02 January, 2017


And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread and wear our own apparel; only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach...Isaiah 4:1

Congratulations for staying under the covering of God Almighty. 2016 has passed away forever including all her days and nights. And we have been granted a new lease of life.To some people, this year is their last on planet Earth, to many other, it is their season of arrival, whereas to another set, it is the time of second chance, amendment as well as getting their priorities straight.

Which of the categories are you in? As we have be ushered into 2017, I encourage you to remain in God even more tightly for we are entering a season where scarcity shall arise and i mean the scarcity of good things, hence forth, it is your responsibility to protect what you have. Isaiah 4:1 says - seven women shall take hold of one man - meaning, the desire to have a sense of belonging is going to increase as many false men and quack spiritual shelters are going to be destroyed. Hence the genuine should not rejoice but ask the Lord for the strength to control themselves so they are not led into self destruction but shall also ask for divine wisdom to walk faithfully in these last days. Will you overcome or fail?

2017 is a year of Understanding, for it is through this great gift that one will and can stay true to the cause of their lives as set for them by the Almighty God.
I pray for you all in the Mighty name of Jesus that, the spirit of Understanding will be impacted into your spirits, stay in your Homes and walk with you all the days of your earthly lives and usher you into Eternal life in Jesus Name. 

Remember to make effective life-plans that will impact generations after you and also remember to build up your wealth in the kingdom of God rather than fighting to tag earthly degradable items with your names.

Thank you to all of you for staying true to this great friendship and fellowship, God will reward you on earth and in Heaven in Jesus Name. 

and have a fruitful New Year 

The watchman Cross-Country Evangelism International

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