08 May, 2017

Dear Mama

As I stare into your eyes to go back into time 
And remember what you looked like
I took a good study of your skin
And a long look at your Hair, Hands and Fingers.
I look back to simply imagine the beauty of your youth
That, which you shed for me.

Dear Mama, 
Today is the official day to honour Mothers
but i will honour you everyday
Like a candle Flame in the wind
You sacrificed your best to have me in your womb.
You did not consider your beauty nor your status among men
You humbled yourself to be made pregnant
and carried me inside you for nine interesting months.

In there, you dreamed of me, 
You dreamed of my future and gave me a name in your heart
Whiles Daddy was still figuring things out...you already named me.
You prayed for me when i could not even talk
You sang, danced and made me the Hope of your life.

Mama, I appreciate you so much and i say Thank You.
On the day of my arrival, i gave you pain...unbearable for any man on earth.
Yet in all these, i remember the smile you gave when Daddy held your hands.
From the womb, i heard you scream and gather all your strength to bring me to Earth.
I remember your thigh muscle shaking and the blood of your life
I remember your sign of relieve and smile when i was lifted before me.

Mama, i remember the hot tears from your 
eyes that fall on my checks, 
when held me in your hands...
I remember it all from one stage to another,
Teaching me how to sit, walk, stand and write.
You taught me my first words.
and has never left my sight.

Now am grown and about to be a father
Everyday when i wake up, i remember you
Thank you Mama, 
Thank you for every lesson you have taught me.
Am forever grateful. - Have a Happy Memorial Day.

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