14 March, 2016

The Longest Five Minutes of Your Life - Poem

 The Longest five minutes of your Life will be the First Five Minutes after you die

Exactly Five Minutes after you die (come out of your Body), you will be shocked and confused; for you can still see, hear, walk and even pass through walls. You will hear the people talking and wailing yet they cannot hear nor see you. 

Five Minutes after you die, you will be taking your first orientation on the reality of Life After Death. Even though you think you are dreaming,you will be shocked to realize that, this life you are experiencing is more vivid that the one on Earth. Everything will be much clearer and your senses will become more sharper than ever. And you will also see the other citizens of the Universe (Angels or demons) you (ignored) thought were not real. 

Five Minutes after death, you will  remember all the Church Services, the Prayer Meeting and Bible Studies you missed due to certain reasons you will simply come to realize were vanity. You will remember all the sermons you joked with and all the disheartening things you said about your Pastor. You will also remember all the sins,mistakes and shortcomings you did not confess and ask for forgiveness and all those you have not forgiven whiles on Earth. Every idle word will flash before you and Oh you will be surprised that you said them even in your chambers.

Five Minutes after death, you will remember all the people you did not witness the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to. You will also remember all the Souls who walked by you and those you sat with in the bus. You will remember how Holy Spirit asked you to bring someone to Jesus Christ and simply ignored and refused due to one reason or the other.

Exactly five minutes after death, you will instantly know if you lived the life of a true Christian and a disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth or simply followed the World and its pleasures.

Five Minutes after Death, you will remember all the opportunities you missed on Earth to serve God Faithfully with all your Might, with all your Soul and with all your Heart. You will also remember every opportunity you wasted. Oh yes! that which came unto you to Love your family and be faithful to the office and work the Lord entrusted you with to do on his behalf...you will remember every useless activity you undertook which stole the seconds of your life away without noticing it. 

Five Minutes after your die, Eternity is fixed for you, there is no second chance, no opportunity to come back to fix a mistake, to mend that broken relationship, to restore that treasure which you wrongfully took. No second chance to seek a Saviour to deliver you from Eternal Punishment.Where ever you shall see yourself, you will be there forever. 

Five Minutes after you die, all sport activities and events, social activities, Investment and Business deals, your Clothes, Jewelries, Money in the Bank, your cars and Houses together with your private Jets; even the business you built with your sweat and blood will be useless. They can't help you but may even add to the punishment and sorrows that lay ahead. Whereas to some, they are simply rubbish of the highest filth compared to the things they will seeing and experience

Five Minutes after you die, you will ask yourself the Most important Questions you skipped on Earth which is What Matter's Most? What is the Most Important things i should have done? What should have been my Priorities and who should have been my friend? Who should i have listen to and who should i have ignored? You will ask yourself all these Oh my Reader...you will surely ask.

The Longest Five Minutes of your life can be transformed by taking hold of the seconds you have now. To know Jesus Christ of Nazareth if you don't and make him the Personal Saviour of your life on Earth and after Earth if you have not. 

Brethren, Take the Next five minutes of  your life to get right with God Almighty;  if you are not right with him and in the next five minutes, make amends with the people who matter most to you if you are have any broken relationship. Take time out of your busy schedules and spend time with those important people God Almighty has given you. For a Man's life on Earth is like a puff of Smoke, it is here today and gone the Next Day.... James 4:14

God Bless You

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