30 December, 2016

27 Minutes to Midnight 2017 Edition

“The secret things belong unto the Lord our God. But those things which are 
revealed belong unto us and our children for ever, that we may do the words of
 this law." -  Deut. 29:29
27 Minutes to Midnight
2 0 1 7    E D I T I O N
        GATES OF FIRE 
   The Prayer Blueprint for Shocking
Breakthroughs in 2017

She Had Decided on Suicide
   Until This Happened...
She knew how she was going to do it.
She was going to drink a deceptively mild
but fast-acting deadly poison.
Curl up on her designer couch.
Cover herself with a blanket to keep warm.
Put her favorite music on.
And allow the poison to take her … for good.
But first …
She decided to visit that curious prayer website one more time.
She found an email address on the site.
She wrote down her plans and pressed <Send>.
Within minutes a reply came back.
With a story.
It wasn’t a dramatic story.
It was a short testimony.
It was about a woman who lost her husband.
To another woman.
The testimony had an unusual ending.
It ended with a “wicked” little prayer.
A prayer with razor-sharp teeth.
One hour later, the woman threw out the poison.
She never contemplated suicide again.
Testimonies (and the prayers that trigger them) change lives.
Testimonies send your enemies roaming the streets,
weeping and gnashing their teeth.
Testimonies bring heaven to earth.
Serious Question:

Do you want your life full of testimonies in 2017?
If so, you must read this Blueprint to the end.
Reading time: 37 minutes.
Fun and easy reading, nothing complicated.
One little prayer was all it took for that suicidal lady to change her mind.
Yes, one prayer.
Just one prayer prayed with FIRE in your spirit…
… can (potentially) change your entire destiny in 2017.
 This Will be Shorter Than Usual…
I Have a Flight to Catch
 From: Elisha Goodman                                                         Sunday, 2:30 A.M. 
 (Prayer Trenches, City of Roses) 
Calvary greetings …  
The experiences of yesterday, no matter how glorious, cannot guarantee victory in 
today’s battles. The challenges of today must be confronted with something  new 
and fresh… big, bold, and daring. Before we go one step further, we need to pause 
for prayers. Please close your eyes and take these 3 prayers like a volcanic eruption.

#1:     Let the fire of the Holy Spirit heat every area of my life in Jesus name.
#2:     LORD, quicken my spirit and supercharge my desire for the things
          of Heaven in Jesus name.
#3:    O LORD, let your holy fire generate power for victory in every
         area my life in the name of Jesus.

Praise the LORD.
Since we’re praying about fire and power,
let me show you something I just received in my inbox…
… 4 days ago.
It is an email from a widow.
A helpless, defenseless widow.
Terrorized by thieves and robbers.
It has a “dangerous” ending...
So, I have to warn you ahead of time.
Some people might say it has a bitter-sweet taste to it.
However, I’m sharing it here for a purpose …
and that will become clearer as we go on.

*** The Widow’s Story ***

She is a widow struggling daily to provide for her children. Thieves broke into 
her house for the second time this year and had a field day with her household 
goods. They sprayed some chemicals to make her sleep so no one heard a sound.
She cried out to the Lord to expose these people. Her niece joined her in prayer. 
 They held a prayer vigil in her church concerning her plight.
She prayed like this:
“O Lord, expose these thieves since you’re Father to the fatherless, 
and husband to the husbandless.”
Then she was inspired to do something. With her last savings, she put up an electric 
fence with a razor wire to safeguard her home. On Sunday, the thieves came back 
trying to gain access to her home.
One was electrocuted. He died on Tuesday. He happened to be her neighbor’s son…
We’re going to pray again ...

‘I barricade my family with the electric fence
 of the Almighty in the name of Jesus.’
Now we’re ready to begin.
This is a true story. She sent me the email two days later, on the 22nd.
It is unfortunate that the young man met his untimely death in this manner.
I wish he had lived to repent and turn over a new leaf.
Now there are 3 crucial lessons here.
Crucial Lesson #1: 
Prayer + Inspired Action
This widow prayed.
But she did not stop there.
She followed up with action. Inspired action.
She emptied her savings account to construct that fence.
Now, she could have done other things to avoid spending that money. 
After all, she did not have much to spare. But that’s what she was inspired to do.
From now on, no thief would dare set foot in that place.
The keywords here: Inspired. Action.
Throughout 2016 I talked about the need to take inspired action after prayer.
Thankfully, thousands listened … and that has released a flood of 
testimonies that you will see shortly.

Crucial Lesson #2:
Prayer + The Word of God

Right here, you have an explosive combination.
She searched for the Scriptures to back up her petition before the Lord.
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling. – Psalm 68:5
For your Maker is your husband, the LORD of hosts is his name;
and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth
He is called. – Isa. 54:5
This is greatly important…
She combined these two verses into a ‘dangerous,’ blistering, targeted prayer…
 and then fused her petition to it as she cried out:
“O Lord, expose these thieves since you’re Father to the fatherless, and husband to the husbandless.”
She was asking the LORD of the heavens and earth to arise and defend her.
And answer He did.She reminds me of two people in the Bible.
One was David. The other? Job.
Most people do not know this
... but one of the greatest prayer warriors in the Bible was the man Job.
His prayers were astonishing.
You have to wonder how he had such insights about the heavens, without the
 benefit of the space technology we have today.
No wonder the Lord specifically instructed his three erstwhile friends to go
 to him for deliverance prayers… in order to avoid divine judgment.
(Hint: In the upcoming prayer session, so many exciting prayers are culled 
from the book of Job. You are about to have a taste of these shortly.)

Crucial Lesson #3:
Prayer + Community
You notice she did NOT pray alone.
Her niece joined her. She took it to her church. Others believers jumped in. 
They held a prayer vigil for her.
Now I can almost hear someone saying:
“My church is not a praying church.”
“No one would care to join me in prayer.”
Well… I can tell you this.
In 2017 a church that does not rally her members to pray and pray 
and pray will be like an eagle trying to fly with one wing cut off.
Though an eagle… its potentials will be severely limited.
And the membership will be exposed to unnecessary risk… 
and all kinds of evil attacks.
That’s the reason the LORD led us to set up the Eagles Forum last year. 
Each program has its own separate Forum.
All the participants sign into the Forum.
Other prayer eagles are in there day and night to lift up one another, 
encourage, strengthen, and join hands with you to call upon the 
LORD in unison.Inside the Forum, we take this scripture seriously.
Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another
so that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous
 man avails much. – James 5:16

During the upcoming prayer session, everyone gets to have a taste of what

 happens in there… as we briefly open our new community Chat Forum to 
the public just for this event. Please do not dismiss the importance of being 
part of a battlefront praying community like this one.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Drawing from these simple lessons we share, our prayer eagles found 
themselves running rings around the enemy of their destiny all through 2016.
For some it was the best of years.
Yet for others… not so much.
So I will start off with this huge disclaimer.

Please note that the testimonials and praise reports here are NOT typical. You may or may not get any results from using the principles taught here. In other words, this may not work for you at all. On the other hand, they have worked for thousands just like you. Who’s to say they will not work for you? May the Lord richly bless you.
- elisha
Following the Prayer Blueprint…
"My fiance got fired, then re-hired and promoted by same company!"

I prayed and asked God to provide my fiance with a job since he lost his previous post. 
In less than 30 days he received a call and he was hired by the same company that fired
 him and this time he was now the branch manager, not as an assistant as he was before. 
When praying for breakthrough in 2016, I joined the prayer-fasting asking for a brand 
new car. In March 2016 I bought that car. Praise the Lord. - Cebisile

"The enemy fought hard to stop me from getting married - and failed"
Jesus has done it for me. After the enemy fought my getting married, he failed.  I was 
involved on a fatal accident twice on the same day, the day I was traveling to have my 
fiancĂ©e come ask for my hand in marriage from my family. My life was spared with no 
bruises. That night, I cried to God to show me what's fighting me, and I was shown a 
powerful ruler who is the strong man that was fighting me, and he wanted me dead, 
because all else had failed. 
 I closed my eyes and prayed that God would answer me by fire, because I had cried
enough. Just a small fire that landed on our compound, then it spread all over the
 compound, and then it turned into a big blazing fire. Then a voice thundered from 
the fire saying, ask of me anything you want, anything at all, and it shall be done. 
I almost failed to speak, but I pushed the words out of my breath anyway, So I asked 
for two things, that my wedding would be a success, and that God would make my 
new family an established one in God. We just had a wonderful wedding, 
praise the Lord - Betsy
"We wedded - nothing is impossible with God"
I joined the Prayer Academy in February 2010 – yeah it seems like a long time but hey
 – Gods time is the best! I have done all the Golden Journey Levels, I have done up to 
the Diamond edition level of prayer, I joined and did the singles marathon, i also did 
the 1000 prayers for singles! Did i give up after I saw no answer? No i didn’t, i kept 
soldiering on because I believe our God is faithfully. 
I joined this site when i was beaten black and blue – no proper job that matched
 my qualification, no relationship, no man to look at me as a worth wife. I had 
faced disappointment after disappointment but but finally God gave me a husband
 and we wedded on the 9th of April at a beautiful ceremony which has left 
everyone awed! Our God is good and so faithful! - Eagle Dee
"Mine was a double portion"
Join me in praising Jehovah. In 2014 I participated in singles prayers. 
This year I got a double portion of blessings.  I say double because I was 
converted from contract to permanent and in May this year I wedded my 
husband. I shout hallelujah to the most highest in Jesus name --- Rita

"Delivered from a very long and wasted relationship
 I have been reading your mails for sometime now and I thank God for how far
 He has brought me. By the grace of God I’ve been able to get married to my 
childhood fiancĂ©e. The good Lord delivered me from a very long n wasted 
relationship n joined me together with the bone of my bones n flesh of my flesh.
The devil stood up against this divine marriage, but the God of Elisha intervene 
at the eleventh hour. Praise the Lord. - Nana, Italy
"2016 was an incredible year of triumph for my family"
2016 has been an incredible year of triumph for my family and me.
 At the end of 2015 and into the beginning of the year, both of my children
 were out of college for lack of funds, and both US visa were cancelled. 
In December my son and I stormed the gates as I introduced him to the 
prayers from the Prayer Academy. By January he had gotten his bill for 
$11,000.00 cleared off and got a new visa, and a USD 7,500.00 came by scholarship. 
We continued praying for his twin sister who had a outstanding bill of USD $11,000.00, 
I was able to save only 6,000.00, but we kept praying. On April 30th, I got a check 
delivered to my office for $5,000.00 on a debt that was 10 years old, this allowed
 me pay off the bill, get her transcript released, and in July got a her visa to 
attend school in Canada. My family is praising God and thanking Jesus, 
every challenge we had this year, God has help us overcome. - Alicia P

"Surprised my friends and shocked my enemies"
Jehovah suprised my friends and shocked my enemies when I got a new 
international job of my dreams. I went up 2 ranks from my former position, 
and doubled my salary. A job I was not even qualified for but here I am...
 soooo loving this job and its renumerations. Before now people used to see
 me as just an assistant, paper pusher and nothing more. Now they are 
asking me to get them a job. Surely our good God wipes our tears, 
lifts our heads and anoints us to do the impossible. 
Everyday the Holy Spirit is teaching me how to do this job 
and all is going on awesomely. Is there another word for great joy? 
- Eagle MG
"If God did it for them, He will do it for me"
I didn’t know how to pray aggressively until my immediate boss introduced me 
to this website where I was inspired by other people’s testimonies. I said to 
myself, if God has done for them surely He will address my issues. 
My contract expired May 2015 and I was told verbally that I will continue. 
Surprisingly it came to an end. In December 2015 I came to know about 
this site and started claiming my job back and indeed He is the God of all 
flesh. June 2016 I was hired back.I got into a relationship on 29 August 
and got married 29 October just within 2 months. Praise the LORD - Chipo
"All the people were shocked, they never thought I could make it"
I have been believing God to become a leader in my country since 2006. 
For the 10 years I have been storming the gate together with other believers 
praying as directed. And my God answered my prayer this year on the 
18th February 2016 when I was elected as a Member of Parliament 
representing my area in the National Parliament at the first time of contesting. 

May God’s name be praised. All people were shocked, they never thought
 I could make it because I competed with very rich people and the incumbent
 I removed was using a lot of witchcraft, threatened to kill me but the Lord Jesus 
Christ made me victorious despite all the challenges I went through. 
Three days to elections I prayed the prayer points for success in any 
competition and my God did not disappoint. - Eagle F
International Scholarships too …
I bless the name of the Lord for teaching his people to pray for themselves. 
I applied for a training which is sponsored by the Indian government. 
I was called for an interview and normally a reply is sent to people who 
were qualified at in two weeks, but mine took more than a month. 

So during that period I started praying the November 7 Furious 
Prayers for November. I prayed: 'covenant keeping God of Abraham,
 Isaac, and Jacob in the places where they have rejected me, cause 
them to call me back and to fall over themselves to help in Jesus name.'
 And to God be the glory I was sent an acceptance letter direct from 
India not even from the mission in my country. Right now I am in India 
sending to you this testimony to the glory of GOD. - Lydia
Glory to God. I am from Kenya and a beneficiary of the China scholarship. 
We share the same testimony mine was through the government of Kenya 
for goverment officials. As  for me I was not an employee and every criteria 
was working against me like age, work experience, etc. but after praying
 the targeted prayers God answered me and now am in China doing my PhD.
 People think I had someone pushing for me but no, my Godfather is our 
Lord Jesus Christ. Glory be to God - Juniter, China
"She didn't know I was praying for her -- for over a month!"
A friend who shared with me a situation involving her family and the immigration 
department,where the officer was very hostile,and insisted that she must leave the
 country because she is a foreigner. They held her passport, and gave her a 
deadline to leave as soon as the baby’s passport was issued. 

She has a two month old baby, and if she leaves it would lead to the 
family being separated. Righteous indignation encouraged me to take up 
the battle. I prayed, 'Oh God in the places where her file has been rejected,
 let them call her back and fall over themselves to help her”
She didn’t know that I was praying that kind of prayer for just over
 one month. Last week she messaged me to say that the Immigration 
department has called her back and returned her passport. When she
 went they gave her an extension and said next year she must return for 
another extension. Both she and her husband are foreigners, but God 
intervened. Thank God he answers prayer. - Peggy
Praise the LORD.
So how about the others?
How did the rest of the eagles REALLY fare? 

Exactly How They Prayed…
And the Answers They Received
 No Sickle Cell Found!
From Twice Positive to Negative

I was introduced to the Prayer Cookbook about 5 years back, but never really got to open the prayers though I tried going to prayer sessions. Down the line, I lost my 6 year old son to sickle cell, and that was a big blow. To cut a long story short, I lost some of my faith, but still led a prayerful life.

God blessed us with another son 2 years ago, and my greatest fear was, I hope, he doesn’t have sickle cell. He was a sickly child right from birth, and I was so scared to go for the test. Later on, I convinced myself that God was going to show me wonders through this child and indeed HE DID!!

I was later reintroduced to the site in October 2015, and this time I was down and wondering why my life doesn’t seem to prosper. I had a job I didn’t enjoy doing anymore, and to sum it up that pays peanuts. So the message was, struggling to get a job?” and it immediately lifted my spirits up. I started following the site, subscribed and I can say it has since changed my prayer life. I was tormented by dreams, but I learnt to pray for them and have some peace of mind.

I had one very important wish. God show me the miracle of healing for my son. So I went about having my son tested of sickle cell. And did it two times and on both times, the test came back positive. And I cried out to God. Since October I had been praying for his miracle and when I read all the testimonies I wondered if they were really true, or fabricated.

Before storming the 2016 gates, we had left some blood samples at the hospital for further tests. The doctor said he wanted a specialist to look at his blood because she was not convinced the boy had sickle cell. On the 8th day of the fast 8th January 2016, we went back to the hospital for results, and the tests said NO SICKLE CELLS FOUND.

The specialist wondered what the lab technicians saw in the blood previously. But I knew that my God was at work. God is good all the time. Now I can be among the people to publish testimonies imagine that!!!!!

--  A.N, Malawi
"Are You Sure that
   Surgery Was Not Done?

Through these same bullets my nephew now 18 years who has suffered from a CSF leak from the age of 10 years is now completely healed in Jesus name. In August 2015 doctors recommended surgery to seal the skull where CSF was leaking through. The surgery was scheduled for November since we could not meet the cost in August.

I went down on my knees every midnight hour, took the Esther fast and pleaded with God to heal my nephew. In November we went for an MRI so as to give the surgeon a final report before the surgery. We had raised enough money through friends by then.

The radiologist could not believe his eyes. “Has surgery been done?”. He asked. We said surgery would be done after the MRI. “Are you sure that surgery was not done and that this MRI was not to confirm if the surgery was successful?” He asked.

We said surgery is yet to be done. What he said surprised me. He said.”Then you must be praying and worshipping a very powerful God, the God of Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Elijah, Joseph, Mary and Baby Jesus, because there is no more CSF leak, the nasap cavity is clear, and the crack is completely sealed.”

I could not believe him. I was overwhelmed by joy. We took the report to the surgeon who gave my nephew a clean bill of health. We sought three opinions from different radiologists and surgeons and the report was the same. My nephew was healed. He was healed without surgery as recommended by doctors..Praise be to God.

- Celestine K

 Divorce Papers Cancelled
 After 21-Day Fast

Feb this year l was summoned with divorce papers and l bought the marriage book and did th prayer points while on a 21-day fast and hubby came back in April saying he wants me and his family back. In June l did the 7 Furious Prayers for June and hubby bought me a new car on the 23rd of June and today its my 7th day on the Prayer Academy and l believe God is going to do more for l will shock my enemies and suprise my friends.

- Hilda

 Cancer Was Nowhere
To Be Found !
At the beginning of this year, I requested eagles to intercede for a friend who the doctor decided to cut her breasts because of cancer.

After we did the 27 midnight for storming gates of 2016 with her, she
went on her test before her operation in February 2016, the doctor
could not find the tumors in her breast anymore. They sent her for
second screen by a different doctor. Cancer was nowhere to be found.

But the Dr said for them to be on the safe side, let them go ahead
and cut her breasts. after the operation, they send them to the lab to
test for cancer, result was zero. She now finished the Prayer Academy
and she is prayer warrior now.

- Eagle Albertina

 Tested Negative This Week,
After Living With HIV For 8 Years

God is so good and ever faithful. Last month I lost my brother to HIV. My sister who comes after him had also been tested for HIV way before him but I’d always pray for her.

I started the midnight prayers for my sister who has lived with HIV for 8 years now. She tested negative just this week. I will worship the Lord and shout his fame.

- Leah M, Harare

 3 Job Offers in 7 Days
I was introduced to this site by a colleague at work in April 2016
just one month before my contract was ending. I have been using the
monthly prayer bullets and my life has changed for the better.

Actually I believe I now understand the term, 'God has smiled on me.'
In September, 2016 I got 3 job offers in 7 days. And God directed
me to pick the best one, I am working in a managerial position in
our department. More so, I used to struggle with lust but I am now
free. I thank God for teaching me how to pray and crave for his
holy word through this site.

- Gabriel, Malawi


 I Want to Win More Souls!

 Thank you for sharing some of our testimonies with others, because of that, I've had people calling to ask me "is this you.." And that alone has given me the opportunity to share my testimonies and encourage others, even those that thought "these prayers do not work" now have a different opinion and some have even joined the PA. I really love what the Lord is doing.

My prayer has always been "Lord, let others see your glory through me, I declare that my testimony shall shock my enemies and surprise my family and friends" He is doing it.. Before I leave the house every morning, I ask God to give me at least 1 person that I can share the Word with and He does it, sometimes without me noticing it.

This really humbles me and it makes me want to do more for our Lord and win more souls..

-- Punah S, Botswana

 Long-Gone Husband Back -
After Just 3 Days of Prayers

Praise Jesus. A friend told me about her friend whose marriage
was on the rocks. The husband had left for another woman promising
to marry the second wife & finish the house they were building for
this second woman.

He stopped supporting the family let alone paying fees for their
2 children. If he came home he would just come to abuse & fight.
I sent her the half-year report which had 21 days marathon prayers.
As if she was only waiting for the prayer she started immediately.

3 days of the prayer her long-gone husband came back,
paid school fees, bought her clothes and household necessities.

This woman is seventh day adventist. She is in shock by the quick
response from God & amazed at her husband. The man is now completing the house for her & by end of this week she will be in her own home, no more rent.

- Victoria A


 "Sickness, I command You
     Out of My Body By Fire!"

Since I started engaging in your prayer program using the FIRE BULLETS, things started happening to me. In Feb 2015 after prayer in went to bed, and I saw a strange black person leaving my body. (My prayer point was spirit of disease & infirmity I command you out of my body by fire & blood of Jesus).

 I had a strange pain in my right side, after July 2015 prayer bullets, something dropped out of my body where the pain was. My skin dramatically begin to change due to midnight prayers, its much lighter

- Agnes


 Dream Victory -
Almost Died In Her Sleep
Two three nights back I almost died in my sleep! I had a sleepless night till at around 4am I managed to dose off abit. So as I sleept this strange woman came at a terrible speed and pulled out my soul together with my body and in the dream I was completely gone,could feel it! I started thinking of where my body will be laid and very fast I said, I’m not gonna let this happen to me so I started praying and saying repeatedly, ” In the name of Jesus I recover my soul…In the name of Jesus, I recover…”
I must have said this over ten times then slowly my soul was indeed restored! I woke up and couldn’t believe I was coming from a dream coz it had sounded so real!  when I woke up I thought about the fact that if God had not given me the grace to recall the power in the name of Jesus,how would i have recovered my soul! Praise the Lord.

- Hilda

Re-Married At 50,
After 10 Years of Widowhood

I used to run after the so called 'men & women of God' in my country, flying from the Middle East  to attend one conference or the other, but there was no success in my life, instead the devil was beating me black and blue.
Since I joined Prayer Academy in 2013 my life started taking divine shape.

When I got a marriage proposal from a widower I couldn't act on it because I was scared this might be a scam. The man kept calling and following up, I told him I needed to deal with some spiritual matters before I could get serious with any relationship. I have been widowed for the past ten years.

It was my 50th birthday a few weeks ago, the man has constantly been in touch with my children, planning for me to spend my 50th with my children ( all of them in the USA studying). I walked into a surprise 50th birthday celebration with a few of my close friends and relatives around Houston. With my consent, we exchanged marriage vows and marriage blessings followed.

I never thought of myself getting married again to a man that is so God- fearing and caring. He bought me a brand new car for my birthday, and keeps reassuring me that he is treating me as God directs. I never knew there are still 'real men' out there. Praise the LORD.

- Sister D

 "I Made All Sorts of
      Excuses And Gave Up"

y testimony took me about 1 year 5 months. I have been running away from God, procrastinating, wanting an easy way out, but I realised a warfare is a warfare and there are not 2 ways about it.

I joined the PA in January 2016 and 3 months into the program I wrote to you and you asked me to go back to the foundational prayers in Prayer Cookbook. I did but I didn't do a good job on the prayers and you told me to go back and redo. That's when I gave it up and gave all sort of excuses.

But today I come to testify that the Lord never gives up on us, like the prodigal son my Lord kept on waiting until I came back home, which I did on 26th October 2016. I made the decision to do the prayers as you had instructed. I was determined, filled with holy anger to change my life.

Glory to God, 5 days into the prayers and fasting I got a job in another country, aaah this God is good and powerful wooo. I give all glory and honour to him. I have already started on my new job and I am loving it.

Jessie, Zim

 Sounds Like It Was Ripped
Straight Out of A Storybook
My story will sound like it was ripped straight out of a storybook. I will make the story short and get straight to the point. I didn’t know that I was pregnant for the entire pregnancy nothing in my body changed, no signs of pregnancy showed up and on the 08/09/2016 I felt like I was very constipated lo and behold I gave birth at home to a baby girl.
When we went to the hospital they told me that my baby’s leg was bent and that she will be disabled but the devil is a liar my baby’s leg is perfect she is healthy and growing up very fast. I thank God for the precious gift that He's blessed me with. My family call her the miracle baby which she is indeed. God is truly Great! Glory to God and praise his Holy Name… Thank you Lord for your love and Grace. God bless you all!

- Moloko

 "It Was Like A
      Dream To Me!"
Praise the living faithful God. l was directed to this site by a friend n after firing the midnight bullets from 9-11-2016 God has done it for me. The unexpected happened, hallelujah! My son received salvation! It was like a dream to me.. praise God. God bless all the prayer eagles.l will live to tell this wondrous story. Amen.

- Doris M

                             "I Refuse Miscarriage!"
 I usually just read the testimonies but I have to testify too. Last year in September 2015 I miscarried and it was so devastating to me and my husband. I joined the Prayer Academy in November 2015 then fell pregnant again. A few weeks into my pregnancy I started spotting again like i did the time I miscarried. My 1st thought was oh no, not again! Then I remembered God’s Word where different women were barren but ended up having children also in Isaiah 54. I stood on that and believed that I will not miscarry again but carry the pregnancy to term. I refused another miscarriage.

Went to the doctor who scanned and said that the baby was alive but the placenta was detached in some places which is why I was bleeding. So she prescribed meds and bed rest, I continued to pray and trust God. A week later the bleeding stopped, after 2 weeks the placenta had reattached everything was looking fine. Fastforward, in September 2016 I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. All glory to God. I’m so grateful for His Word...

 - Yami


 Spiritual Ears Opened

Your website has tremendously changed my life, family and everything around me. When you sent me the ebook ” PASSION PRAYER OF JESUS CHRIST” I read and used the prayer bullets,

‘O Lord open my spiritual ear in the name of Jesus.'

 I repeated this several times. Then I felt like sleeping. This was in the afternoon. When I went to bed, I dozed off immediately. Then all of a sudden I felt a hand removing something from my ear. It wasn’t easy for it to get out of my ear. It had tightly sealed my ear. Hardly had it left my ears when it made a sound as opening a soda bottle - the pop sound.

After that I woke up and started hearing things well. Before that I couldn’t hear things clearly especially the preachings in the church. Last Sunday when I went to church I was able to hear clearly what the pastor was preaching. - Josephine
All glory and honor belongs to the LORD for these testimonies. 
He is the One that made all this happen. And He is about to do it again.
Every year for the past 12 years, at about this time...
… before the New Year comes around the corner, bristling with spiritual pitfalls,
 and dangerous shifts that can eat most people alive...     
The LORD releases a specific Blueprint for victory and success 
for the entire year ... to His prayer eagles who have "hearing ears" in 
the spirit. We receive instructions on how to enter the "Gates" of the New Year
... and navigate our way to breakthroughs and testimonies in spite of the 
obstacles that conspire to murder everyone else's hopes and dreams.
 The 2017 Blueprint is entitled: Gates of Fire
What’s the Prophetic Outlook for 2017?
We’ll start off with 2 prophetic scriptures.
Here’s the first one:
And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. And it came to pass, 
as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and 
they dwelled there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and 
burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar.

And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach to 
heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad on the face of 
the whole earth. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which 
the children of men built. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they 
have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained 
from them, which they have imagined to do. 

Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not 
understand one another's speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from 
there on the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 
Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound 
the language of all the earth: and from there did the LORD scatter them abroad 
on the face of all the earth. – Gen 11:1-9
In the realm of the spirit …Two things are going on at frenetic pace as you read 
this.The first is a globe-spanning evil enterprise, whose origin we just read about
in the passage above. In a blatant opposition to the LORD’s commandment given 
to them in Genesis 1:28, the inhabitants of the ancient world decided to strike 
out in the opposite direction.

Instead of heeding the divine call to go out, subdue the earth and exercise 
dominion, they banded together, encouraged and stirred up one another to 
build that infamous tower, in a vain attempt to avoid being dispersed. This 
was not just a titanic attempt to scale the heavens and to make a name for 
themselves. Using the best technology of the day, this whole project seemed 
conceived and executed as a direct affront to God. By the way, you hear of 
prominent technology leaders today bragging about how they want to go to 
Mars and set up some type of living community out there.
Then, with more braggadocio they threaten to deploy an army of robots to 
take over the jobs than human beings are doing here… while reducing almost 
everyone to zombies. On the surface of it, this sounds like exciting 
technological progress. But underneath, implicit in their arrogant enterprise, 
is not so much a desire to use their vast resources to help solve any of 
humanity’s most pressing problems.  

Their real purpose remains the same as it ever was: to look for every 
way possible to disprove, even discredit, the truth that we know about the
 Living God as the sole creator and controller of the universe…
… who has assigned us humans an important role to play right here on 
earth. It should therefore come as no surprise that some of these same 
people are also doubling as the chief promoters of some of the worst 
form of sexual perversions today…
… the likes of which have not been seen since the demise of the 
Roman Empire centuries ago.In all fronts, they are set on a collision 
course with the Almighty. But the LORD has a way of defeating the
 evil enterprise. In ancient times, 3 things happened to the evil builders.
1.     Their language was confounded, i.e. confused.
              God has power over the minds and tongues of
               those striving against a divine sentence.
2.     Their building project came to a screeching halt.
3.     The builders were scattered.
What does that have to do with you in this 21st century?
Babel represents the sick foundation of idolatry (both ancient and modern) 
and all the wickedness that flows from it.The enemy of all mankind has 
been busily constructing, reinforcing and repackaging ancient pagan practices 
into seductive new-age forms… and firing them like arrows into the hearts and
 minds of people, including believers everywhere.
With an ungodly crew of invisible demonic entities and their human helpers,
 their work is now reaching an advanced stage in the lives of many.
Today, no thanks to the Internet and social media, you find many believers
 wallowing in the filth of pornography without even a pang of conscience.
Others would do anything for money. For some, their god is their belly  
(hint: such people find it almost impossible to fast).
It is getting more and more difficult to tell the difference between a 
believer and an unbeliever, going by the way they talk, dress and act.
When we received salvation, the power of the Lord to save, to heal 
and to deliver became available to us. In great measure.
But lured by ignorance or feel-good gospel into a false sense of security, 
many believers simply stopped growing.They were told that once saved, 
you’re always saved. Nothing more to do. As a result, many became careless, 
and those things they were delivered from began to creep back into their lives.
Look at this verse:
Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it 
was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly 
contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. Jude 1:3

In some cases, many have been unwittingly helping to rebuild the Tower of
 Babel in their lives.Or else…Why would a Christian single even consider living 
in the same room and sleeping on the same bed with someone (of the opposite sex) 
that they are not married to? Some people do know how to court disaster.

We read this:
For if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. – Gal. 2:18
Here Comes A Prophetic Warning For 2017
The LORD is about to blast and bring to naught all the devices and designs of 
modern-day builders of Babel.He has various means, and effective ones, to 
battle and defeat the projects of those who set themselves against Him.
Job 9 v 4 says this about the LORD:
He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: who has hardened 
himself against him, and has prospered?
In fact, the hand of the LORD has gone out against them.This year we must all 
get away from that which we see God fight against. Get out of the blast zone!
For, behold, the day comes, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yes, 
and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that comes shall burn 
them up, said the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor 
branch. Mal 4:1

I pray you take this prophetic warning seriously.You will spare yourself from 
most of the troubles waiting to trip up the rest of humanity this year.
Onwards… to the next scripture.
One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came 
with them. The Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?”
Satan answered the Lord, “From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.”
Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no
 one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.”
“Does Job fear God for nothing?” Satan replied. “Have you not put a hedge around
 him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of 
his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. But now stretch 
out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.”
The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on 
the man himself do not lay a finger.”
Then Satan went out from the presence of the Lord.
One day when Job’s sons and daughters were feasting and drinking wine at 
the oldest brother’s house, a messenger came to Job and said, “The oxen were 
plowing and the donkeys were grazing nearby, and the Sabeans attacked and
 made off with them. They put the servants to the sword, and I am the only 
one who has escaped to tell you!”
While he was still speaking, another messenger came and said, 
“The fire of God fell from the heavens and burned up the sheep and 
the servants, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”
While he was still speaking, another messenger came and said, 
“The Chaldeans formed three raiding parties and swept down on your 
camels and made off with them. They put the servants to the sword,
 and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”
While he was still speaking, yet another messenger came and
 said, “Your sons and daughters were feasting and drinking wine 
at the oldest brother’s house, when suddenly a mighty wind swept 
in from the desert and struck the four corners of the house. It collapsed on 
them and they are dead, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”
At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the 
ground in worship. – Job 1: 6-20

Hmmm. The fire of God fell from heaven.
Now we now know what actually transpired.
Yet there is a perspective I want you to consider today.
When you follow the narrative, you will realize that it is almost as 
if someone ‘flipped’ a switch in the spirit realm … against Job 
and his family.One day, everything was going fine and dandy. 
Next day, their whole world turned upside down.
Without so much as a warning, the man Job was pushed into the gates of fire.
If you were somehow in a position to observe him close up…
 maybe as one of his neighbors, or even as someone who lived 
in the same community or worshipped at the same church…
… you would have been left scratching your head in puzzlement.
How could this happen to such a godly man?
As many modern-day intellectuals in the secular world 
(and even in the church) would ask: How could a loving God allow such 
calamity to befall anyone?(As an exercise, google the words ‘why does 
God allow…’ and see what comes up.) I just googled and what do I get?
About 4,060,000 results (0.46 seconds)

Without spiritual understanding, so many are stumbling at that question.
Remember I just said it’s as if someone FLIPPED A SWITCH?
As a matter of fact, someone did. Stealthily. Behind the scenes. 
Away from human eyes. The gates of fire were opened.
The fire of affliction has been a reality throughout 
human history since the fall of Adam in the garden.
So many people reading this are even now in the fiery furnace – 
satanically orchestrated, to be sure – through no fault of their own.
Like Job.
Like the 3 Hebrew children in Daniel chapter 3.
But here’s the good news…
The LORD is about to open the gates … for you to walk out of the fire.
Hear that again:
You are about to walk out of the fire.
After all is said and done, the unspeakable horrors that Job went through 
became the training ground that helped launch him like a rocket into a 
higher realm of power, blessings and dominion.Not to mention that it burnished 
his credentials as one of the finest prayer eagles to ever walk the earth.
How about the 3 Hebrew children?
Once they walked out of the gates of fire, they stepped right into shocking 
divine promotion.Their great deliverance sparked a national spiritual revival,
 even as the bedazzled king hastily set forth a new decree: 

Then Nebuchadnezzar said, “Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, 
who has sent his angel and rescued his servants! They trusted in him and defied the king’s
 command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any 
god except their own God. Therefore I decree that the people of any nation or
 language who say anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego 
be cut into pieces and their houses be turned into piles of rubble, for no other 
god can save in this way.” – Dan 3:28 - 29
Please close your eyes and take this prayer with a holy shout:
My problems shall become my promotion in the name of Jesus.

What is the prophetic equivalent of walking out of the gates of fire today?
If you take these lessons to heart, the LORD is about to use the 14-day prayers starting December 30 to open the gates of fire…
… for you to step through victoriously to dominion and divine promotion in 2017.
There’s Something Else …
When men built their Babel, the LORD released confusion into their midst.
He did not want this thing built.But today there is something the LORD 
wants you to build. And here it is:
But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in 
the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord 
Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. Be merciful to those who doubt; save others 
by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even 
the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.– Jude 20-23 

Notice some important key phrases here (paraphrased):
-         Build yourself up in your faith
-         Pray in the Spirit
-         Keep yourself under the umbrella of God’s mercy
-         Then help to snatch others from the fire
On the last point…
Many years ago, I was deep in the fires of affliction.
Those were dark, dark days … with no sign of relief.
I would look at this scripture and wonder:
We see not our signs: there is no more any prophet: neither is there among us
any that knows how long. – Psalm 74:9

When the LORD eventually delivered me, He gave me this mandate to help snatch
 others out of the fire. That’s when it dawned on me… You can only be as effective at snatching others from the fire when you yourself have passed through the fire.
No wonder the Bible says:
My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, 
that the trying of your faith works patience. But let patience have her perfect work,
 that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. – James 1:4
As you step through the gates of fire…
Lives will be transformed.
Situations will be changed.
You will be catapulted to the realm of signs and wonders all through this year.
How to Pray into 2017
Here’s the order of events: 
Level 0  -    Storming the Gate of 2017 (public event for all)
Level 1  -    Prayer Academy (New members – access required)
Level 2  -    Sapphire 2017 Edition (PA Graduates  – access required)
  How To Be An Overcomer
 With This Year’s Prayers

As we approach the start of the program on December 30, 2016, there are 2 simple, 
but VERY crucial, steps you must take, if you really want to see the finger of God
 manifest speedily on your behalf:
Simple Step #1:
Make Doubly Sure JESUS
Is In the Driver’s Seat of Your Boat
"Not by works of righteousness which we have done,
 but according to his mercy he saved us..." - Titus 3:5
        No matter how far you may have strayed from the LORD this year, He wants 
you back NOW.
        He is able and willing to forgive your sins, cleanse you and give you a fresh
 new start in 2017... if only you'd go on your knees and cry out for His mercy NOW.
       YES, it is up to you to open the door of your heart for Him to come in and do a 
work of transformation in your life right now. Please take a moment to do this, if you 
need to. … before you even think of going further.   
Simple Step #2:
All Secret Sins Must Go
(And I Do Mean ALL)

       Realize that God sees your heart even now as you read this. He knows what 
you do in secret. Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins, mine… and that 
of the whole world.
    Of course this might sound like foolishness to the people of the world 
(in the secular world I meet “sophisticated” people all the time who say so).
    But you know the Bible says:  
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing,
 but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. – 1 Cor.1:18

    Since you have read up to this point, I believe you are NOT one of those who 
are perishing. So, let me congratulate you for that…
 About our Lord Jesus Christ, we are assured this:
Who His own self bare our sins
in His own body on the tree ... - 1 Peter 2:24
Unto him that loved us, and washed us
from our sins in his own blood - Rev. 1:5
        If you are new to this…
I must alert you that if you follow these 2 simple steps above with all sincerity … 
before even firing the opening shots, you may not be able to handle the flood of peace 
and joy that will invade your heart ...
… not to mention the testimonies to follow.
       Last year by this time I challenged those who went through these simple
 steps diligently to get ready for an overflow of breakthroughs in their lives.
       They were NOT disappointed.
       Before we got to DAY 4 of the program, our testimony inbox was filling up 
so fast we had to redirect people to go to the blog to post their testimonies under the COMMENT section with their own hands!
       Praise the LORD who delights in answering the prayers of His people. 
Prayers to Storm the Gate 2017 Edition
Here's Your 14-Day Prayer
Plan At The Gate of 2017
 This year we will begin our close-out prayers at the midnight hour of Friday, 
December 30.We will enter into the New Year, firing on all cylinders, praying like 
a wounded lion through December 31 to New Year’s Day, Sunday, January 1, 2017.
We will continue our prayers everyday – day and night - till Thursday, January 12, 2017.

A total of 14 days. Then we’ll change the realm of our prayers, as we enter Level 1 
 (for those ALREADY signed up for the Academy).
 Level 2 will be announced at this time.
Calling All Our Prayer Eagles...
       From Friday, December 30, 2016 fasting is compulsory (unless you have a medical condition that precludes fasting – please check with your doctor).
    All prayer eagles on this site are to embark on a fasting-prayer program as follows - 
(Again please check with your doctor if you can fast – please do Not ask me as I’m not a physician):
Fri, Dec. 30, 2016              -         Partial fast (morning until 2:00 or 3:00 PM
                                                         as the LORD gives you the grace).
Sat, Dec.31, 2016              -           Start of Esther Fast – DAY 1
Sun, Jan.1, 2017                 -           Esther Fast Cont’d – DAY 2
Mon, Jan.2, 2017               -           End of Esther Fast (6:00 PM) – DAY 3
Tues, Jan. 3, 2017              -           Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)
Wed, Jan. 4, 2017              -           Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)
Thurs, Jan. 5, 2017            -           Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)
Fri, Jan. 6, 2017                -           Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)
Sat, Jan.7, 2017                 -           Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)
Sun, Jan. 8, 2017               -           Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)
Mon, Jan. 9, 2017             -           Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)
Tues, Jan.10, 2017            -           Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)
Wed, Jan.11, 2017            -           Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)
Thurs, Jan.12, 2017           -           Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM) 
       Very Important:
The Proper Way to Break a Fast
(Suggestion only – not medical advice !)
You should not eat heavy meals at least 2 days before a long fast. Rather you should take MORE fruits and drink a lot of water.
            When you break your fast, you should never break with solid food. You 
must break slowly. DO not take any cold water or drinks. Warm water is preferable. 
Eat fruits such as oranges, paw-paw, etc. for a while and drink a lot of water before
 attempting to eat any solid food.
            When you have been on a long fast, you will need some days to slowly break.
 For instance, if you fasted for 7 days, you’ll need another 3 days to slowly break – 
meaning in the following 3 days you should be on a diet of fruits and water, before 
introducing any heavy food.
            This is because the end of a long fast is the most delicate time of a fast. For 
those who did not conquer their appetite during the fast, there is a danger that they 
might overeat right after the fast, thereby causing severe problems for themselves.
            In the event of that happening, quickly stop eating and begin another fast 
without food and water for at least 2 days and you should be alright.

Let me repeat this: Please NOTE that this is not a medical prescription.
Always seek the advice of your doctor before taking any action that could affect your 

health. What I have just said here should NOT be taken as medical advice.

Now to the prayers…
All the prayers should be prayed AT THE MIDNIGHT HOUR. You should also find time during the day to continue with the prayers.
If, however, because of your work schedule, you are not able to pray at the midnight
 hour, then you should pray VERY early in the morning before 6:00 AM.
       No excuses please.
       If you do this diligently, you will surely experience the visitation of the LORD, 
the One who ordained this program.
       Finally it is time to review our yearly message to prepare us for the gate of 
the New Year...
 --> Start of Review

For those who are here for the first time… here’s a quick review from previous years
There are 3 fundamental principles that you need to arm yourself with, as we prepare to crossover into the New Year. 
Here’s the VERY first one. And you need to apply it diligently at the “gate” i.e. midnight as Dec 31, 2016 transitions into Jan 1, 2017.

(The rest I will continue to share step by step in the Prayer Academy and the SAPPHIRE program).  
If you're ready, let's go...

We'll open this section with a short prayer. Please just close your eyes where you are now and take this singular prayer point with fire in your spirit: 
"O LORD, open my spiritual understanding today
 in the name of Jesus. Amen."
We’ll take off by looking at the popular story of the ten virgins. In Matthew 25:1-10 we read:
 "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut."
This is a familiar story.
Two phrases are of particular interest to us here:
(i)                  At midnight there was a cry made...
(ii)                And the door was shut...

Here is Key #1...

Midnight is the time when "doors" are shut against people in the spirit.
Key #2…
It is also a time when satanic cries are made against people by the evil powers operating along the bloodlines of their families.

Please hold these thoughts while we back up to Psalm 24:7-10:
 "Lift up your head, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
 Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.
 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
 Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory." 
 Again we see the word “doors” but this time, at the appearance of a Superior, Sovereign Power... 
 … Instead of being shut, the door (and gates) are being commanded to “open.” 
Putting what we’ve read so far together, we arrive at the inescapable conclusion that doors can be opened and shut in the spiritual realm.
In many places in the Bible, we see references to doors and gates.
For instance, we find them at the at the entry point to cities (1 Kings 17), temples (Acts 3), prisons (Acts 12), and palaces (Esther 5).

At the gates of the city, important decisions and verdicts were handed down. Controversies were settled there. Financial transactions were sealed there.
Honor was bestowed at the gate. Blessings were pronounced at the gate… and curses were issued as punishment for offences at the gate.
In fact, the gate played such a pivotal role in the life of any community that in times of war… 
 The enemy’s first order of business was to seize control of the gate! 
 What’s this got to do with the New Year?
You can liken the New Year to a well-fortified city with a strong gate.
The gate is the entry point into the city.
 For the purpose of this conversation...
The door or gate of the New Year is currently shut. It is supposed to swing open IN THE SPIRIT at 12 midnight on January 1st
Notice that I used the word, ‘supposed’… that is what should happen in an ideal situation...
The reality, however, is that for most people, the gate of the New Year never opens to them spiritually… it remains tightly shut against them year after year, often without their knowledge!
 Why is this so?
The Bible reveals that there are invisible “horsemen setting themselves in array at the gate” (Isaiah 22:7). 
And here's the SECRET:
 The entrance or gate to the New Year is the midnight hour between December 31 and January 1st
The truth remains that this gate is the point of the hottest spiritual battle you can think of.
 Whoever takes control of that gate in the crucial first few seconds of the New Year determines what happens throughout the entire year!
 What I’m sharing with you is well-understood by the children of darkness. No wonder our Lord Jesus once said (in Luke 16:8b): 
… for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light
At the critical midnight hour of between December 31st and January 1st the children of this world (darkness) that Jesus is referring to here will be busy taking off in their evil aircraft and making evil prophetic pronouncements to renew age-old bondages…
… capture the entire year (and shut the gates of the next 12 months against ignorant people). 
At this exact same time, most modern day believers will be dancing and partying the night away! 
Unknown to them, at this critical hour of midnight when the new year is being “delivered” (think of a woman in labor), whatever decrees are issued (good or bad) have the capacity to alter the destiny of an individual, family or nation.
You remember how many prophecies of greatness that Christians usually receive at the beginning of every year? 
How many of them ever come to pass? 
You know why?
At the most critical first few seconds of the New Year, the enemy gets busy "shutting the gate" and cancelling those prophecies by issuing ungodly decrees against people, using words anointed with satanic power!
No wonder:
·         Doors of opportunity remained tightly shut throughout the year. 
·         The heavens refuse to open and pour out the expected blessings in abundance. 
·         Divine benefits refused to manifest... 
·         Divine helpers were nowhere to be found…
·         Most prayers went unanswered... leaving many believers scratching their heads.
If you keep records of all the wonderful prophecies received every New Year (like I do) you’ll realize that most of them NEVER come to pass.
It doesn't matter how many great men or women of God prophesied.
Because most Christians allow the enemy (either out of ignorance or sheer laziness) to take control of the GATES when it mattered most…  
... at the critical moment of transition… when most people are in slumber.
You see, in the spiritual realm, just one second’s delay can cost a person an entire year.
Like the prayer bullets you will see shortly, if you were to pray them at any other time of the year, you won’t achieve the same results [except in very few cases which we will discuss at various times during the year in the Members’ Forum].
Thankfully, the Lord has not left us ignorant about this matter.
12 years ago He gave us a battle plan which has never failed.
If we execute on this plan diligently... 
These 90 minutes AT THE GATE can save you 9 months of frustration, disappointment and sorrow.
  -->   End of Review

A Housekeeping Note
              At this point I'm inspired to release the power of the spoken blessing on a 
VERY special group of people on this site... they are silent co-laborers with me in 
the Vineyard.
            Here’s one of them:
“Yes, indeed you never asked for any tithe/offering. The Holy Spirit laid it in my 
spirit to tithe to your ministry and indeed I obeyed. I've never lacked anything ever 
since. I've grabbed the revelation of obedience in financial giving. My husband and 
I are debt free as I'm writing. This is one area where God is using me & I'm excited. 
I give to your ministry because my Father in heaven instructed me so & I'm happy 
to please Him.”
  – Eagle GW
       Such dear people operating in stealth mode help make testimonies like this happen:
“I Had Already Given Up On Life,

          I Wanted To Commit Suicide”
I thank God that I came to know about your site i usually say it was a real divine connection.  I had already given up in life to a point that i had declared to commit suicide.

I was on my way to work when just happened to sit next to a lady who was reading your prayer points i got so moved by the prayers points then she invited me to your site.
Since then i have really seen God i am totally encouraged and i have come to know that God loves His people and He can use anything to save you like He did to me.
- Name Withheld to Protect Identity
        To All Our Faithful Partners in 2016

                      A Very Special Thank You

                             ... And A Prayer

We want to thank the Father for enabling all the powerful praise reports through the Spirit, and for using them to glorify the name of His Son Christ Jesus... and to encourage believers everywhere. We give Him all glory and honor in Jesus' name.

                       We say "Thank You" to all our PARTNERS...
The  Cyrils, Jacklines, Reginas, Esthers, BettysMercys
 Wybos, DorisWethusStephensIsiahs,FaithsBarbarasPepis,
 CharitysAugustinas (and all the precious others)...
… whose names are boldly written in Heaven’s Hall of Fame
...those select few whose hearts the LORD has touched who diligently supported this ministry all through 2016.
It is because of your faithful support that this message is now going out to tens of thousands of people all across the earth.
It is because of your support that the children of God are able to share thousands of testimonies on this site every year.
Because of your financial support and your prayers, we are able to send these daily messages to believers in 117 countries ... you are truly my co-laborers in the Lord's vineyard.
Every testimony on this site will stand as a memorial before the Throne of Grace, living PROOF of your faithfulness, forever speaking favor, mercy and compassion on your behalf.
Even when I never asked, the LORD has spoken to your hearts and you have obeyed His voice by sending in a portion of your tithes, offerings and gifts monthly to help keep the sites, forums and blogs humming with heavenly activity day and night.

         LET ME SAY THIS:
 I may not know you or what your circumstances are (but the LORD sure knows YOU), and the thousands of fresh praise reports on this site will CONTINUALLY stand as a memorial before HIM...
...reminding Him of your work of faith, your labor of love, and your patience of hope in following our Master, Jesus Christ.
Here's my prayer for you…
“LORD, Your Word tells us in Mark 9 verse 41:
'For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.'
As friends remember and send gifts to one another this season, O LORD GOD, my Father, according to this Word...
...remember all your precious children who have supported this ministry throughout 2016 through their gifts, tithes, offerings, volunteer work, and their prayers.

LORD, I ask that You send them a surprise gift this season. Send them divine helpers today and let the voice of their offering CONTINUALLY speak on their behalf all the days of their lives.
In Jesus’ glorious name.
To you our partners, I now pronounce this blessing:
The LORD bless you and keep you. The LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The LORD lift up His countenance upon you and establish you in shalom in Jesus' name.
The God of Israel shall trouble the troublers of your Israel in Jesus' name.
The LORD bless you out of Zion. May HE bless your staff of bread, and open the windows of heaven and pour forth a thousand-fold increase in response to your giving in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.

  -- elisha
The Prayer Blueprint for Shocking
Breakthroughs Throughout 2017
        For reasons of space and time, we can only pray a tiny fraction of these 
prayers here. But right after the 14-day prayers at the gate of 2017, we will continue 
(without any break) with the follow-up programs I’ve mentioned already.  
        Please NOTE the following:
1.      For those in the current Prayer Academy
You will suspend all the prayers of the Prayer Academy for 14 days starting on Dec 30.
At the end of the program (on January 12, 2017) you will resume with the Prayer

 Academy lesson FOR THAT WEEK. Please make a note of the 14 days that you 
suspended the lessons. You will go back and pray them at the end of the Post-Marathon 
2.      For those in the Diamond Edition
You will suspend all the prayers of the Diamond Edition for 14 days starting 
on Dec 30.At the end of the program (on January 12, 2017) you will resume 
with the Diamond Edition lesson that FOR THAT WEEK. After the program, you 
will NOT go back to pray those lessons you missed. Rather you will JOIN 
WHATEVER program is going on in the 24-Hour Forum.
3.      For those in the Gold Academy (Marriage Restoration)
You will suspend all the prayers of the Gold Academy for 14 days starting on Dec 30.
At the end of the program (on January 12, 2017) you will resume with the Gold

 Academy lesson FOR THAT WEEK. Please make a note of the 14 days that you
 suspended the lessons. You will have to go back and pray them after the last 
module of the program.
4.      For those already in the Singles Program…
Please watch for an email alert to start the next module. The Forum will 
not be open to new members until further notice.
5. For All Others


Please allow me to get

something off my chest

        If I were to be your pastor, coach or mentor … you and everyone else would 
get at least a taste of being a prayer eagle. 
        It will taste bitter to most people.  And that's fine.  No harm, no foul.   
        But for some... it will be SWEET nectar.

        A thrill like nothing else they've ever experienced before. 
        Seeking to become a true prayer eagle will take you places in 2017 ... 
and RELEASE to you things that were previously denied, delayed or diverted 
to someone else. 
        As you may already know, if you want to excel at anything you need some 
TRAINING. Without proper training, you will just be beating the air... ... and 
wasting YOUR time. 
        Please decide to take the time to learn HOW to pray result-oriented prayers
 in 2017. It took me 16 long weary years to pray the way I teach here … longer
 than it took me to get through school up to the graduate level and beyond ... 
        After performing miracles and walking with Jesus day in and day out, 
the disciples pleaded:
"Lord, teach us to pray,
just as John taught his disciples."

        If you are NOT greater than the disciples who walked, worked and lived with 
Jesus, you too should learn to PRAY. 
        Make that a priority this year. It is never too late to start. 
        FIRST Prayer Academy for 2017 is just around the corner. 
        If you have never joined, I can't begin to tell you what you're missing. 
        Just 3 weeks into the program, and you will understand why 
some prayers are not answered... 
        ... so you can AVOID these mistakes. 
        For alerts on the Prayer Academy starting after this program (Jan 25th
please click below for more details:
        Thank you for your precious time and attention.

        Be An Overcomer all through 2017

  Midnight Prayer Coach
PS:   You have my permission to post this message on your Facebook wall.
         Share it with your WhatsApp group. Send it to 100 friends or MORE.
         You will be equipping them for success in 2017.

          Forward to as many people as possible (as a free New Year gift)
          - they will be sharing testimonies if they follow through with the program!
                   Invite them to join us at the gates of 2017. It is FREE. 

PPS:  Next Prayer Academy : Starts 25 of the month
            "Coaching for Prayer Eagles" This one is NOT FREE.  
Start Here
Prayers to Storm the Gates of 2017
Day ONE – Friday, Dec. 30
A Day of 3 Things
Scripture Ingredient: Isaiah 58: 6-11
        “Is this not the fast which I choose,
         To loosen the bonds of wickedness,
         To undo the bands of the yoke,
         And to let the oppressed go free
         And break every yoke?
      “Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry
         And bring the homeless poor into the house;
         When you see the naked, to cover him;
         And not to hide yourself from your own flesh?
      “Then your light will break out like the dawn,
         And your recovery will speedily spring forth;
         And your righteousness will go before you;
         The glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.
      “Then you will call, and the LORD will answer;
         You will cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’
         If you remove the yoke from your midst,
         The pointing of the finger and speaking wickedness,
        And if you give yourself to the hungry
         And satisfy the desire of the afflicted,
         Then your light will rise in darkness
         And your gloom will become like midday.
      “And the LORD will continually guide you,
         And satisfy your desire in scorched places,
         And give strength to your bones;
         And you will be like a watered garden,
         And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.

This is very important.
We are going into fasting like the prophets and apostles of old. 
A day before you begin the full fast (Dec 31), you will first give alms.
Please look around for the needy in your community and bless them 
generously. You can give them money. You can buy groceries for them.
You can make or buy clothes and other valuable items for them. 
This kind of compassionate action, if motivated by love, 
always attracts the attention of heaven (see scripture above).
Our LORD taught us exactly how to give in Matt. 6:1-4:
“Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; 
otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.  
“So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, 
as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, 
so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their 
reward in full.  But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand
 know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret;
 and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."
This is a key foundation of biblical fasting. And you need to do this before 
you even begin the program.                      

Day 1: A Day of Repentance…

The very first step to take is acknowledge that you have made mistakes in the 

past and sinned greatly against the LORD.Then you go to Him in with godly 
sorrow and deep repentance in your heart, confessing your sins and the sins
 of your ancestors, following Daniels’s godly example in Daniel 9.

Here Daniel was praying for the restoration of Jerusalem. You should follow 

that model and in place of Jerusalem, substitute your family and your 
divine destiny. This is such a crucial FIRST step. You must do it slowly, 
all day and possibly during the night too.

Confess your sins one by one.

Mention them by name, especially sexual sins.
Do not forget the hidden sins of the heart, chief among them mentioned in 
Gal. 5:19-21.Then ask GOD for forgiveness and mercy. For those sins one by one.

Believe that the LORD has forgiven you as He has promised in His Word.
Please note that the Holy Spirit will remind you of many unrepented sins. 
You need to repent of them all if you REALLY want to see results in this 
program.This is what will set the tone and lay the foundation for the rest
 of this 14-day program.It is what will activate divine intervention in every
 area of your life … the LORD has been waiting a long time for you to get 
on your knees and do this properly and thoroughly!
                           Day 1: A Day to Renounce...

After thorough repentance (please note that repentance can last for hours) 

then you will be positioned to renounce your involvement in ungodly associations, if applicable.
Here's a good example:
If you were a member of any ungodly fraternity or cult group at any time 
(or you know that your parents or ancestors were), you many want to pray like this:
1. Lord, I repent of my involvement with this ........ group (mention the name).
2. I ask for your forgiveness. Please wash me clean with the blood of Jesus Christ.
3. Holy Spirit, please help me never to go back to my own vomit.
4. I hereby renounce my association with this ..... group in Jesus' name (mention
 the name).
5. I reject all the properties of this evil group in my possession and I command 
the fire of God to burn them to ashes in Jesus' name.
I bind all the spirits, powers, entities, strongholds associated with this group 
and I cast them out of my life forever by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ. 
In Jesus' name I command these powers to loose their hold upon my life right 
now. I cancel every evil claim of ownership upon my life in Jesus Christ name.
6. I silence every evil voice speaking against my life from the camp of the 
wicked by the power in the blood of Jesus.
7. I appropriate the blood of Jesus to cleanse me from every consequence 
of my involvement in ___
8. I renounce every coffin spirit, spirit of false martyrdom, assault, rape, 
gang attacks in the name of Jesus.
9. I renounce and reject witchcraft / occult signs, symbols and jewelry in the 
name of Jesus Christ.
10. I renounce all curses on my eyes, stomach/womb, body, hands, legs, 
in Jesus' name.
11. Thank You LORD for answering my prayers.

           Day 1: A Day of Thanksgiving & Praise
Take a moment to praise and worship the LORD.
Start by singing praises to the Lord and worshiping Him for a long time…
After that begin to pray like this … with a loud voice: 
1.      From today, whatever I do in word or deed, I do all in the name of the 
Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.  (Col.3:17)
2.      I join the heavenly hosts to say: "We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, 
the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have 
begun to reign. (Rev 11:17)
3.      I give thanks always for all things to God and the Father in the name of
 our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph 5:20)
4.      I add my voice whenever the living beings give glory and honor and thanks 
to the one sitting on the throne, the One who lives forever and ever  (Rev 4:9).
5.      In every thing I give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus 
concerning me (1 Thes 5:18).
6.      I give thanks to the Father, who has qualified me to share in the inheritance
 of the saints in Light.  (Col 1:12)
7.      I give thanks to the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endures
 for ever. – Ps 107:1
8.      I give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness; the whole world 
must hear what he has done. – Ps 105:1
9.      I give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever. – Ps 136:26
10.  Save us, O God our Savior; gather us and deliver us from the nations, 
that we may give thanks to your holy name, that we may glory in 
your praise." – 1 Chr. 16:35
11.  I arise to give thanks to you because of your righteous judgments. – Ps 119:62
12.  I enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise, 
blessed be His holy name. – Ps 100:4
13.  You are my God, and I give thanks to you; my God, I honor you highly. – Ps 118:28
14.  In the day of my deliverance, I will say: “Give thanks to the LORD,
 call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim 
that his name is exalted.” – Isa 12:4
15. Open to me the gates of righteousness; I shall enter through them, 
I shall give thanks to the LORD. – Ps 118:19
16.  I thank You Lord for answering my prayer and giving me victory! – Ps 118:21
17. But we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will give thanks to you 
forever; from generation to generation we will recount your praise, O LORD. – Ps 79:13
18.  With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to the LORD; and in the 
midst of many I will praise Him – Ps 109:30
19.  "I will praise you, O LORD. Although you were once angry with me, 
your anger has turned away and you have comforted me. –Isa 12:1
20. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 
Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. –Ps 139:14
21. To you, O God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I give thanks and praise, 
for you have given me wisdom and might, and have now made known to 
me what we asked of you, for you have made known to us the king’s matter.” – Dan 2:23
22. I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered 
me faithful, appointing me to his service. – 1 Tim 1:12
23. The LORD lives! Thanks be to my rock! May God, the rock of my salvation, 
be glorified – 2 Sam 22:47
24. I give thanks always for all things to God the Father through our 
Lord Jesus Christ. – Eph 5:20
25.  God, the God of Israel, is awe-inspiring in his holy place. He gives 
strength and power to his people. Thanks be to God! – Ps 68:35 
Day TWO – Saturday, Dec. 31
Scripture Ingredient: 
Psalm 102:2
Hide not thy face from me in the day when I am in trouble; incline 

thine ear unto me: in the day when I call, answer me speedily.
Today's Prayers Will Be In 4  Sessions:
Today is the day to confront the Gate of 2017.
That would happen later in the evening.
But before that, there a very crucial activity you need to carry out FIRST.
  Session ONE: During the Day

You will go before the LORD today and explain to Him why you are going on this 

prayer-fasting journey.

       He says in Isa. 41:21:
“Present your case,” says the Lord. “Set forth your arguments,”
says the King of Jacob.
 After giving Him the reasons why you are going on this program, the next thing is for
 you to set specific times for your prayers.
These are the times you can bring your prayer requests before the LORD
Suggested times include: 12 midnight, 3a.m, 6a.m, 9 a.m., 12 noon, 3 p.m., 6 p.m.
Depending on your work schedule, please select some hours that you can stick to. 
Then lift up your voice to heaven at those hours and see what the LORD will do.
·         Session TWO:  11:33 PM - 11:55 PM
·         Session THREE:  11:55 PM - 12:30 PM
·         Session FOUR: 12:45 AM - 1:30 AM
SESSION TWO    Saturday (11:33 PM – 11:55 PM)
NOTE: You will start these prayers at exactly 27 minutes to midnight 
on Saturday, December 31, 2016. 

1. Every periodic spirit of failure and bondage in my life be cut off, 
burn to ashes in Jesus name

2. Anyone standing in the gap to renew bondages in my life, fall 
down and die in the name of Jesus

3. You my enemies in 2016, you will see me no more; I am crossing 
over to 2017, the side of plenty and abundance for me in Jesus name.

4. Let the power of God in me be activated to pull down the empire of any strongman in my life in Jesus name.

5. O Earth, hide not the wrongs done to me; let my call for justice NEVER be silenced in Jesus name. 
6. Every evil cry of ancestral idols against my destiny, be silenced
 now by the blood of Jesus.
7. Satanic accusation against me at the gate of my father's house, 
be cancelled by the power in the blood of Jesus.
8. Any contrary power demanding worship or sacrifice from me, 
I present to you the Cross of Christ and the Blood of Jesus.
9. Every problem with long tail afflicting my life, be consumed 
by the fire of God in the mighty name of Jesus.
10. Satanic evidence tendered by wicked spirits against my life, 
be rendered null and void by the blood of Jesus.
11. All my blessings that have been captured and transferred 
by familiar spirits in 2016, be released to me now in the name of Jesus Christ.
12. All my blessings that have been captured and transferred by ancestral strongmen and women in 2016, be released now by fire in the name of Jesus.
13. All my blessings that have been captured and transferred by 
satanic horsemen at the gate, be released now by fire in the name of Jesus.
14. All my blessings that have been captured and buried by "frenemies", 
be released now by fire in the name of Jesus. (NOTE: frenemies are enemies masquerading as friends).
15. All sicknesses and infirmities planted in my life in 2016, 
be uprooted now, go back to your sender in the name of Jesus.
16. Every owner of evil load in 2016, carry your load by fire in the
 name of Jesus.
17. Thank You LORD for answering my prayers.
SESSION THREE Saturday Night (11:55 PM – 12:30 AM Sunday Morning)
 Confession: Psalm 24:7-10 
"Lift up your head, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; 
and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD 
strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye 
gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall 
come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory."
1. Let the doors and gates of 2017 open unto me now in the mighty 
name of Jesus (at least 5 minutes please).
2. (With your hand pointed to the heavens declare:) you my heavens 
in 2017, be open by fire in the name of Jesus
3. Let the womb of 2017 open and release my divine benefits now in 
the name of Jesus
4. Let my divine helpers for 2017 be released to locate me 
now in the name of Jesus
5. All my assigned helpers for 2017, both human and 
angelic, hear the word of the Lord: arise and locate me now 
in the name of Jesus.
6. This year I appoint all my spiritual enemies to the sword, 
to captivity, to famine, and death in the name of Jesus.
7. In this year 2017, the heavens shall declare the glory of God over 
my life in the name of Jesus.
8. In this year 2017, the sun, moon and stars shall cooperate with 
my divine destiny in the name of Jesus.
9. O God of signs and wonders, overshadow my life with your
 glory, signs and wonders this New Year in the name of Jesus.
10. (This is a 21-fold prayer … meaning you shout it at the top 
of your voice 21 thunderous times, with both hands lifted up, if you can.)
O Spirit and Power of resurrection, fall afresh upon my life in the name of Jesus
11.Holy Spirit, activate my spiritual womb for divine conception in Jesus name
12. Holy Spirit, activate my spiritual wings to fly like an eagle in Jesus name
13. Holy Spirit, activate my hands to prosper this year in Jesus’ name.
14.Holy Spirit, activate my feet to possess the land in the name of Jesus.
15. Holy Spirit, activate my eyes to see the glory of God
16. Holy Spirit, activate my ears to hear in the spirit.
17.Holy Spirit, activate my heart to receive wisdom and understanding
 in Jesus’ name.
18. Holy Spirit, activate my soul to receive divine knowledge in Jesus’ name.
19. Holy Spirit, activate my mouth to prophesy with fire in Jesus name.
20. Holy Spirit, activate my body for divine healing in Jesus’ name.
21. Holy Spirit, activate my hands to war and my fingers to fight in Jesus’ name.
22. Holy Spirit, activate my body, soul and spirit for revival in Jesus’ name.
23. My prayer altar, be activated with power for signs and wonders in 
Jesus’ name.
24. You my life, be activated by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus’ name.
25. Lord I thank you for your answers to my prayers.
Sunday Morning (12:45 AM –  Until the Holy Spirit gives you a release to stop)
1. Re-dedicate yourself to the Lord for the New Year
2. Anoint yourself, your academic certificates, wedding certificate 
or gown or ring, business documents, check books, your home, and 
anything you want to receive speedy divine acceleration in 2017…

… using the Scripture in James 5:14-15; then forcefully and 
loudly speak the blessings of Deuteronomy 28: 1-14 on yourself 
and your family. (Please do this with holy passion.)
3. Praise and thank the Lord for as long as you can.
4. Now is the time to pray for your friends, family, Church, Firesprings 
Ministries, your nation ... and those that the Holy Spirit brings to your heart. 
Day THREE – Sunday, Jan. 1
Scripture Ingredient: Deut. 33:27.
  The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and He shall thrust out the enemy before thee, and shall say, destroy them.
1. I decree that in 2017 the blessings of the Lord shall flow like a river 
into my home in the name of Jesus.
2. Every agenda of my enemies concerning the affairs of my life in 2017 be completely destroyed in Jesus name

3. O Lord, let the mind of our children NEVER be closed to reason in Jesus name.
4. I eject every unprofitable tenant from my life by fire in the name of Jesus.
5. You spirit of slavery, loose your hold over my life and die in the name of Jesus.
6. Thou goliath of my father’s house, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus.
7. Thou goliath of my mother’s house, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus.
8. O God of new beginnings, begin a new thing in my life this year in Jesus name.
9. I break the yokes of every territorial bondage over my life in the name of Jesus.
10. Thou power of resurrection, fall afresh upon me now in the 
mighty name of Jesus.
11. Designers of grave clothes, carry your evil load and die in the name of Jesus.
12. Every locust spirit anointed to eat my harvest this year, be roasted 
by fire in the name of Jesus.
13.  Powers from my place of birth, your weapons shall not prosper 
in Jesus name.
14.  Anyone drawing power from the heavenlies against me, die in 
your iniquity in Jesus name.
15. Every enchantment and divination against my head, fall down and 
perish in the name of Jesus.
16. O God arise and put my enemies to shame in Jesus name.
17. I refuse to be a wandering star; thou star of my destiny arise and 
shine in Jesus name.
18. Lord, I thank you for answering my prayers
  = = = = =
Day FOUR – Monday, Jan. 2 
Scripture Ingredient: 1 John 3 v 8b

For this purpose the Son of God was manifested,
that He might destroy the works of the devil.

1. Holy Spirit empower me to recover all that the enemy has stolen from my 
life in Jesus name.

2. Holy Spirit, envelop my life with mercy and grace, let the manifestation 
of God's glory in my life be visible in 2017 in Jesus name.

3. Every priest of darkness preparing an evil audit against my destiny, 
be burnt to ashes in Jesus name
4. Let the enemies of my enemies triumph over them in Jesus name.
5. O LORD, deliver me from profitless hard work this year in Jesus name.
6. I refuse to gamble with my destiny; you destiny diverters die by fire 
in the name of Jesus.
7. O God arise and disgrace the fowlers and hunters of my destiny 
in Jesus name.
8. I curse, I rebuke, I prophesy against every embargo placed on 
way of progress this year in Jesus name.
9. My heavens will not become brass this year in the name of Jesus.
10. Powers assigned to rearrange problems in my life, fall down and 
die in the name of Jesus.
11. Every satanic law working against my destiny, I cancel and render
 null and void in Jesus name.
12. Anything buried against my destiny, be roasted by the fire of
 God’s judgment now in Jesus name.
13. I use the broom of fire to sweep out evil occupants from my 
home in Jesus name (Note: please demonstrate this prophetically).
14. Fire of deliverance fall upon my life in the name of Jesus
15. I destroy evil hidden structures in my life with the earthquake 
of the Lord in Jesus name.
16. I cross my local Jordan; I enter into my promised land 
today in Jesus name.
17. I will not fall into the gutter of destiny this year in Jesus name.
18. O Lord, deliver my soul from the prison of land covenants in 
the name of Jesus.
19. Lord I thank you for answering my prayers.
  = = = = =
Day FIVE – Tuesday, Jan. 3 
Scripture Ingredient: 2 Tim. 4:18

And the LORD shall deliver me from every evil work,
and will preserve me unto His heavenly kingdom:
to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

 1. (Pray in the Spirit for 10 minutes, then take this prayer) 
‘I receive the baptism of fire in the name of Jesus.'
2. Fire of the Holy Ghost, enter into my bones in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. Let my prayers attract divine attention all through this year in Jesus name.
4. Holy Spirit, breathe life into my heart and lift the veil of fear 
from me so that I can completely trust and rely on you in Jesus name.

5. O my soul, worry NOT; the same God who feeds the ravens and clothes 
the lilies has an eye out for me in 2017.

6. In this year 2017 I shall not suffer lack in the name of Jesus.

7. Every spirit of grief and sorrow, my family is not your candidate
 in Jesus name.
8. You agents of bewitchment, my life is not your candidate, 
therefore die in the name of Jesus.
9. Satanic clock and calendar fashioned against my life, I set you 
on fire in the mighty name of Jesus.
10. I jump into the river of power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name.
11. Thou spirit of Armageddon, loose your hold upon my life in 
the name of Jesus.
12. I refuse to be caged by the waters; thou powers of the 
marine kingdom, release my life and die in the mighty name of Jesus.
13. My birthplace shall not be my cauldron in the name of Jesus.
14. I sprinkle the blood of Jesus on my doorposts in Jesus name.
15. Every Judas of the night, I bury you by fire in the name of Jesus.
16. My eagle shall not be caged this year; thou eagle of my destiny 
begin to soar in the name of Jesus.
17. O Lord, manifest your undiluted power in my situation this 
year in Jesus name.
18. Covenant-keeping God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, release 
your virtues into my life in Jesus name.
19. Lord I thank you for answering my prayers. 
  = = = = =
Day SIX – Wednesday, Jan. 4 
Scripture Ingredient: Zech 9:11

As for me, through the blood of thy covenant thou hast
delivered me from the pit that has no water.
1. I raise an altar of total deliverance over my life today in Jesus name.
2. My personal Tower of Babel, collapse collapse collapse in the name of Jesus.
3. Every garment making my life to stink in the spirit, be roasted by fire
 in the name of Jesus.
4. Holy Spirit, feed me in a green pasture; lead me forth beside the 
waters of comfort throughout 2017 in Jesus name

5. I refuse to participate in any project designed to cage my destiny
 in Jesus name.

6. Holy Spirit, help me to turn away from superficial things in Jesus name.

7. Holy Spirit, help me to be delivered from whatever keeps me off 
my true purpose in Jesus name.
8.   Any entity sharing my life with me in the spirit, be destroyed by 
the thunder fire of God in Jesus name.
9.My destiny jump out of every satanic cage in the name of Jesus.
10.Any miracle that has eluded me, be restored 7 fold in the name of Jesus.
11.I plug myself into the electrical power grid of the Holy Ghost.
12.O Lord, recharge my genetic code with your fire in the name of Jesus.
13.I am leaving behind the ordinary level of promotion in Jesus name.
14.I wipe off all my records from the satanic databases in Jesus name.
15.I refuse to be disconnected from my divine source of power in the 
name of Jesus.
16. Any power using my glory to prosper fall down and die in 
the name of Jesus.
17. Any power assigned to make a shipwreck of my faith, Holy Spirit, 
release your security angels to track them down and kill them 
in Jesus’ name.
18. Every secret root of infirmity in my life die by fire in the name of Jesus.
19. Lord I thank you for answering my prayers.
  = = = = = =
Day SEVEN – Thursday, Jan. 5
Scripture Ingredient: Rev. 12:11

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb

and by the word of their testimony, and they loved
not their lives unto the death.

1. Holy Spirit, help me not to limit you to my capacity.

2. Lord Jesus, impart to me thoughts higher than my own thoughts.

3. Every enemy of excellence in my life, be burnt to ashes in the
 name of Jesus.

4. Holy Spirit, out of You comes fire for divine exploits; let Your 
fire rekindle my inner man in Jesus name.
5. Power to render diviners mad fall upon my tongue in the name of Jesus.
6. Every weapon of the dust targeted against my life, backfire in 
the name of Jesus.
7. I overpower witchcraft-sponsored diseases by the power in 
the blood of Jesus.
8. I reject disgrace; those planning disgrace for me, fall by your own
 sword in Jesus name.
9. O Lord, sweeten the waters of my life in Jesus name.
10. I refuse to be a prayer warrior in slumber; spirit of slumber, 
depart by fire in Jesus name.
11. I overcome every hidden power behind  _____ failure (pick from 
the underlisted) in the name of Jesus.
      a.    Prayer
      b.    Marital
      c.    Business
      d.    Financial
      e.    Ministerial
8. I quench the strife of tongues against my destiny in Jesus name.
9. I refuse to be a student in the school of adversity in Jesus name.
12. O Lord, give unto me the power to trouble my troublers in Jesus name.
13. Anointing to excel over and above my contemporaries fall upon my 
life in the name of Jesus.
14. Let my time of divine visitation appear now in the mighty 
name of Jesus.
15. Every private enemy be suffocated by the blood of Jesus.
16. I break the power of wicked linkages over my life in the name of Jesus.
17. Lord, I thank you for answering my prayers. 
  = = = = =
Day EIGHT – Friday, Jan. 6
Scripture Ingredient: Obad 1:17

But upon Mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness;
and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.
1. By the power of the blood of Jesus, I come against every spirit of 
delusion and distraction in Jesus name.

2. Holy Spirit, help me to disconnect my heart and mind from worldly 
things in Jesus name.

3. Holy Spirit, help me and let my authentic voice, story and identity
 be recognized this year in Jesus name.
4. Every power assigned to turn my heavens to brass this year I curse 
you to die in the name of Jesus.
5. O heavens fight for me today in Jesus name.
6. I break every wicked cycle over my life by the power in the blood of Jesus.
7. I receive the power for explosive success this year in Jesus name.
8. Let any seed of the serpent in my life be consumed by fire in Jesus name.
9. I recover all my assets from the hands of destroyers in Jesus name.
10. Thou stones of the wicked, go back to your sender in Jesus name.
11. I receive deliverance from the rod of the wicked in the mighty name of Jesus.
12. Thou battle at the edge of my breakthroughs die in the name of Jesus.
13. I reverse and break every hidden curse working against my destiny
 in the name of Jesus.
14. O Lord soak me in your divine favour this year in Jesus name.
15. O Lord, reveal unto me the secrets of powerful breakthroughs in Jesus name.
16. You the heavens over my head, open by fire in the name of Jesus.
17. I unseat the servant riding on my horse of honor by fire in the 
name of Jesus.
18. Lord, I thank you for answering my prayers.
  = = = = =
Day NINE – Saturday, Jan. 7 
Scripture Ingredient: Luke 10:19

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over 

all the power of the enemy:and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
1. Holy Spirit, help me not to dwell on the past; help me to trust and 
depend on you to move me forward by fire.

2.  Lord Jesus, let my life reflect your glory everyday.
3. I am determined to make Heaven; O heavens fight for me in Jesus name.
4. Every power attacking my vehicle of destiny, be buried alive in Jesus name.
5. Thou principalities in my heavens I pull you down in the name of Jesus.
6. Vision killers in the camp of my life, be exposed and be disgraced 
in Jesus name.
7. Dream killers of my father’s house, receive the judgment of God 
in Jesus name.
8. Powers stealing my virtues in the dream be crushed by the Rock of Ages.
9. O Lord, deliver my family from evil traders in Jesus name.
10. O Lord, purge me for divine promotion today in Jesus name.
11. I refuse to be a casualty in the spiritual war in Jesus name.
12. Dark drivers of my destiny die die die in the name of Jesus 
(pray it 3 hot times).
13. Every unfriendly friend in the camp of my life, be exposed and 
be disgraced in Jesus name.
14. Monitoring spirits, evil observers assigned against my life, receive double blindness in Jesus name.
15. You shadow forces be scattered by the light of God.
16. O Lord, deliver me from my strong enemies (pray it 7 times).
17. Lord, I thank you for answering my prayers.
  = = = = =
Day TEN – Sunday, Jan. 8
Scripture Ingredient: Psalm 27:2

When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes,came upon me to 

eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
1. Holy Spirit, untangle the knots within me so I can worship the Lord 
with all my strength.

2.  Holy Spirit, move my destiny to the place of God's will in Jesus name.
3. Covenant of affliction break by fire in the name of Jesus.
4. Anti-success witchcraft from my place of origin, die die die in the 
name of Jesus.
5. Thou masquerade of destiny diversion, my life is not your candidate,
 therefore die in Jesus name.
6. I terminate every evil shepherd over my life in Jesus name 
(please pray this one in your local language i.e. your first language or 
language ta birth, if you can).
7. This year I shall not be wasted in Jesus name.
8. O Lord, grant me victory over the storms of life in Jesus name.
9. Special Announcementmy life is not for sale in the name of Jesus.
10. Every enemy of my anointing, fall down and perish in Jesus name.
11. I command the anointing of failure to dry up now in Jesus name.
12. I choose life; I reject the waters of death in Jesus name.
13. Every problem at the gate of my breakthrough, clear away by fire 
in the name of Jesus.
14. My problems shall become my promotion in Jesus name.
15. Evil arrows fired against me, go back to your senders with 7 fold 
strength in Jesus name.
16. Every poverty strategy of local wickedness, be scattered unto
desolation in Jesus name.
17. Lord, I thank you for answering my prayers.
  = = = = =
Day ELEVEN – Monday, Jan. 9
Scripture Ingredient: Rom. 16:20

And the God of peace shall bruise satan under your feet shortly.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

1. My Pharaohs shall die this year in the mighty name of Jesus.
2. Strange enemies fighting against Firesprings Ministries, receive angelic 
slap and be eaten by worms of fire in Jesus name.
3. Dark decisions, dark pronouncements against Firesprings Ministries, 
backfire in the name of Jesus.
4. Serpents and scorpions released against the affairs of Firesprings
 Ministries, die die die in Jesus name.
5. We break down every altar of witchcraft raised against Firesprings 
Ministries in Jesus name.
6. International demons gathered against Firesprings Ministries, 
we release Psalm 109 against you in the mighty name of Jesus.
7. Every expectation of the wicked concerning Firesprings Ministries 
shall scatter in Jesus name.
8. Thou star of Firesprings Ministries, hear the word of the Lord; 
arise and shine, never go down in the name of Jesus.
9. Bondage of slavery of my father’s house, break break break in 
the name of Jesus.
10. Lord Jesus yoke breaker, break my yokes today.
11. Covenant blood of Jesus Christ, set me free from bondage 
now in Jesus name.
12. Let the mercy, favour and the glory of God overshadow my life 
all through this year in Jesus name.
13. Let my destiny be released to flourish in Jesus name.
14. O Lord position me for supernatural breakthroughs as from today
 in Jesus name.
15. Lord I thank you for answering my prayers.

                                                     = = = =
Day TWELVE – Tuesday, Jan. 10
Scripture Ingredient: Num. 23:23
And I say also to you, that you are Peter, and on this rock I 
will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
 And I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and 
whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: 
and whatever you shall loose on earth 
shall be loosed in heaven. - Matt 16: 18-19
1. Revival fire, fall upon the Body of Christ in the name of Jesus.
2. Every doctrine of demons that has infiltrated the Church, be exposed 
and be disgraced in the name of Jesus.
3. Lord, prepare us to preach your undiluted word, in season and out of season in Jesus name.
4. O God arise and defend your Church in 2017 in Jesus name.
5. Let every organized program by anti-Christ spirits against the 
Church be scattered in Jesus’ name.
6. We come against every satanic invasion of the pulpit in the 
mighty name of Jesus.
7. Let every organized assault against the Body of Christ receive 
the judgement of God in Jesus’ name.
8. We cancel every enchantment and divination against the ministers 
of the Gospel in Jesus’ name.
9. Every marine agent assigned to bring down the true ministers 
of the Gospel this year, receive open disgrace and defeat in 
the name of Jesus.
10. O Lord, let your wind of revival begin to blow across the churches 
all around the globe in the name of Jesus.
11. O Lord, prepare us and send down revival in the mighty name of Jesus.
12. O Lord, be unto the church like a wall of fire roundabout and the 
glory in her midst in Jesus’ name.
13. LORD, we thank you for your mercies upon the entire Body of 
Christ in Jesus name.  
  = = = = =
Day THIRTEEN – Wednesday, Jan. 11
 Scripture Ingredient: Num. 23:23
Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is 
there any divination against Israel; according to this time it 
shall be said of Jacob and of Israel: What hath God wrought!
1.   Strongman of dream manipulation, I am not your candidate, 
release me and die in the name of Jesus.
2.   Every evil appearance in my dreams be arrested by fire in Jesus name.
3.   All my virtues stolen in the dream I recover them by fire in the 
name of Jesus.
4.   All those making evil pronouncements against Firesprings 
Ministries, Holy Spirit release your security angels to track them 
down and silence them in Jesus name.
5.   Let every satanic attack against my life in the dream be 
converted to victory in Jesus name.
6.   Spirit of the Living God, come upon my life and place a 
shield of protection around me in the name of Jesus.
7.   Let anything and everything manipulated against me in the 
dream be completely destroyed by the power in the blood of Jesus.
8.   Power of sin in my life die die die in the name of Jesus.
9.   O God arise and help me to empty myself of sin and evil 
strangers in Jesus name.
10. Fingers of darkness pointed against my destiny, wither and 
die in the name of Jesus.
11. I refuse to eat at the dining table of darkness in Jesus name.
12. Thou spirit of mammon, lose your hold upon my life in Jesus name.
13. Every enemy of Firesprings Ministries, fall down and die in the 
name of Jesus.
14. Every satanic counterfeit set up to divert believers from 
Firesprings Ministries, be exposed and be disgraced in Jesus name.
15. Lord, I thank you for answering my prayers.
 = = = = =
Day FOURTEEN – Thursday, Jan. 12
Scripture Ingredient:
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, 
which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it 
to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, 
he made a show of them openly, triumphing 
over them in it. - Col. 2:14-15
1.   I destroy the root of marital destruction in my family line in Jesus name.
2.   Every thief hiding in my destiny, be arrested by the security 
angels of God in Jesus name.
3.   I overthrow every dominion of iniquity over my life in the
 name of Jesus.
4.   Satanic birds flying against my destiny, crash and burn to 
ashes in Jesus name.
5.   O Lord, make me sensitive to my time of divine visitation
 in Jesus name.
6.   Every counterfeit prophecy over my life, be cancelled and 
be nullified by the power in the blood of Jesus.
7.   Thou power of God, pursue my pursuers, confront my 
confronters today in Jesus name.
8.   The finger of God shall write the obituary of my enemies in Jesus name.
9.   O Lord help me to draw closer to you this year in Jesus name.
10.  O Lord show me visions of heaven in my dreams in Jesus name.
11.  O Lord, show me my divine spiritual assignment in Jesus name.
12.  O Lord, give me dreams that will add to my life in Jesus name.
13.  Dream attackers, eat your own flesh and drink your own blood in 
Jesus name.
14.  O Lord empower me to receive divine revelations in my dreams 
in Jesus name.
15. Let the shame of my enemies be multiplied greatly in Jesus name.
16. Lord I thank you for your divine presence in my life.
17.  Lord I thank you for answering my prayers.
====     THE END   =====