04 January, 2016

You Can Make it...Dont Give Up

Greetings in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Chrsit

Am blessed to present you the first inspirational meal for the first month of the year 2016. Brethren, the year 2015 is surely gone and 2016 has surely come, the jubilation to welcome the year is now over and i believe all over the world everyone is waking up to reality. To some it is going back the very office they have been in for the past few years they got that appointment letter and moved from the status of unemployed to employed. Many have written down their resolutions and aspirations, their goals and targets before the 12th month came up. Many companies have already mapped out the strategies to expand their influence, gain new customers, replace some old staffs and make that profit they have always aimed at.

But there is something many did not factor in their planning...The Will of the Almighty God. Today, Holy Spirit wants you to know that you were created for a purpose, a specific assignment is hanging over your life on which the Kingdom of God is counting on you to fulfill and exalt the interest of Our Heavenly Father. You were not created to attend the elite schools in the world, attain the highest qualification, work with the most famous and prestigious company, hold the most enviable positions in your career, fly and own the latest private jets, become the world's most richest, influential and powerful personality, retire to a mansion on a hill facing the sun rise filled with a thousand maids to attend to your every need then die and be buried in a simply mahogany coffin with a cross emblem on it

No...and a Big No....that is a wasted life and wasted years because you did not scratch your God given assignment but used up all your time on earth gaining wealth and other things which could not even benefit your very children. Its time to wake up and ask yourself why are you on this earth? Why are you breathing even after all the things you have done to hurt so many people? Why are you being protected after living such a careless lifestyle and could have died after taking that deadly mixture of dope and medicines. Why did you wake up again after attempting suicide for the fifth time even the very celebrations which passed, you attempted to take your life again but something just took you off the hook.

You have everything to survive. Think about this...No baby was born with a pen and a check book in his or her hands. No baby was born with a bag of diamonds tired to his or her feet. Everyone was born with a mind and most importantly, the Will Power. Many parents do not know this and become vessels of satan to destory the Will Power of their children by treating them badly, speaking evil words over them and even rejecting them. Jesus says...He is the same yesterday, today and forever...(Hebrews 13:8). He never change...and has been with all the great men of the Bible...He wants to be with you too so you can be a wonder to your generation and beyond.

I want you to know that, Joseph had is Will Power intact because he did not allow the external treatments of his brethren to interfere with his relationship with God Almighty whom he had learnt so much from his father Israel. Hence the only way to be as pure as God wants you to be in these End-times is to have your connection to God firmly secured. Joseph could have been the most wicked man in the Bible but he allowed God Almighty to handle the situation. What is hurting your soul right now? Is it neglect or rape? Is it false accusation or simply a cranky joke being made about you all the time. Perhaps no one cares and you are on your own. I want you to connect back to Jesus if you have cut the ties...but if you are still on course...Hold on to him more firmly. Remember...you have all you need to make it. The world looks at money as a means of reward but lets look at the approval of God as our means of reward and our lives will never be the same in Jesus Name. God Bless you and Increase you in His grace and love.


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