11 November, 2015

Brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure.(1 Peter 1: 10) 
TEKEL: Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. (Daniel 5: 27)
“The two … landed at a point where there are so many dead persons queued in a line that you cannot see the end. You are the last and so you stay at the back. Within that minute of your arrival, when you look behind, other dead persons that must have lined up will be more than five thousand (5000). That is where I discovered that there are about five thousand dead every minute … multiply that by sixty (60) minutes, and by twenty four (24) hours.

Can you now imagine the number of people who die per day? In Heaven, there is neither day nor night. Reflect this in retrospect to our own world – a day means morning and night. In Heaven, on a very good “day”, only five (5) people might make Heaven; sometimes three, two or even one person! Sometimes nobody at all! But on the other side to hell fire, the multitude that troop in there is like the sand on the sea shore. As a believer, there is a moment when you were saved and all your sins were completely forgiven. After your salvation, all the sins you committed and did not repent of them before you died, will all appear on the television screen”

Some take their liberty in Christ to be an occasion of the flesh (Galatians 5:13), forgetting (or is it neglecting?) 2 Corinthians 7:1; Hebrews 12: 14. That is why some “born-again” will be “weighed in the balances (of their lives after being born again), and (will be) found wanting.) (Daniel 5:27).

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