11 March, 2016


I am writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to concerning a sect called The Brotherhood of the Cross and Star originating from Nigeria and spreading her tentacles across the world. This is a false religion and is one of the wicked and evil vineyards harvesting souls for the prince of the air (satan).

THE ALMIGHTY GOD, THE I AM THAT I AM says, the people of this religion do not have and will never have any place in His Kingdom. Everything they are doing is in vain and is to the glory and honor of a human being and satan.

The Founder of this Religion gave himself the title the almighty father and was purporting himself as god on earth from heaven. Brethren, don’t fooled because the founder olumba olumba obu spent his last days on the sick bed with blindness. Have you ever heard or read anywhere that the creator of the universe is blind?

Consider the following scripture:

Acts 4:12 – salvation is to be found through him ( Jesus Christ of Nazareth) alone; in all the world there is no one else whom God has given who can save us. 

Brethren, only the crucified Jesus Christ of Nazareth who dead and resurrected on the third day has the ability to grant humanity salvation. And salvation from what one may ask. It is salvation (exemption) from the Eternal punishment awaiting any soul that will depart this earth without Jesus Christ of Nazareth as his or her Lord and personal Saviour.

Have you ever heard of The Creator of the Universe die? It is never heard off because death exists only on the human plane but once you are not in this plane, you cannot die and will never die. But will either be in a place of torment or a place of rest.

Therefore fellow brethren reading this, may you ask the Lord of the Harvest to look towards the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star with mercy and deliver his own from among them that they shall not perish in everlasting fire. Let’s us also ask the Lord of the Harvest to enforce his perfect will on this sect sending souls to hell in numbers.

Next thing on Jesus heart is to let all humanity know that, there is no one on this earth or in the Heaven that answers to the title the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords except HE alone. All who ever attempted this are in hell fire being tormented by demons and with various kinds of tortures. Therefore, the fellow calling himself by this title in the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star should repent, seek and surrender totally to the True Messiah – Jesus Christ of Nazareth else he will also find himself in Hell fire burning forever, wishing for the least of his many servants to cool his tongue with a drop of water from her little finger.
God Bless You

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