30 December, 2015

A New Year Message from the Watchman

Dear Brethren in the Lord,

I welcome you to the Year 2016, a year of ultimate hope, inspiration and great testimonies coupled with breakthroughs from all ends. it is a new beginning according to our calendar and calculations on Earth but in according to the Kingdom of God, it is another phase drawing closer and closer to the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and more importantly, it is also the counting days of the end of satan's domain on the earth. Almighty God has laid two things on my Heart to pass on to you....

1.  You should know you are mortal and not yet immortal and hence your days on earth are numbered. According to Psalm 90:12 - Ask the Lord to teach you to number the remaining days of your life. That you will fill your heart with His wisdom but not the things of this earth. Almighty Father loves you dearly and yearns for you to be with Him forever but this depends on you. Your immortality state is sealed the moment you die and leave this earth, then where ever you will be will surely tell of your eternal position. Almighty Father wants you to constantly access the state of your salvation each minute and each hour for that is what is available to you. You should know the truth that, not all who begun 2015 with you did not arrive at 31st December 2015 with you. You should know this as the perfect truth because only a fool will bury his head in the pleasure of the world and say all is well rejecting the end of their days. Don't be fool by rejecting the truth that one day you will breath your last and a coffin will be purchased for your body.  All your earthly possessions will become another man's property  and they will spend it without remembering you. Think about where you are going to spend eternity....and begin now to plan towards that. Remember that, a lukewarm person is cast out by God. If you want to be sinful, be sinful so you shall be rewarded according to your deeds but if you want to be righteous, be righteous so you shall be righteously rewarded.

2. The next thing Father God wants to tell you is about the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Brethren, this is the next biggest event waiting to happen and all the beings in the universe are preparing towards it. satan knows he is finished immediately this great event takes place. Brethren, during the days of Noah, Father God allowed 120 years of constant warning to the people of those days and used 7 days to flood the whole earth killing all human beings, animals and birds of the earth. The second coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ has been announced for a long time and is being sounded louder and louder across the other regions of the earth and yet....Millions are still in their wicked days mocking those who are carrying this important notice to the nations. Yes, it has taken so many years to announce it perhaps even more than a 120 years adding the grace periods yet many are still fooling and mocking as the people of old. Almighty Father in Heaven says....it will happen and none shall know the exact time with which it will happen. For it will be sudden and will take seconds to accomplish the foretold prophecy. Do not be fooled by wealth and pleasures, marriages and instant breakthroughs....for many are to deceive the masses even the very elected ones of God. Yes, there shall be business boom and financial success shifting from the west to the east...Continents noted for bad things shall surely blossom and make people wealthy but note this...Father God in Heaven says...many of those financial Booms are not from Him...but from satan. Be careful for the days are going to get darker and more evil behind the scenes.

Brethren, may these two warnings or counsel or advice from our Heavenly Father be scripted on the tablets of your Hearts and make you Heaven ready in Jesus Name. Happy New Year

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