02 October, 2015

Chapter 10 - Visions of Angels at Work

In this chapter I want to tell you about my visions of angels at work. I want you to understand some of the beautiful things God has shown me. I want to give you some joy and delight in knowing what awaits you as you are working for the Lord. God is wonderful to reveal "His secret to His servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7). His desire is to show these things to those who will be sensitive to His revelations and who will pro claim His message.

Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: "I am the First and I am the Last; besides Me there is no God. ‘ "And who can proclaim as I do? Then let him declare it and set it in order for Me, since I appointed the ancient people. And the things that are coming and shall come, let them show these to them. "Do not fear, nor be afraid; have I not told you from that time, and declared it? You are My witnesses. Is there a God besides Me? Indeed there is no other Rock; I know not one." Isaiah 44:6-8

Then the LORD answered me and said:

"Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it." (Habakkuk 2:2)

There are many scriptural examples about God wanting to reveal things to us through His appointed representatives. The Word of God is sure and true.
According to the Bible, Daniel had visions from the Lord:

Daniel had a dream, and visions passed through his mind as he was lying on his bed. He wrote down the sub stance of his dream.  (Daniel 7:1 NIV)

John the Revelator also saw visions of the Lord, and he was told to write them down: "What you see, write in a book" (Revelation 1:11).

Isaiah was a great prophet with a crucial message for Judah because of his visions and his courage in telling them. His book begins: "The vision of Isaiah the son of Amos, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem" (Isaiah 1:1). Because Ezekiel saw visions of God (Ezekiel 1:1), he was called and anointed for a prophetic ministry.

God, in His infinite mercy, has seen fit to choose me and show me visions from Himself. I praise God for this. When I am in prayer and meditation, seeking God on certain matters, I am allowed to see into mysteries by the Spirit. He reveals certain things to me. My calling in God is to receive dreams, visions, and revelations and to relate them to others. As the Lord’s anointed handmaiden, I am simply describing the things that He has shown to me. I believe this is my biblical role. 

At the start of these experiences, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me to show me hell. He appeared in a glistening white robe, full of light and power. Jesus seemed to me to be about six feet tall. His beard appeared as if it had been neatly trimmed. His thick hair rested lightly on His shoulders. His beautiful eyes were piercing.

The portrait of Christ that is closest to the way I saw Him in my visions shows Him on the Wailing Wall, praying over the Jews and Israel. Jesus Christ has so much love and compassion for us, as the artist portrayed in that portrait, that He will go to great lengths to show a person hell and heaven and things to come.

Look at what the Bible says:

And Elisha prayed, and said, "LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." Then the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.2 Kings 6:17

When I was in heaven, I saw chariots of fire, with angels driving the chariots. They were very large vehicles, and I marveled at their splendor.

Look at this Bible verse about angels:

And while they looked steadfastly to ward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel. Acts 1:10

How can one read that and not believe it? God openly showed angels to His people when Jesus was caught up to heaven. Saints, we have to realize that God wants to reveal His glorious powers and His wondrous works in these last days. God has visions to show us. He wants to communicate these truths to us so that we can be excited and delighted about working for Him on this earth.

After the time of these visions, I was ministering in a particular church service. I had been in deep prayer and meditation. At church that night, I saw angels everywhere. They all had golden swords in their hands.

The Spirit of the Lord spoke to me. He said to me in a clear way:

Child, when prayer time comes for the people, I want to heal certain physical problems. I want this to be a sign in your ministry that the testimony of hell is true. I have given My word that I will give signs and wonders and work miracles as the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is preached.

I became so excited! In my spirit I saw an angel with a large book writing down things as I preached. It seemed as if the ceiling opened up, and I could see a vision of the throne of God. Angels were rejoicing and praising God.

When it was time for the altar call, I saw angels going among the congregation, nudging people to go to the altar and give their hearts to the Lord. When I saw the angels touching the hearts of individuals, the blackest sins began to churn up and out of their hearts as they knelt and prayed to God. Oh, it was beautiful!

In my spirit I could see chains that were wrapped around the people. As people received forgiveness, angels seemed to break the bond age, to shatter the chains, to cast them off. The bands broke as people began to raise their hands and confess their sins to the Lord.
Cries and shouts went up everywhere from souls who had been delivered. It was wonderful. In many of my services all over the world, God provided great miracles like these, and wonderful deliverances began to happen.

I praise God for His signs, wonders, and miracles. I know that the angels are at work, helping me with the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I want to tell you something else. As Scripture was being spoken, the Word seemed to jump off the page and take the form of a sword. That sword would pierce a person’s body and go straight to the problem to heal it. The Glory of God was everywhere! I was amazed. I praise God for the blessings of heaven on earth and for this beautiful revelation of His Word.

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