us into a supernatural realm of understanding and power which will take out the kingdom of darkness in a flash if we are united of which he (the enemy) knows very well, hence he sends all sorts of troubles, waves of circumstances and even attack your relationships and your investments despite paying your Tithes and giving as directed by Holy Spirit. Despite working for God and being faithful in whatever office assigned to you... a question pops up...."WHAT HAS ALL THIS CHURCH STUFF DONE TO YOU? 

And the question seems right because it speaks of all the facts but never reveals the truth about the consequences of walking away from your faithfulness to God after all these years. Today in some countries, Virgins are mocked, teased and laughed at... Keeping yourself pure for your husband or wife has been stained with having a sexual experience to becoming the up-to-date romantic fellow. What the evil spirit do not tell you is this:
  1. One sexual act with the wrong guy can get you pregnant and change your life forever
  2. One sexual act with the wrong person can get you infected with HIV or other sexually transmitted infections
  3. One sexual act with the wrong person can get you initiated into the demonic world to serve the devil
  4. One sexual act with the wrong person is sacrificing your womb to a demon in exchange of money.
  5. One sexual act with the wrong person is establishing a soul-tie with a demonic spirit which will take away all forms of Joy and Peace from your marriage if you ever get married on Earth
  6. One sexual act with the wrong person is exchanging your freedom for bondage; for that person may already be pregnant and is looking for someone to hold responsible hence you have committed yourself to that. She is truly good in bed and gives you countless Orgasms but her character is like the Chain saw...to rip you apart just as chainsaws are used to fall trees that have lived for years
  7. One sexual act with the wrong person can get you into Hell Forever 
Brethren, i am using sex as an example because that is what is rampant across the earth these days. Even in the muslim world, it is an open secret where people are abusing this gift. 

Satan has sent demons across the earth to tell people especially prayerful Christians and Holiness preachers to take it easy and relax a little. These demons are in some of your close friends, Business partners and even walk into church sitting on the Shoulders of some Choristers, Ushers, Prayer Warriors, Pastors and even members of the evangelism team. The demons speaks through them to the Serious ones:

take it easy, Jesus is not Coming Now....Just one bottle of Beer....Nonalcoholic Beer Bro...Even the pastor also drinks this...there is no problem at all...Just a kiss, its not harmful... 

It is all to take away your shield of faith. So watch out Brethren...I have given you the Word From God so you will not be discouraged and fail to Enter the Kingdom of God. With the Prayer Bullet below, pray Concerning those sent to steal your shield of Faith so as to destroy your relationship with Almighty God.

Whatever situation has been created and launched to remove my confidence attack my faith in Jesus Christ and Almighty God, i evoke the Angel of destruction from the Kingdom of God upon the entire forces of darkness and their Commanders in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Let me Know what is going on as you Fired this prayer Bullet
Email me @ Crossevangelism@gmail.com

God Bless you

23 November, 2015


It was just like all the normal days, the sun came up as usual and children were happily going to school some also had tears in their eyes as they can’t just leave mummy alone. Traffic was heavy and the usual long faces and commercial drivers doing their best to swindle in and out in other to find quick ways to make more gains. The usual talk host was loud and clear busily doing what he loves to do every morning.

Suddenly, something beyond human understand happened, the news channels went off, Radios stopped broadcasting as the television and Satellite TVs instantly had a break. It’s a Technical Fault many comforted themselves whereas other never bothered but believed that no matter what; their favorite program will be aired. Signs of desperation forced others to complain as it has really become the unseen mother, the secret wife, the unaccepted sibling or relative in their lives. Certain people noticed the problem quickly and were thrown in despair, fear and confusion.

The next passenger had vanished without a trace, Right before their eyes. Filled with shock and seeking comfort by sharing the news with a passing fellow, it was there the confusion became even much more. My wife just vanished like that with our only Baby…Boom! there was a crush and it attracted the attention of some sympathy’s.
There they learned that the driver in charge of the vehicle had also vanished and leaving the passengers and the vehicle to the fate of Mercy. Everything seems to be at a stand still as people begin to pour out with similar stories of vanishing relatives, house-maids and neighbors.

Suddenly the news channels came back on air, as people begun making frantic calls to the police and other security networks, others run to their radio and TV sets to get updated on what was going on. We had a technical hitch and everything is back to normal the Voices said… we apologize for any inconvenience caused and our normal programs will resume uninterrupted. It continued but people know very well that something had gone wrong. Within some few seconds, the news started streaming on all the media channels in different formats and styles with live reports stating: It has been reported of vanishing babies from the Regional Hospital and it’s a desperate situation. Let’s join our correspondent live for the Hospital:

Yes what you said is the exact truth and all babies have vanished! I mean vanished some mothers are nowhere to be found and the management is in a hot tightly closed Door meeting querying the staff on duty of how it happened. We will update you as events keep unfolding. And the reporter signed off…

Back to the studio, the host continued, a bus crushed into a building when the driver handling it was also reported to have vanished. Eye witnesses say 10 people died whiles several other sustained serious degrees of injuries.
Other channels kept flooding the community with chilling reports and live eye witnesses saying their version and the confusion becoming even much greater. The international media reporting of the same incident and giving eye witness account from different countries and of different sources.

The amazing this is it happened at the same time all over the world.
What could this be? Is it a dead star which has mistakenly fallen on Earth? And if it was everyone would have been sucked up as well. Massive looting has also occurred in almost all cemeteries and this even made the situation worse. Who on earth will have such power to break such number of graves at the same time and for what reason? Some of these cemeteries had been turned into streets and highways and it’s all broken. What on earth is happening? These were Complains from panel present on of the regular Morning show.

The Police Stations and detention centers are even worse. Inmates had also vanished as well as some officers and the pressure mounting there cannot be described. As the public is running towards them for answers, they are also asking the public for clarification to their situation. A sight you cannot behold, a state you will never want to be in but its happening real and live.
Hurriedly, news channels begin to seek answers and with a surprise, someone begun reading the Bible what a strange thing and these were the words…

“At that time two men will be working in a field: one will be taken away, the other will be left behind.” Matthew 24:40.

Then a great silence fell upon the studio and suddenly a call was put through…

Hello and who is this? The host questioned

I am a pastor and want to explain the events that had just occurred…
the caller responded

Go ahead pastor the world is listening
....The host responded

Then the pastor began. My fellow citizens, what has happened is called the rapture, these events were stated in the Bible many, many years ago that one day Jesus is coming back into this world not as a Lamb to be put to the cross again but this time as a King riding on the clouds with His host of Angels and will be taking away those who belonged to Him……
He said

What does it mean to belong to Jesus
? The host interrupted jokingly

This is to be Born again the caller answered… the looting at the Cemetery was not done by a group of people but by the power of Jesus Christ……
He continued

Excuse me sir, do you mean this Jesus who came riding on the Clouds with Angels went to the cemetery and stole those dead bodies? …..
The host asked laughing with the panel present

You don’t understand, the broken graves are people who died righteous and those who vanished are the living righteous…
the caller went ahead to explain.

Well sir, thanks for the explanation we are very grateful for your time, your call and wonderful knowledge.
The host brushed the caller off with the panel laughing out louder this time.
“So then, where does that leave the wise? or the scholars? or the skillful debaters of this world? God has shown that this world's wisdom is foolishness!” 1Co 1:20

Dear Reader or Listener, will you also be like the pastor who knew the word but was left behind or like the host who knew nothing and laughed at the truth and the painful part is: they were not aware of the torment that is about to Come on them.

You can skip the torment and be part of the rapture by giving your life to Christ and Living the word everyday. Heaven’s ticket is only through Jesus Christ and you can be part by saying this Pray:

Lord Jesus, I admit my wrongs and Accept my mistakes have truly sinned against you and God and in my selfish ways I have hurt many people too. Please forgive me of all my mistakes and take me back. Cleanse away my sins and grant me your gift of life by living in my heart and becoming my Saviour from today. I thank you for forgiving me, accepting me and granting me Life. In Jesus Name I pray with thanksgiving Amen.

After this Prayer you can contact a Bible believing Church and tell them about your experience and you will be greatly helped.

But for further assistance you can contact
: crossevangelism@gmail.com


(This writing was given to me in the 2010, and am re-posting it again.)

Mary Weeping Because of Worship

 There is a place we went to that I have almost forgotten to mention. It was a big palace with twelve mansions. I asked about the owners of these mansions, and he said,The twelve Apostles and one of them is in hell right now. He asked me to look at one separate mansion, it was very big. 

So I went in to peep and I saw a lady, very beautiful in a white gown and full of glory, but she was crying with a high voice saying, No, please don’t worship me, I am not the Saviour. So I asked who she was and shy she was crying. The man beside me said, That is MARY, the mother of Jesus Christ (not the mother of God), and she is still crying till this moment, because people still worship her. Please my people, Mary was/is not our Saviour, she is just the mother of Jesus by physical birth, but not the mother of our Lord. So I asked, “When is she going to stop crying.” 

They said. Until the day of rapture. After that, I was taken to the New Jerusalem. Brethren, it is more beautiful than Heaven, even much more than paradise. You see, the whole Heaven is not paradise; there are streets, towns and cities. The New Jerusalem was surrounded by twelve walls, with twelve gates; each gate is named after the twelve Apostles. 

We go to a place and the Angel was showing me around. He pointed at a mansion and was shaking his head. He said, This is the house of Judas Iscariot, but Judas himself is in hell but his house is here in Jerusalem. 

Now he looked at me and said, Son of the Most High, it is time to return back to earth. And I was murmuring, “Earth, earth, earth; where is earth?” then I looked straight and saw a black place with scanty stars. So I asked the Angel, “Is this the place you want me to go? No, I won’t, you better go there yourself. But for me, I will rather stay here.” So I asked him, “What are those scanty stars I am seeing all over the place?” He said, “Those are the very few believers on earth.” I started arguing with him that I won’t come back to earth. 

So he opened up my vision of hell and I saw how people were rushing into the fire, how people were crying and shouting for help; so I begged him to close my vision to hell based on the promise that I will come back to earth. He also agreed to come with me to earth and stay with me until we both return together. Then he asked me to look straight, when I gazed, lo and behold, I met myself on the hospital bed.

The three things that will make you get to Heaven and have a mansion:
  1. A Godly life, 
  2. Evangelism and soul winning; and 
  3. Spending your money for God.
This is my story; Fear God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13 – 14). Please, avoid anything that will cause you to miss Heaven.
Stay blessed.

Entering inside Heaven

We left the Palace of Children and we got to The Place of Blood. In that place there were two Angels seated opposite each other and a bottle of blood was placed in between them, and they asked me to go and collect the blood. Remember the blood you were redeemed with will appear before you. When I collected the blood and my Angel saw, he started jumping for joy and rejoicing and we started going together again; and there was this gate we were approaching.

At that gate, there was a big mansion in that place. From afar, it looked like a white mansion, but up-close it was pure gold. Immediately I entered into the mansion, in front was a very big book and Angels standing under some golden trees, though the book was not opened in my presence, I knew it was the Book of Life and we just passed through and kept moving. At this point, we were already entering inside Heaven. Some Angels were very tall, and some of normal height, and there were different creatures there, birds, animals etc. The ground and floors were made of pure gold; the houses were beautiful with different colours . 

In fact, I was engrossed in looking at their beauty. It is till we get to this level, that we can celebrate. Do not forget the theme: “Abraham, don’t celebrate your glory yet.” Whatever you are doing for God, please don’t celebrate yet, except you get to that place in Heaven. As soon as I got to Heaven I couldn't find my Angel any longer, but I was not afraid, because I knew I had already made it. I was looking at a very big mansion ahead of me that was full of glory. When I got to the door, it opened slightly and I entered. Oh my God! Come and see the gathering of holy people, they were all dressed in immaculate white garments and were singing, “Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah …” 

When I entered, I saw everyone of them with a crown on their heads. Brethren, your major task on earth should be ho to make Heaven. In Heaven people are with different ranks, some three ranks, some two ranks and so on; but at least they all made it to Heaven – that is ultimate. I pray to make Heaven with plenty of ranks and stars because those stars beautify the garment. What is the meaning of these stars? One star is one soul that you won for the Kingdom and that person stood to the end. The amount of souls you have saved will be attached to you garment as rank(s) and star(s). At this point, the most important thing on your mind is Jesus who redeemed you. 

So I was busy looking for Jesus; “Oh Jesus, oh Jesus, let me see you.” And in all of these searching, there was orderliness, no push, no argument, there was absolute peace. There was a place I got to, I saw the twelve elders on their knees with their crown on the ground, and on the other side there were also twelve elders also on their knees and their crowns too on the ground. Right there on the ground laid a man with a very large crown, he was tall and handsome. 

Suddenly my mind told me that that was Jesus Christ. So I shouted, “Oh Jesus, I have come, I have arrived.” He was very tall, handsome, full of glory, filled with humility. Sincerely, I don’t know where people get pictures of Jesus they used on calendars and posters. Immediately Jesus saw me, He said, “Abraham, Abraham, Abraham, You made it here.” He just lifted me up and shouted, “Hallelujah…” with a high voice and that sound of “Hallelujah…” covered the whole Heaven. How glorious shall it be to be in the hand of Jesus Christ.

In the Palace of the Holy People, Heaven is filled up people worshiping God; it is unfortunate for you not to make Heaven. Heaven is lacking people to worship there, it’s left to you check yourself, so that you too can make it and join them. I said, “I thought they said our forefather, the father of faith Abraham is here.” Immediately, I saw him saw him coming. 

Whatsoever you think of, it will come to pass. He was full of stars, his hair was white and he was glittering as he was approaching. He had a long white beard with golden parties, all the saints bowed their heads and he went away. I thought of Paul, and immediately I saw him coming too! He was of average height with long hair that bared a little in front but a lot at the back; and full of stars. 

Anybody I thought of, I immediately saw. Suddenly a thought came to my mind, about where I came from; “What about the saints that came from there?” Immediately I saw one black man coming and I realized that it was Apostle Ayodele Babalola; I saw Baba R. A. George; I saw that old tall evangelist Baba R. G. Akapo, he was full of stars; I saw so many holy people. 

I moved from that palace to another place where there were mansions of the past and present people. I saw the home of the General Overseer (G.O.) of this Church; the mansion was very tall and big. I saw Baba W.F. Kumuyi’s house in Heaven, and also so many other great men of God. But there were some other great men of God that I did not see their mansion in Heaven, but I will not mention names. 

Now they took me to my own house too and it was under construction. Then I said, “Let the builders come down now, I have to occupy it.” But they said, “No, the house must be completed before you can occupy it.” Later they took me where they kept clothes of the holy people and I saw plenty of them that were great, but they said many of the owners of these clothes are in hell, while some owners are still on earth. From there we went to see where they kept diverse crowns, here again the man cried saying some of the owners were in hell, while some were still here on earth.

18 November, 2015

At the Hall of Children

We later got to a city called The Palace of Children. In this Palace, anybody who has not taken go care of his/her children will go to hell from that Palace. In this Palace of Children, any form of conspiracy of abortion is called murder. 

Even if you were a mother of many children and you aborted the last one saying you did not need a child anymore, you have also committed murder. Anybody who has performed or conspired to abort a pregnancy and has not repented of it before death, the person will go to hell. So after passing through The Hall of Holiness, one can still go to hell from The City of the Children.

At the Hall of the Fruit of the Spirit

 We proceeded to the Palace of The Fruit of The Spirit. In this Palace, there are nine of them according to the book of Galatians 5:22 – 23."But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."

Eat of the nine fruit of spirit; for if anyone is missing, my brethren, it is straight to hell. It must from love (the first) to the last – none must be missing.

At the Hall of Fear and Unbelief

From there I proceeded to another palace called The Palace of Unbelief and Fear. The Bible says in Revelations 21:8, “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake of fire which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” We are no cowards that should be afraid; we have the spirit of son-ship. The cowards and the fearful and the rest of them will go to hell.

At the Hall of Worldliness

We got to another palace called The Palace of Worldliness. In this Palace of Worldliness, once you get there, you will see yourself on a television showing all of your activities on earth; like how you wear your clothes etc. Some pastors with funky hairstyles, their case was very fast, because they go straight to hell. Those that use skin lightening cream to alter/change their skin color, make-up with Jerry curl hair styles, wearing of mini-skirts and nude clothes, will all go to hell. 

Please, my fellow ministers of the Gospel, some of us pastors are very good with high moral life standard, but the members of our Church misbehave and dress anyhow and the pastor will not correct them because of money. Let me tell you, that pastor will go to hell. Please do not allow your members to entice you with money that will lead you to hell.

A certain woman was shouting, “I will never forgive my pastor (though it was too late for her to forgive), because when she was still alive she attended a revival meeting where she has the word about end time. She gathered all her belongings, including jewelries, bags, shoes and clothes that did not benefit a Christian and set all on fire.

She started dressing normally as a child of God. One day (as we saw it on the screen), the pastor of her Church saw her and said, “Sister, what happened to you?” She explained what happened at the revival meeting she went to and said, “My pastor, let me tell you, you are not telling us the truth about the way of the Lord here.” The pastor said to her, “Oh my God, you have gone to worship with all those orthodox churches, for God has nothing to do with your way dressing because you have believed Him in your mind. 

Because of what the pastor said to her, she went back home and started dressing in her old worldly ways again. After service one day, on her way back home, she got involved in an auto accident and she died and went to hell after all she had been through. It was inside hell she was crying, “I will never forgive my pastor.” But brethren it was too late. Whosoever has worn skinny or sexy clothes that exposed their nakedness and has not repented of it, will go to hell. Heaven is Holy, God Himself is Holy, Jesus Christ is also Holy, Their Spirit is the Holy Spirit; there is no dirty thing that can enter there.

At The Hall of Separation, Commitment and Self Sacrifice.

From that palace, we proceeded to the Palace of Separation. In this Palace, anybody who has not separated himself for God, even if he is a minister of God, he/she cannot make Heaven. Because of our time now, I will go ahead to say that I proceeded to the Palace of Commitment. In this Palace, you are going to be examined on how committed and dedicated you are. 

If your dedication and commitment is no 100%, my brother and sister, the result is hell. We proceeded to another palace called The Palace of Self Sacrifice. If your self-sacrifice is not 100%, brethren the result is hell. In all these things that I am saying, the Lord is my living witness that they are all true. In the name of Jesus, I pray for myself and for everyone of you reading, that you will not regret working for God.

At the Hall of Accountability

In this Palace of Accountability, all the evil deeds and thoughts you have done while on earth you did not confess for the blood of Jesus to wash them, you will then start confessing them one after the other; those that you killed, lied against etc., you will confess everything. As you are confessing your sins, beside you is a pillar and a computer and an Angel standing beside as you confess, everything will be written and recorded on the computer. 

After confirming that everything is correct on the report, then there will come a voice from Heaven saying, “Because of all these evil characters of yours while on earth, take the path that is equal to your character, DEPART to hell.”

At the Hall of Holiness

After that, The Palace of Holiness. It was boldly written “Welcome to the city of the King of Glory. No unclean thing will ever go in and your sin shall be revisited before you can enter.” As you are coming out from the last gate, a white robe will just cover you. From all the Halls (Palaces) you have been coming from, you have been naked the all the while. In this Palace of Holiness, if anything called sin appears before you, it is straight to hell. 

Please now read and pray Paul’s prayer in the book of 1 Thessalonians 5:22 – 23, Abstain from every form of evil. Now may God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may you whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” At this Palace of Holiness, so many ministers of God with different titles on earth, and so many “Christians” went to hell from there. Pray day and night with crying that Jesus make you holy in your heart, in your spirit and make you holy in body.

“Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all the filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”(2 Corinthians 7:1)


A woman came to that hall; and she was told, “You cannot pass-by.” And she said, “I lived a holy Christian life. What did I do?” The Angel said, “Fold you hands.” She folded her hands, and the Angel said, “Open them.” When she opened her hands, twelve sticks of matches were in her hands. And the Angel said,Where did you get these twelve sticks of matches?” 

Then she said, “My neighbor gave me a box of matches to light my stove because I did not have any. I lit one and it did not light, but the second one was used to light the stove.” And then, she took out twelve extra sticks and put into her own match box without telling her neighbor.

But the Angel asked her,Did you tell that you removed twelve sticks of matches. And she said, “I did not.” The Angel now said, Look up and read. And she read, “No unclean thing will ever go in.” And the Angel said, “How many unclean things did it say?She said, “Only one.” The Angel now said, How many matches do you have?” She said, “Twelve.” And then the voice said, “DEPART!


A man of God came, who suffered a lot in the ministry. (You will be seeing everything on the screen), he had a farm beside the Church. One day he was tilling the farm and found where a foul laid four eggs inside hi farm. He took the eggs, cooked them and ate them. That was all! When he got to the Angel, he was told, You cannot enter. And he asked, “Please, what did I do?” The Angel said, Fold your hands. When he did, four eggs appeared in the hand. The Angel asked him,Where did you find these eggs? And he said, “I was weeding on my farm and because I did not have food to eat, I took the eggs.” The Angel said, “Are you the owner of the fowl? Did you even make effort to search for the owner of the fowl? That is stealing. And no thief can enter Heaven.And then the voice came DEPART!

When it was my turn, the Angel present in that palace was like a mirror and all his body was full of eyes and they (eyes) were all blinking; they called him the Angel of God. Once you appear and from far the Angel is shaking his head, that means you are unfortunate; and you are going straight to hell. When I got to him, he was full of smile, he shook my hand and said, You are welcome home.Immediately I left that palace and I was walking along the side of the wall, a door opened unto me and I saw the glory of Shekinah flashing into the place.

 No matter how powerful you are, you must close your eyes. And suddenly, a force pushed me out and already an Angel was standing there; a very tall Angel with white garment, his crown was shinning as he stood, his beauty was enormous. Immediately when he saw me he shook my hands and spoke in English saying, Son of the Most High God, you are welcome, and he left my hands.

You see where I was standing was full of bright shining gold and I was shouting, “Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God.” Beside me was a long pillar and fine flowers planted beside. So I bent down to pick a golden stone and the stone shouted, “Hallelujah!” I was just wondering what this beautiful place was, and after sometime, the Angel said to me, Son of Most High, let’s go; and I replied, “To where?” He answered,Home. I said, “So where are we?” He said,This is our bush here in Heaven. And I marveled and said, “You mean this is bush?!”

16 November, 2015

The Hall of Vain Words

In this Palace of Vain Words, once you enter, there is a television on one side, and then you will stand on the other side. When it is your judgement time, you will see all the idle words you have said here on earth. If that person has repented from those idle words he has ever spoken, the blood of Jesus will come down on the screen and wipe them away. 

So, if that person has never said any evil word before his death, the television screen will be clean and that person shall be told “PROCEED!” But if you have ever said any idle word and repented of them, and during your journey in the world you say some other idle words without repenting of them, they will be written on the screen. Those who have not repented of their evil talks, and even those that repented and committed again the sin of idle words, will all go to hell. 

Remember David said “Oh Lord, my Saviour, let the word of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you.”(Psalm 19:14)   And Jesus said, “Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.” (Matthew 12:36) When I got there, my people, again God showed me mercy. The Angel shook my hand and said, “PROCEED!”; and I proceeded to another palace called The Palace of Accountability.

The Hall of Works

When we left The Palace of Giving, we proceeded to a palace called “The Palace of Works.” Don’t forget what Paul said I Corinthians that every effort of every child of God, be you a pastor, Evangelist, Bishop etc., that every work you have done for God will be tested by fire (please read 1 Corinthians 3:12 – 15). 

In this Palace of Work, when they mention somebody’s name, as you are approaching, there is a room not more than 8ft by 8ft and you go inside. Before you enter, somebody has always been behind you since you died and you won’t know that he has been following you. He is standing closely behind you like a shadow. As you enter into that room, that person will come in front of you with a portfolio in his hand, raised up to your face and writing your handwork on earth. There is a golden table and the portfolio will be placed on it.

The door will be shut behind you and suddenly the whole surrounding of that room will turn into fire and gradually the flame of that fire will be going down and finally it will quench. Then you will see if the work that person has done on earth is wood, grass, hay or stubble, the flame will consume it. But if it is gold, silver or any precious stone, another door will be opened unto you and you will still find yourself on that narrow road again. 

But this is what happened to me when I got there. I saw a little stone no too big and it landed on my palm. I became very happy and as I was rejoicing, the stone lifted up and was going again. But I understood very well that it means my work has gone to wait for me in paradise, since I am still on a journey, but my work has gone ahead of me. When I left The Palace of Works, I got to a palace called “The Palace of Vain Words.

The Hall of Giving

Then we left The Palace of Forgiveness and proceeded to “The Palace of Giving.” In The Palace of Giving, any Christian who has not been giving to the work of God will go to hell from there. Imagine a believer in the Church, and an announcement is made for a certain thing and the certain amount of money needed to execute that thing, and the believer has the money in his pocket or bank account and hypocritically pretends no to have heard. Such a person will go to hell from that Palace of Giving, because James 4:17 will come to pass. 

“Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”(James 4:17)

The most unfortunate issue is that of a Christian that does not pay tithe (and probably believing that tithe is an Old Testament command). The way we regard armed robbers of this world, is the way they regard a Christian who does not pay tithe in Heaven (Malachi 3:11). I used to think that my tithe was just because of “the windows of Heaven” to be opened unto me for “blessing that there will not be enough room to receive it” (Malachi 3:10 – 12)

But in Heaven, tithe is more than that; because according to verses of Malachi 3: 8 – 9, if you pay your tithe, you are first of all not robbing God (imagine robbing God!) and you are not cursed by God, before you even talk of “blessing.” So it is basically the principle of “total obedience unto God,” because,  To obey (God) is better than sacrifice (of what you do), and to harken than the fat of rams.”  (1 Samuel 15:22) For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he guilty of all”   (James 2:10)

The Hall of Forgiveness

As I left there, I got to another palace called “The Palace of Forgiveness.” In this palace of forgiveness, it is boldly written, “Unless you forgive others, you cannot be forgiven.” If there is anyone who has offended you and you did not forgive that person, this is the junction that will lead you to hell. If your wife has offended you, you must forgive her, forbear and restore fellowship with her. If she is not there with you, it is not just forgiveness, you will also call her on the phone and tell her that you have forgiven her because you do not want to go to hell! I remember I once offended my wife, I apologized nine times and prostrated to her. 
But she said, “My dear, you did not offend me.” I said, “Please, my wife don’t kill me. I offended you, you must forgive me.” The ninth time, she now said, “Oh my husband, we offend God and He forgives our sins, talk less of we humans. I have forgiven you.” 

In Heaven there is a big chain used by Jesus to chain those that refused to forgive. The chain is “Our Lord’s Prayer”: “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” (Matthew 6:12). What this verse means is that, “Lord, when I get to The Palace of Forgiveness and I have forgiven all my offenders, let me escape Your judgment; but if there is anyone I have not forgiven, oh Lord do not forgive me too.” 

That is the meaning and it is a chain in The Palace of Forgiveness that will send people to hell. There was a man there. He and his wife had a quarrel and they have even settled the quarrel and reconciled. But whenever his wife did something, he will always refer back to that incident. And he was told, If truly you have forgiven her, why are you still using it. It proves that you have not forgiven her from your heart.” This is what sent the man to hell, because of Matthew 18:35. 

Chapter 4f - The Hall of Restitution

So when he (Angel) said, “PROCEED!”, I was looking at myself and thinking that the Angel might change his mind; but the next person was already being attended to. When I got to the wall, a door opened and I went outside. And immediately I stepped outside the door, that same narrow road I was following before from the junction of separation was where I found myself and I kept following the narrow path again. Right ahead of me, I saw a very big mansion with an inscription

Welcome to The Palace of Restitution. Your sins shall be revisited before you proceed further.”  

Listen to me; because there is restitution in the Bible therefore there is room for restoring what you have stolen or someone else’s property that was left in your care. Please, return them back to the owner NOW! Think of anything that doesn’t belong to you which is with you: Wristwatch, Sun Glasses, Clothing, Bible, Handset (Mobile Phone), Money, Cassette, CD, DVD etc. 

Please return everything that does not belong to you before you get to The Palace of Restitution and it can only be done NOW before you die. Even if you spent Government, Church or somebody’s money in a wrong way you must return them. If there is anything in your custody that does not belong to you, even as a minister of God (I know this is ridiculous), you must return it. If you are in a secret cult or/and you engage in fetish practice, I beg you, renounce them and destroy those things with fire before death comes because if death comes and meet with this dirty character then you are indebted.

And certainly you will beweighed in the balances and (will be) found wanting. (Daniel 5:27). If you have not paid the dowry on your wife go and pay it now because you are in debt. Please tell any wife that if she is collecting the family up-keep money from her husband and she decides (by her natural wisdom) to do contribution with the said money, tell her that that is stealing and she must return them all to her husband with apologies and ask for forgiveness. Likewise a husband that is stocking away money somewhere without the knowledge of his wife must go now and reveal the secret by letting her know. This is because “they are no more twin (individuals) but one flesh.” (Matthew 19:6). A husband that borrowed money from the wife without paying it should go and pay back now before it’s too late. 

Again, when I say unto the wicked, Thou shall surely die; if he return from his sin (repent), and do that which is lawful and right (live righteously); if the wicked restore the pledge, give again (restitute everything) that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity (not presently living in sin); he shall surely live (go to Heaven), he shall not die (not go to hell).”(Ezekiel 33:14 – 17) So from Ezekiel 33: 14 – 17 (which is one of the whole counsels of God), restitution then is one of the conditions of getting into Heaven.


 A woman came into the room of restitution. This woman lived a life that pleased God; and she was so humble. But the husband was a wicked man. When the Angel said, “You cannot go …You cannot continue any longer.” She shouted, “Please, have mercy on me … I used all my life to please God.” The Angel said,Truly, all your life you have lived a life that pleased God, but look at what happened.(Because Jesus Christ said that anything done in the secret will be revealed openly; so we were watching it on the screen). 

In the morning of that particular day, she came to her husband for money for food and he gave her a little amount. But she told her husband, “Truly, this is small.” She now faithfully gathered her husband’s clothes to wash and discovered that there was ₦27,500 in a pocket of one of his trousers; and took ₦7,000 from it. Before God and man, she did not buy anything for herself (not even a brassiere) but used the money to prepare food for the children, herself and her husband. 

 So she said, “Please, I did not do anything evil with the money.” And Heaven said, It is true that you did not buy anything personal with the money but used it to cook food for your family, but did you tell your husband that you took ₦7,000 from his pocket? And don’t forget that we are in The Hall of Restitution … A thief will not enter Heaven.And with that, the voice said, “DEPART!


A man, a minister of God who lived a holy life and preached the sound word of God was called. When he heard that he would not be able to proceed further, he asked, “Please, what did I do? I lived all my life to please God.” When his daughter wanted to get married, he took money from the Church’s treasury and added it to his own money for the wedding. 

As the G.O. nobody asked him what the money was meant for. At the end of the year, the Church’s account was read and there was no specification that, that particular money was used for the G.O.’s daughter’s wedding and so it was put as miscellaneous expenses. And the G.O. said, “But, I did not hide it the elders were there when the account was read.” And he was told, “Did you specify it?” And with that the voice said “DEPART!”

An incident happened to me at my Egbeda Church’s branch, Lagos State, Nigeria. When I got to Iyana – Ipaja, I bought two handkerchiefs, I gave one to my pastor and I kept the second handkerchief. Before God and man, I never knew I had a third handkerchief by mistake and I righteously paid for only two.

During the revival, right there on the altar, I heard a voice, “Abraham, if you die now, you are going to hell.” I said, “What is my offence?” The voice said, “Check your pocket.” When I did, I saw a third handkerchief in my pocket and I was bitter and embittered. But I said, “I never knew.” And the voice said, “It is because you don’t know, that is why I am telling you. Go and return that handkerchief back to the owner. And not only that you must come and confess in public that you are a thief because you stole an handkerchief.” 

To this story, there are people who can testify to it, that I openly confessed in the presence of the people of God that I was a thief who stole a handkerchief. First day, second day and the third day passed and I had not returned the handkerchief. But on the fourth day, I got to Iyana – Ipaja where I bought the handkerchief and made an attempt to return it. Immediately when I paid for that handkerchief, I heard a voice saying, “Now Abraham, if you die now, you will go to Heaven.” Please my people, what about those three days of my revival meetings (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)? What if I had died during the revival? I would have gone to hell! Please, if there is any property in your care that does not belong to you, please go and return it NOW! 

When it was my turn at The Palace of Restitution, I did not stay long at all. I got my salvation at Four Square Gospel Church, before I started messing around. Remember, I backslid five times. Before I started to backslide, I was attending Deeper Life Bible Church for about ten years, so I understood the lesson or teaching of restitution before I was told to proceed to the next level. All these, were as a result of the mercy of God upon my life.