30 December, 2015

A New Year Message from the Watchman

Dear Brethren in the Lord,

I welcome you to the Year 2016, a year of ultimate hope, inspiration and great testimonies coupled with breakthroughs from all ends. it is a new beginning according to our calendar and calculations on Earth but in according to the Kingdom of God, it is another phase drawing closer and closer to the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and more importantly, it is also the counting days of the end of satan's domain on the earth. Almighty God has laid two things on my Heart to pass on to you....

1.  You should know you are mortal and not yet immortal and hence your days on earth are numbered. According to Psalm 90:12 - Ask the Lord to teach you to number the remaining days of your life. That you will fill your heart with His wisdom but not the things of this earth. Almighty Father loves you dearly and yearns for you to be with Him forever but this depends on you. Your immortality state is sealed the moment you die and leave this earth, then where ever you will be will surely tell of your eternal position. Almighty Father wants you to constantly access the state of your salvation each minute and each hour for that is what is available to you. You should know the truth that, not all who begun 2015 with you did not arrive at 31st December 2015 with you. You should know this as the perfect truth because only a fool will bury his head in the pleasure of the world and say all is well rejecting the end of their days. Don't be fool by rejecting the truth that one day you will breath your last and a coffin will be purchased for your body.  All your earthly possessions will become another man's property  and they will spend it without remembering you. Think about where you are going to spend eternity....and begin now to plan towards that. Remember that, a lukewarm person is cast out by God. If you want to be sinful, be sinful so you shall be rewarded according to your deeds but if you want to be righteous, be righteous so you shall be righteously rewarded.

2. The next thing Father God wants to tell you is about the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Brethren, this is the next biggest event waiting to happen and all the beings in the universe are preparing towards it. satan knows he is finished immediately this great event takes place. Brethren, during the days of Noah, Father God allowed 120 years of constant warning to the people of those days and used 7 days to flood the whole earth killing all human beings, animals and birds of the earth. The second coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ has been announced for a long time and is being sounded louder and louder across the other regions of the earth and yet....Millions are still in their wicked days mocking those who are carrying this important notice to the nations. Yes, it has taken so many years to announce it perhaps even more than a 120 years adding the grace periods yet many are still fooling and mocking as the people of old. Almighty Father in Heaven says....it will happen and none shall know the exact time with which it will happen. For it will be sudden and will take seconds to accomplish the foretold prophecy. Do not be fooled by wealth and pleasures, marriages and instant breakthroughs....for many are to deceive the masses even the very elected ones of God. Yes, there shall be business boom and financial success shifting from the west to the east...Continents noted for bad things shall surely blossom and make people wealthy but note this...Father God in Heaven says...many of those financial Booms are not from Him...but from satan. Be careful for the days are going to get darker and more evil behind the scenes.

Brethren, may these two warnings or counsel or advice from our Heavenly Father be scripted on the tablets of your Hearts and make you Heaven ready in Jesus Name. Happy New Year

09 December, 2015

The Six Most Important Things the Devil is Seeking to Steal from Your Life - Part 2

This is on the condition that you continue in faith without being moved from the solid foundation of the hope that the Good News contains. You've heard this Good News of which I, Paul, became a servant. It has been spread throughout all creation under heaven....1 Colossians 1:23

 Dear Brethen in the Lord, am glad to be alive and be chosen as a vessel one more time to be used to pass on this important information from the Heart of Our Heavenly Father to you. Be remined that, He loves you beyond description and knows all that you are going through.

Today, Daddy in Heaven want you to know the Second Most important thing the Devil is seeking to steal from you. Some people might have quickly come to a conclusion after leading the First Message but i urge you to take it easy and lets patiently read the caution notes and letters from Our Heavenly Father.

Yes, everyone will face countless Mornings before facing the grave but have you every given a thought to where you will be going after all the Victories and importance you acquire on this Planet? And one more important thing i want to draw your attention is this...Every important personality has a lawyer who has his back. He does not really think of whats going to happen if my procedures goes wrong or if that happens. He knows of a competent lawyer smart guy who has taken time to study the laws and understand the clauses.

In the spiritual world, same is said of that place, you need a competent being to help you get through all those spiritual laws -clauses and phrases, articles and the numerous sections that secretly governs every aspect of the systems of the earth and all aspects of Human life.

Brethren, Satan wants you to miss the Holy Spirit, He wants you never to know him, never to have a fellowship with Him,  and Never to walk in His ways. When Holy Spirit comes to stay inside a person, that fellow becomes a whole new creature. Matthew 7:23 makes us aware that all evil things which defiles a human being thus gives a person a bad reputation comes from within Him.  Your Words come from with you, it is a summary of information you have processed after receiving them through your five sense - Sight, feelings, Hearing, smell, and taste finally produces a summary of the words that you speak.  Hence you speak cursing words because you have been taking in a lot of cursing and negative stuffs.  You speak Blessing words because you have been taking in a lot of Good and inspiring stuffs.  You alone chooses what enters into you and you alone chooses what comes out of your mouth to shape your environment, Nation and the world without knowing.

Brethren, Holy Spirit has special gift for everyone who allows Him to come into their life. Almighty God, Our Heavenly Father knows about the tactics and plans of the fallen angel satan to influence people into killing themselves, causing harm of all kinds and sorts, destroy the vegetation and pollute the air beyond human survival. He knows it all and has the way out. How can we stop him...?

It is only By the Power of the Holy Spirit and once He comes to dwell into you, He provides you with a spiritual Armour with a special part called the Breastplate of Righteousness. This Breastplate is to protect your Heart, and help you bring forth good things from your mouth into the universe. Every word you speak gives power to either Angels to work on your behalf or demons to destroy things according to your command and their desires. You cannot create a perfect world if you don't have the breastplate of righteousness for this Powerful material helps you to create according to the perfect will of God.

The Breastplate of Righteousness make you hunger and thirst more for the Original Manual of the Universe which is the Holy Bible. Brethren, satan knows that if you should study your Bible every day for two Hours with your entire family and pray for another Hour, He will be completely kicked out of business. He knows also that, if you should study your Bible each day for two hours, you will realize that, You are not destined to be sick and you are never destined to be in need hence the demons making you sick will be out of business and they will have nothing to do.

The Kingdom of Darkness is into Business because Humans Do study the Bible and Pray according to the will of God.

The Breastplate of Righteousness is the only material created by God for every human being who will submit to Him, to do things according to the Will of God.  You need this Breastplate to talk right, teach your children and generations rightly, you need it to treat your wife right. Without it your spirit man is exposed to all waves of lust and sensual pleasure from the Kingdom of darkness. Some People are lusting over other people's partners because they don't have this plate. A demon of lust has entered into their Heart and is desiring to cause havoc hence it is pushing them to do what is not right. Lesbians, Homosexuals, people who have sex with animals- dogs, horses, chickens, goats, even snakes are not having the breastplate of righteousness, their hearts are occupied by evil spirits who desire these things and drive them to do it. The pleasure they derive is for a short time and once these spirits are done, they leave you with guilt and most times empty looking for another pleasure to find that Joy again.

You know you are addicted to Drugs, Sensual Pleasures, You enjoy causing harm to people no matter how much they beg you, You take people's things even when you don't want to and yet cannot stop, come to Jesus...He is the Only one who can help you. From the outside everything seems fine, you have a good job but your life is a string of mistakes and negative consequences and your own children hate you and don't even want to have anything to do with you. Come to Jesus...Surrender to him and He will help you. Pray with me with a sincere heart:

Lord Jesus, i come to you as i am
Tired and worn out from the pleasures of this world
Look down on me with your eyes of Mercy
Reach out to me your Mighty Hands, that which you took the Nails for me
And draw out the bondage i have entangled myself

From Lust, i Plead you deliver me
From Adultery and all its consequences, i beg you to save me and correct all my errors
From Prostitution and all the consequences of the disease have contracted....Please Help me
From all those things i cannot remember and yet am completely guilty off according to my Records in Heaven...

Please Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Save...
I surrender my Life to you now...My Body, Soul and Spirit
I lay it down with my knees bending and trembling spirit
Forgive OH Lord, Forgive me and please find a way to heal and restore all those i have hurt
In Your Mighty Name i Pray....Amen

God Bless you for praying from your Heart, email me (crossevangelism@gmail.com), let me know of your Location and with the Help of Holy Spirit, we will find you a wonderful place where you can to taught to be established in the Kingdom of God.

God Bless you for Reading and looking forward to Hearing from you.