08 May, 2017

Dear Mama

As I stare into your eyes to go back into time 
And remember what you looked like
I took a good study of your skin
And a long look at your Hair, Hands and Fingers.
I look back to simply imagine the beauty of your youth
That, which you shed for me.

Dear Mama, 
Today is the official day to honour Mothers
but i will honour you everyday
Like a candle Flame in the wind
You sacrificed your best to have me in your womb.
You did not consider your beauty nor your status among men
You humbled yourself to be made pregnant
and carried me inside you for nine interesting months.

In there, you dreamed of me, 
You dreamed of my future and gave me a name in your heart
Whiles Daddy was still figuring things out...you already named me.
You prayed for me when i could not even talk
You sang, danced and made me the Hope of your life.

Mama, I appreciate you so much and i say Thank You.
On the day of my arrival, i gave you pain...unbearable for any man on earth.
Yet in all these, i remember the smile you gave when Daddy held your hands.
From the womb, i heard you scream and gather all your strength to bring me to Earth.
I remember your thigh muscle shaking and the blood of your life
I remember your sign of relieve and smile when i was lifted before me.

Mama, i remember the hot tears from your 
eyes that fall on my checks, 
when held me in your hands...
I remember it all from one stage to another,
Teaching me how to sit, walk, stand and write.
You taught me my first words.
and has never left my sight.

Now am grown and about to be a father
Everyday when i wake up, i remember you
Thank you Mama, 
Thank you for every lesson you have taught me.
Am forever grateful. - Have a Happy Memorial Day.

Tackling Pornography in the Last Days

Dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ told you to expect: In the last times people who ridicule God will appear. They will follow their own ungodly desires. These are the people who cause divisions. They are concerned about physical things, not spiritual things. Dear friends, use your most holy faith to grow. Pray with the Holy Spirit's help...Jude 1:17-18

I greet you all in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ as i bring you the untouchable subject from the pulpit. Tackling Pornography in the Last Days. No one can deny the truth that we are in the end of Days...that we are approaching an era where decency is a byword and vices are hailed and awarded. We are living in a time where sexual sin is no more an eye sore but a marketing tag with which profits are raked in. This is the time Noah may leave the city to live on the island or drive himself into a deep forest to pitch his camp and yet will have to deal with the sexual pollution on the water label.

Pornography is an industry, a branch of the evangelist arm of the kingdom of darkness through which many souls are polluted, captured, caged and even initiated into one sect or witchcraft coven. This industry is heavily financed and supported from the special agents tasked to promote this upon the Christian household. They know you as a Christian will not intentionally buy a sex material into your home hence they will beam it through the radio, billboards and clothes so you cannot avoid it. And the advent of mobile data technology has even made the channels easier to capture more souls.

Heaven Bound Christian Tips to Avoid the Pornography Trap

*Admit the Threats and Work towards the tailored Solution
Many Christians pretend when it comes to issues of sex and its related issues. You must first admit the threats you are facing. Admit your weaknesses and begin to seek solution to build your strengths. If you are prone to visiting those sites to sexually charge you or even please you...admit it before God and tell him to help you deal with it. The check yourself...avoid the websites, don't make it a secret because whatever we keep a secret is what destroys us the more.

* Make yourself accountable to a Trust Person who can Help you
Many people find it difficult to open up to a trusted person all because most people appear to be perfect. None is perfect, we all have weaknesses and weak spots. Ask the Lord to Help you identify or bring to you a person He trusts as a good helper to your problem...someone who will not scold you or judge you or even take advantage of you. But someone who will see you as the person i can help out of this issues as i have been help out. And open up according to wisdom and prayer because not all of such people have developed their abilities to help others despite God has deposited those gifts in them. 

* Bury yourself in the Word of God
I will encourage you to keep reading the Bible constantly and if you are on the move constantly, get the Audio Bible playing always. Where there is a constant presence of God's Word habits such as sexual attractions don't get the ground to grow. Listen to Godly sermons about your situation and this must be done according to the leading of the Holy Spirit and also learn from those who have overcome what you are dealing with. I trust you will never be the same after taking these few points and God Bless you.

If you have any issues...send me a Private Message through crossevangelism@gmail.com  and we will be in Touch with you. God Bless You