26 January, 2016

The Six Most Important Things the Devil is Seeking to Steal from Your Life - Part 3


Calvary Greetings my Dear brethren,

i wish you the strength, inspiration and the Might of the Holy Spirit as we travel on to the Kingdom of God. I wish to remind you all that, we are pilgrims on the surface of this earth; no matter how much you acquire and titles to put your names on...one fine day whether morning, afternoon, evening or night you will leave it behind and take that step into eternity.

Today i will continue the series i begun somewhere last year concerning the Six important things satan desires to steal from your life. To refresh your mind, i want to stress that, he does not desire your wealth, your cars, your house or even your job that much because he knows you are going to gain it back twice and he will be made stupid again just as it happened to him during the time of Job. But what he desires most is to steal the Armor provided by our Heavenly Father. consider the scripture below:

 So put on all the armor that God gives. Then when that evil day comes, you will be able to  defend yourself. And when the battle is over, you will still be standing firm. 
Ephesians 6:13 -CEV

Lets take a critical look at this verse, Put on is a command to all those who want to enter into the Kingdom of God, complete faithfully the assignment we have been given by our Lord Jesus Christ, and most importantly to keep the banner of victory of our Lord Jesus Christ lifted high and higher at all times of our walk on Earth.  Then it continuous to tell us the source of this Armor which is God Almighty himself. Remember one thing brethren, satan was stripped of his glory, his ability to understand the Heavenly dialect was also taken away from him, next he was stripped of his position originally granted him after his creation.

When you put over your soul and spirit the armor of God, you automatically receive the Glory of God upon your life. Have you ever seen some preachers glow and become handsome? That is the Glory of God you are witnessing and this causes some sort of attraction towards them. The women just loves them and some actually fall in love. satan lost what makes him become attractive and loved naturally by people, hence he has given strict instructions to his companions of destruction to put up a fight and attack anyone with such appearance. When you have the Glory of God upon your life, make-up and those artificial nails and hairs are nothing  but dirty things to stain you.

Another reason why you need the armor of God is the coming evil day. Brethren, your pastor mighty never mention this to you. To become a christian is to come up to a position of power and authority. You automatically get access to a whole range of powers that is able to deal with the demons who controlled your life so bitterly. You even get access to powers that will put satan himself in a flight if only you diligently want these powers.

Our salvation is the first point of deliverance from the direct control of satan and his companions of destruction. The evil day is a period of earthly days, weeks or months where things work strangely even to the point that people doubt your relationship with Jesus Christ. If you do not focus, you will doubt the existence of the relationship between Jesus Christ and you. Every Christian on Earth will face this evil day in one way or the other but one must do well not to give too much room or legal ground for the devil to extend that period so as to do more than he was expected to do.

The evil day comes in various ways...it can be an affliction, it can be financial lack, it can be a wave on your friendships or anything. We don't have to know which angle it will be taking but must be able to have a sharp discernment and know how well we should fight it.

Consider this sentence: You will be able to defend yourself

This means it is a personal effort, you have to do the fight according to how empowered you have been. It did not state, the angels of God, the warriors of Jesus will come and do the battle on your behalf no...but you will have to do the battle. Satan and his companions of destruction knows the efficiency of the armor and since they are after your mind and then harvest your soul into Hell to join them in the eternal destruction...it is your sole responsibility to prepare yourself for that big event. Don't be taken by surprise...stay expectant and be vigilant through the use of your gift of discernment. You were not saved to cruise around in the latest cars, planes, ships or yachts. You were not saved to simply live in the biggest house with all the comforts at your finger tips...you were not saved to have all the money in the world, get all the juicy financially rewarding contracts fall at your feet...you were saved to take over the grounds that Lord Jesus bought with his Blood.

Every piece of this earth, including the waters in the oceans belong to Jesus Christ. They are now his personal property and he wants you to occupy a certain portion - defending it from demons and satan himself and maintain the atmosphere of victory till he comes from Heaven to Rapture you. Don't just be content with a sexy wife, the hottest cars, biggest houses and worldly promotion...you must be a defender of the land that Jesus has placed under your charge.

                                    Why Satan Wants your Belt of Truth

Truth is a weapon which comes with understanding the original intentions of the purpose of this earth. Truth is not simply saying something as it is...but declaring it from the position of God's understanding to bring in his harmony called peace. That means if one's understanding is taking way, truth will come with partiality which produces hurt, pain and disconnection.

That is why we are commanded to speak the truth in love, that is correct one another in love. You should put yourself in the position of the culprit which will enable the fellow come to terms with us. Then you who know the real stand of God, will reveal it gradually and calmly. If we apply this principle with prayer, i tell you, there will be no vessel or instrument for demons to walk this earth.

For this reason, satan has instructed all his companions of evil including the evil relatives in the family who pretend to love you but are your worst enemies to cloud your mind with all sorts of layers of hatred towards your fellow brethren.  These people speak the lies of the enemy by telling you gossips, hear-says and even plant hatred in you towards your helper and go to the side of the other party and do same to the fellow towards you. Brethren, some families have been destroyed because of this trick of the devil. A mother has destroyed her own family because of satan's deception planted into her mind towards some of her prominent and potential children.  Some fathers in the stance of pleasing somebody have also cast spells, cursed and driven away from them the children that God gave them.

Why the devil blinded their understanding and gradually removed the belt of truth from their waist. Notice that, the belt holds the Breastplate of Righteousness and the lower part of the armor which protects the thigh and legs even though the shield of faith will cover all that part. 

Satan is not always a fool, he will not always come the way you expect him to...expect the Lord gives you a revelation to catch him red handed. I will outline some of the ways satan has instructed his companions of evil to use towards the stealing of your Belt of Truth.

            Seven(7) Ways Satan & His Companions Use in Stealing The Belt of Truth

1.False Dreams & Visions

2. Wrong Association - Ungodly Friends: Not all the people in the church are born again. Majority of them are simply hypocrates in the eyes of God. Know who you open your life to and seek counsel from before you are infested with a number of demons.

3. Ungoldy Parenting - parents are placed as authority figures above their children so as to channel down God's instruction and teaching to them until they reach the stage of having the ability to reproduce themselves. But most parents of the 21st century have failed God. They have no relationship with him and have turned their children over to satan and his demons. They hail those who walk in the ways of damnation but frustrate those who walk in the ways of righteousness. Then, they use their God given authority as parents to destory their children, fight against them and even cast spells and curses on them because their children are walking in a different direction they do not desire.

4. Wrong Marriage
5. Ungodly Sexual Contacts

6. Attending the Wrong Church:

7. Associating with a wrong spirited fellow (Pastor, Prophet, etc)

I conclude by saying...let us be watchful for the evil days are upon us. God Bless You

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