25 September, 2015

Forward and Introduction of Divine Revelation of Heaven by Mary Kathryn Baxter

 The inspired writings of Mary Kathryn Baxter are divinely anointed by God, and they have blessed hundreds of thousands of people. I believe it is of utmost importance to widely disseminate the message that God has given to her. She shares these experiences in hundreds of churches each year, and she has now put them down in book form.

Her previous book, A Divine Revelation of Hell, has been especially used of God to deliver the eternal message of salvation to the lost. It has been widely received with enthusiasm by people all over the world, having been printed in many different countries and in many different languages. Well over half a million copies have been sold to date. I believe this book, A Divine Revelation of Heaven, will be received in an even greater way.

As Mary Kathryn Baxter’s pastor for several years, I know her personally, and I fully endorse her ministry. God has placed His approval on her work by anointing her ministry and by giving this message such a wide acceptance.

This book is the result of many prayers, tears, and hard work. I pray that its wide distribution will be the cause of many souls coming to know the Lord and making preparations to spend eternity in heaven!
-T. L. Lowery, Ph.D.

This book is an account of a number of true experiences I have had with God. It is not the work of an overactive imagination or the pipe dream of someone who hopes for something better than this life has to offer.

Heaven is a reality, and the experiences I describe in this book are told just as they happened to me. I did not see everything there is to see in heaven-it will take eternity to do that. I do not relate everything I saw in heaven; even Paul did not do that. (See 2 Corinthians 12:1-4.) But I am relating all that God has told me to share.

I want to give special honor and thanks to my pastor, the Reverend Dr. T. L. Lowery, and to his beautiful wife, Mildred, for their support, encouragement, and valuable contributions in this endeavor. I also would like to express my sincere gratitude for the staff of the National Church of God and for the Reverend Marcus V. Hand for his editorial guidance on this book. Additionally, I gratefully recognize and credit all those at Whitaker House in New Kensington, Pennsylvania, who have been instrumental in so many ways in making both A Divine Revelation of Heaven and A Divine Revelation of Hell available to the reading public.

I am grateful to God who has called me to share this message. I thank you who have strengthened and encouraged me in my God- called ministry. God bless you all!
-Mary Kathryn Baxter

For this purpose you were born
To write and tell
What I have shown and told you,
For these things are faithful and true.
Your call is to let the world know
That there is a heaven, and there is a hell,
and that I, Jesus, was sent by the Father
So save them from torment
And to prepare them a place in heaven.

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