18 November, 2015

At The Hall of Separation, Commitment and Self Sacrifice.

From that palace, we proceeded to the Palace of Separation. In this Palace, anybody who has not separated himself for God, even if he is a minister of God, he/she cannot make Heaven. Because of our time now, I will go ahead to say that I proceeded to the Palace of Commitment. In this Palace, you are going to be examined on how committed and dedicated you are. 

If your dedication and commitment is no 100%, my brother and sister, the result is hell. We proceeded to another palace called The Palace of Self Sacrifice. If your self-sacrifice is not 100%, brethren the result is hell. In all these things that I am saying, the Lord is my living witness that they are all true. In the name of Jesus, I pray for myself and for everyone of you reading, that you will not regret working for God.

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