17 March, 2016

7 Furious Prayer Bullets for the Year 2016

7 Furious Prayers for December 2016

1. O LORD make me a flaming fire in my dreams in the name of Jesus. 

2. I release myself from every evil domination and control in my dreams in Jesus name.

3. I break every curse making me powerless in the dream in the name of Jesus.

4. Any gate opened to the enemy in my dreams, be closed and sealed forever with the blood of Jesus.

5. Let God arise and let all my dream attackers be scattered in the name of Jesus.

6. O Lord, please help me to identify and deal with any weakness that can make me
vulnerable to dream attacks in Jesus name.

7. All my goodness stolen from me in the dream, be restored 7-fold in the name of Jesus.

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7 Furious Prayers for November 2016

1. O LORD order my steps into my Canaan in Jesus name.

2. I refuse to grope and stumble in the dark; O LORD let your light of wisdom, knowledge and understanding shine upon me in Jesus name.

3. I bind every demon assigned to pollute my dreams and visions in Jesus name.

4. Let the power to receive divine revelations, prophetic dreams and visions fall upon me now in the name of Jesus.

5. O LORD, kindle your wrath against my accusers, and count them as your enemies in the name of Jesus.

6. Eagles of death, crash and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.

7. Every horn of wickedness blowing against me in the spirit, be roasted by the fire of God’s judgement in Jesus name.

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7 Furious Prayers for October 2016
  1. O Lord, forgive me for the sins of pride and arrogance in Jesus name
  2. Every root of bitterness and unforgiveness in my heart, be uprooted by fire in the name of Jesus.
  3. I cancel any evil verdict against my life and family this month in Jesus name.
  4. O LORD, empty me of self and clothe me with your garment of fire in Jesus name
  5. O LORD, let your anointing release me from the shadow of death in Jesus name.
  6. Let God arise and let the enemies of my destiny be scattered in the name of Jesus.
  7. Holy Spirit, help me to increase in the knowledge of God in Jesus name.
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7 Furious Prayers for September 2016
  1. Let heavenly fire ignite my prayer life in the name of Jesus.
  2. Any power from my place of birth calling my name for evil, fall down and die in the name of Jesus.
  3. O LORD, fight for me and give me dominion over the mighty in the name of Jesus.
  4. Holy Spirit, overshadow my life this month in Jesus name.
  5. Any satanic power that has swallowed my virtues, vomit them now and die in the name of Jesus.
  6. I decree that no sickness or plague shall come near my family in Jesus name.
  7. Let the flame of the Holy Spirit blaze upon the altar of my heart in Jesus name.
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7 Furious Prayers for August 2016

1. O Arm of the LORD, arise and release me from the slave chains of debt in the name of Jesus

2. I speak death to every goliath in my dreams in Jesus name.

3. Any power trafficking with my body parts in the dream, this night receive instant judgement by
fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

4. (This one is culled from the “9 Fresh Prayers from Heaven’s Bakery”)
I command the blessings of this land upon my family in Jesus name.

5. Evil unity against me at my place of work be destroyed; evil gathering against my family be scattered in the name of Jesus.

6. O Lord, make me invisible to my enemies in Jesus name.

7. Father, thank you for answering my prayers.

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7 Furious Prayers for June 2016

1.  O LORD, open the heavens unto me this month in the name of Jesus
2.  Arrows of darkness, hear the word of the Lord, my life is not your candidate, therefore go back to your senders in the name of Jesus.
3.  I strike every power stealing my blessings with chaos, confusion and death in the name of Jesus.
4.  I release my bloodline from the power and authority of any curse in the name of Jesus.
5.  Let the healing hand of God terminate every sickness in my life now in the mighty name of Jesus.
6.  Every satanic stronghold in my life, be dismantled by the fire of God’s judgement in the name of Jesus.
7.  Holy Spirit, let my fellowship with you become deeper and more intimate in Jesus name.

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7 Furious Prayers for May 2016

1. O LORD, choose me for special blessings this month in Jesus name.
2. O LORD, show me the secret of my destiny in the name of Jesus.

3. Any sickness transferred into my body in the dream, come out now, go back to your senders in the name of Jesus.

4. Every blessing that has passed me by since this year began, hear the word of the Lord, locate me by fire in the name of Jesus.

5. Satanic prophecies over my life, be cancelled, be nullified by the power of the Blood of Jesus

6. Every serpent in my family line, I crush your head with the hammer of God in the name of Jesus.

7. O LORD, increase my greatness and comfort me on every side in the name of Jesus.

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7 Furious Prayers for April 2016

1. I reject satanic burial; resurrection power of the Holy Ghost, fall afresh upon me in the name of Jesus.

2. Father, help me to hunger and thirst after righteousness in Jesus name.

3. I arise out of spiritual slumber; I put on the armor of light and fire by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name.

4. Hammer of the LORD, break the heads of my stubborn oppressors in the name of Jesus.

5. Every stranger hiding in my body, your time is up, come out now, die by fire in the name of Jesus.

6. Let the modern-day Hamans raging against the people of God be disgraced by the covenant-keeping God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in Jesus name.

7. Power to praise and worship the LORD in every situation, fall upon my life in the name of Jesus.

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7 Furious Prayers for March 2016

1. O heavens over my head, open permanently in the name of Jesus.
2. Every slave chain binding me to sin, break and release me now in the name of Jesus.
3. O LORD, demonstrate your power, mercy and favor in my life this month in Jesus name.
4.  I banish the wasters, emptiers and devourers from the garden of my life in Jesus name.
5.  Every cauldron of darkness, scatter in the name of Jesus
6.  Every covenant with late blessings, break by fire in the name of Jesus.
7.  Thou Power of Resurrection, locate me now in the name of Jesus.
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7 Furious Prayers for February 2016

[Note: There were no furious prayers for January because of the 14-day prayers 
at the gate which continued well into the month].

1. O Lord, release unto me the key to possess my possessions this month in Jesus name

2. All the miracles I had been pursuing, begin to pursue me and overtake me from today in Jesus name.

3. I silence every evil voice speaking against my favour this month in the name of Jesus.

4. Every satanic embargo on my progress, be lifted be broken in the name of Jesus.

5. Every Judas of the night, fall down and die in the name of Jesus.

6. I kill the seed of goliath in my life in the name of Jesus

7. Let the blood of Jesus speak peace unto my family in Jesus name.


Additional Prayer Points

1. May my enemies be buried in the grave they have dug for me. O unbribable and just Judge, sit in your throne of judgment and let justice prevail. Money have I not to pay lawyers and bribes. 

 2. Every generational Pharaoh pursuing people in my family line, receive sudden paralysis and perish in Jesus Name.

3. I command the stars into war; O heavens fight for me in the name of Jesus.

4. LORD, let the earth reject evil instructions against me in the name of Jesus.

Testimonies From Elisha Goodman prayer program

 Seek Ye First The Kingdom,
And All Other Things Shall Be Added Unto You
My desire this year was for God to grow me spiritually and all i wanted is to seek Him and just as His word says. Seek first the kingdom of God and all other things shall follow. This has been my principle and He has surely rewarded me.  

I have surely seen God’s faithfulness in my life for the last few months. Midnight prayers coupled with fasting and firing those prayer bullets has brought me this far. Here is what God has been doing in my life:  

Marriage Restoration – my marriage is blossoming with so much joy and happiness. 
I left my job by faith not knowing what was ahead but i chose to trust God instead. I prayed the GJE prayers and Heaven’s Bakery prayers plus Dr Jane’s prayers and fasted and yesterday i just got a new job paying more than double what i was earning in my previous job.  

I prayed for God to use me in my church and He has connected me with the church leadership and now i am serving as an intercessor in the church and soon i will start teaching people how to pray. Praise the LORD. 

- Irene D, Australia
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People Laughed At Us …
But The LORD Made Us To Come Back With A Bang


The 7 Furious Prayers helped me a lot to overcome many problems in my life. Here what the Lord has done. 

 I underwent mild stroke in March 2014, I was paralysed on my right side. Where I was unconscious and couldn’t walk as well. It was hard time in our family. Everything was a mess due to my sickness. We lost almost everything. People laughed at us and said our family is finished, broken. But your prayers against sickness I applied in my life. Now I am perfectly alright, as a normal person and Lord renewed my strength like an eagle. 

After this sickness I got pregnant with our third baby and delivered a perfect baby boy. Lord made us to come back with great bang.  Praise be to God. I used to get dreams as having sex and seeing snakes. After praying the August Furious Prayers those things were totally demolished from my dreams. I am having peaceful night and good dreams from God.   

- Alice V
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 40 Years of Separation Ends

One of my prayers I have been praying for, for a long time has now been answered. My parents who are both 92 years separated in 1976 reconciled on 22 October 2016. Thank you for your prayer points and testimonies that have encouraged me to pray claiming 

Isaiah 62:1 For Zion’s sake (my parents sake) I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake (family’s sake) I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch.”

- Eagle Evan
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l took back what belonged to me, my husband who had eloped with a strange woman and my son who tried to commit suicide (hung himself and was found dangling and near death – some one broke the door and saved him in time, exactly the same time the Holy Spirit woke me up to pray for him). l could feel the Holy Spirit grieving as l went through the prayers. The phone rang from thousand miles across the globe just when l finished praying. And it was about my son, who was saved from the pangs of hell, just the minute l finished praying, before he turned 18 years.

Both these men have given their lives to Jesus Christ, their LORD and Saviour. My husband paid for the full breakthrough kit and joined the Prayer Academy again, got baptized (water baptism). He is now firing the prayer points like a mad man. My son did his water baptism. He is being helped by a ministry to go overseas and do missionary work to the glory of my Father who is in Heaven. All your special programs l went through opened my eyes like never before and my life will never be the same again, Amen

- Eagle Lizzy E
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 We Have Cleared Our Debts! 

The year has not been easy but God has come in His own time in a mighty way and I believe His word when he says He shall wipe away our tears and sorrows. We have been suffering as a family in debts that we could not breath easy. I suffered massive acidity issues due to stress as these debts nearly made us lose everything. I mean auctioneers were knocking at our doors. God is good. 
I have been praying in faith that the God Joseph and Esther can change our story too. God’s servant Elisha asked us to pray for the US president for two days at the midnight hour and believe that all we ask for shall be answered. The third day after the two day prayers, my husband got an investor in his businesses and God is good I can testify that we have cleared our debts… 

Praise be to His everlasting name. 

- Sherrie 
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Just Married:41-Year-Old Single Mother of Two

I must say the journey has not been easy, it has been difficult and trying but through it all I am now a discerning Christian committed to His kingdom. He started working on me inside out by purging me of evil deposits within me and has crowned me with health, beauty and honour, His blessing have been enormous indeed! 

Yes, I, the forty-one year old single mother of two, I got married on November 19, 2016 in Accra, Ghana, after joining the Singles Programme in May 2016.  Prior to that I had done Spousewell in 2014 and got close to getting engaged but I allowed the enemy room by compromising sexually. 
Having learnt my lesson in 2014, I determined to stay true to the Lord no matter what it cost me and He showed Himself faithful as always (Psalm 18:25-26).  

During the cause of the Phase I prayers I began having dreams that pointed me to a different continent and race and this came true when I met my now husband after a short holiday with my two daughters in England. I joined the Prayer Academy in August 2013 and in October 2013 God opened travel doors to me and to the glory of God this door remains open to date and has even encompassed my children.

Again, all praise and honour to God for all my travels have been fully sponsored by my employer at no cost to me. Thank you for teaching me to stand for Christ Jesus. The LORD lives! Blessed be to my Rock! Let the God of my salvation be exalted! (Psalm 18:46) 
- Eagle G 

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 I Am In Tears As I Write This

I write to testify of God’s divine favour. Am in tears as I write this. Am in shock and awe of what God can do. Early last year in March (2015), I applied for this dream job and waited. 1 year plus later (June 2016) I got notified that I’ve been shortlisted for two out of the three positions I applied for. I presented myself for both interviews and I waited for months for feedback. Nothing.  Last week when I was feeling terribly low after losing my entire 3 months’ salary to erroneous deductions. I cried to God telling Him I want another job am fed up. I prayed and said, “these 3wks am on leave, God, give me a job because I don’t want to go back to my office where I’ve stagnated”.

And alas! this morning around 11am I walked out of my house and forgot my phone. I went back to pick it n found an SMS and in my heart I said, “this had better be a job offer SMS” and when I opened it, I just read we are PLEASED…. and collapsed!. I cried for half an hour. I became instantly weak. I’ve waited for this text for months. I hear others testifying in church saying “God has given me a 6-figure salary job” and am there thinking “what!!!???”  like it can’t happen to me.  See what the Lord has done! The salary, benefits and allowances are simply out of this world. 5 times my current pay. I give God ALL the glory. 
Your prayer points are timely to solve ANY issue known to mankind. Thank God for these teachings that show me how to pray until Heaven invades the earth! 
Jacquie, Nairobi-Kenya
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 From Dreams to Manifestations

I have subscribe to Elisha for over 5 years. In June 2016, I received the 7 Furious Prayers for the month of June. For me to remember to pray the prayer, I wrote it out and pasted it on the wall of my room. From the first midnight that I started the prayer, I had a dream of someone collecting and given back to me money stolen from me. 

On the second day, it was a dream of key and position recovery. On he third day, a strongman blocking my way was killed. And on the fifth day there was a physical manifestation. God won a huge contract that I have never won before for me. I give all glory to God for answer prayers. 

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I enrolled at the Prayer Academy and started firing the prayer bullets and did part time fasting from the 25th of January to the 5th of April 2016. Did Esther style fasting once. On the 5th of April my son got the good news that he has been admitted to the Music Conservatory – this is like getting through the eye of a needle. Then I wrote to you that I was having terrible dreams and I constantly
feel inadequate at my work place or rather never meet people who want to enhance my capabilities. I came to this country at the age of 27.

You asked me to repeat the starter prayer for 21 days. Second day after starting the Starter Prayer, I was called for an interview and after 5 days I was offered the job. At the same time three other companies contacted me for different jobs. Waw! My new employer is very respectful of my qualifications and personality. People like you, teach us how to be blessed and bless others. You help us from behind the scene. I am privileged to be a part of this…

- Joan, Denmark

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Elisha you told me to pray in the middle of the night. I’m telling you its working. I was divorced by ex husband in 2015 and he took everything from me. I was left with nothing but lots of debts. I was paying for things that I don’t have. I started praying one of your prayer point in the middle of the night:

“Angels of fire go to the land of the living and of the dead and search for my stolen blessings, and restore them back in my life in Jesus name”. 

I kept on praying that prayer point. Last year October I managed to build a house for myself without even borrowing a loan it was just money that I received from my workplace apparently its was my back pay. That is not all Elisha up on completing my house, this year again on the 1 July 2016 I got another back pay . 

With this i bought myself a beautiful car cash again. Hmm I told you God of Elisha does answer prayers. As I’m speaking here I’m owning a house and a car that are already paid off no credit. May God of blessings bless you Elisha and your ministry. May those that are going through trial not give up on praying.

- Leonia, Namibia.
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“During the Platinum Edition, let me start with this dream of  last night. Elisha I was in an ancient place with a kind of community people that had chosen to stay together for a common uncivilized evil purpose. With huge aged tree twisted around the ancient caves.As l walked in, those I thought I knew, each started taking different chores and turned away in an unfriendly manner. There appears the first snake. As it came towards me someone killed it, but others were not happy.

As I looked around for an escape route ( terror and fear  engulfing me) a second snake appeared. This was a meter long and only to be bitten and killed by a dog. Someone was shouting and cursing the dog. In a moment, a mother of all serpents, grey in color, appeared in a huge tree as it coiled and uncoiled. I was dead frozen-with fear in my seat on a wooden tree trunk. It was 17 meters long, with a human head as its tail side, and a snake head on the other... pheeeew!!! ...wriggling furiously with venomous wrath.  

I was like getting dizzy like fainting. It collected itself in a centre of a fortress where we sat. Two men with a certain type of hammer appeared on its head and on the human head. It could fit in an 80 ton truck. They called out my name to say, "awake its over, its gonna be killed...only us have a special weapon( hammer) to kill this type of reptiles."I was like the hammer is too small it will swallow it. They replied that no, it was made specifically to kill it. Both its heads were shattered, as they hammered the rest of the body. 

As I walked away people from all parts of the world came asking me what prayers do I use and how do I pray? One man with the hammer told me that all my blessings and virtues had been inside that serpent and have been released. He said that l will be married and blessed. Remember am in my forties and no marriage. On the door I met a man with obeisance who handed me a white letter with a message I hadn't read as l was running away from the crowd that begged  for what prayers I use so they can  be delivered too. I woke up and thanked the LORD for his mercy. May HIS love endure for ever. Here’s how l prayed before this dream…(she includes the exact prayers and the sequence she prayed them”
Name Withheld
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"Let me get straight to the point as I know you have thousands of praise reports to attend!! The 21 day eagles’ prayers shifted atmospheres in my family. Yesterday my siblings and I visited the land (over 7000 hectares) bought by our forefathers, now used to farm tomatoes/homestead. We went there with every intention to prayer. we started praising a worshipping, pleading for God to release the fullness of His Glory in that land. The Holy Spirit directed us where to stand on that land and pray.

We uprooted every Ancient altars that was still being serviced on our behalf; called upon the Fire of God to visit our bloodline, foundation and family tree. we then rededicated that land back to the LORD and asked GOD to vindicate the Holiness of His Name upon that land. we closed the prayers with songs of praise as we had been praying from a place of victory.This morning my eldest sister woke up from a dream (note: she couldn't join us for the prayer as she was in another province). She dreamt of a certain room in that farm being opened, out of it came thousands and thousands of demons/ancient idols, with some even confessing to have been there for 100 years!!!!!!!!!!!!

They were all begging for mercy to be left alone. Unfortunately for them we had zero mercy, we killed them. My sister even woke up for that dream with her left hand being painful as she said she was smashing those idols hard against the wall!!! This is not just any dream, it is a dream which has revealed ancient problems in our foundation.  Praise be to my King, who is our God of war and deliverer." 
-      Eagle R. M.
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"In 2012, I had a dream, I was very uneasy so I began searching the internet for an interpretation to this dream when i bumped into your site. I did not hesitate. I signed up and joined the Prayer Academy as i was desperate. Since then i started to pray differently and see things differently, I became more alert.

In 2014, i was sent an email to participate in the Golden Journey. This was very timely as i was going
through a rough time as a single mother to pay my daughter's college tuition fee. So i joined. The Lord God Almighty showed up and everything was history.  While I  was going through the fast, after the completion of the Esther fast, I was involved in a car accident coming from work.

After going to the doctor, the medical report shows that  no bones were broken, but fortunately for me I got a week off from work. I was in pain  but it never stopped me, so i continued my journey to plunder the kingdom of darkness. After, the completion of the program, i began to experience the hands of God over my daughter in the university. She was able to sit exams without the fees being paid. God commanded people to bless me. I got $144,000.00 for school fee from someone i have never met before, then i got another $750,000.00. This enabled me to finish paying off the outstanding balances, and paid for her graduation.

To God be the glory, she graduated with her Bachelor's Degree with an Upper 2nd Class Honors award. God did not stop there; He ordered her steps right into the Office of the Prime Minister as an Intern. 

3 months after she received a full scholarship to Tsinghua University in China to pursue an International Master's Degree (a one year program which is now at). At aged 22 years old,she is an official representative of my country there in China. To God be the glory. He gave me a testimony that surprised my friends and shocked my enemies. HALLELUJAH!"

- MG

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Initially when i started in 2009, i lost hope and stopped midnight prayers. Nothing was working for me. I felt i was groping in darkness with all sort of delays, limitation and disappointments in everything i did. I was desiring to get married and get an international job but it was all but good dream. In 2010 i lost my dad, 2011 i lost my job and was living by faith. I almost backslided but kept reading your emails. I then made a conscious decision to take back all the devil had stolen before He could finish me.
I resumed in 2013 and I joined Spousewell. I still did not see much out of it. I did 27 minutes to midnight prayers in 2014/2015 and  repeated Spousewell prayer points in 2015 on my own. I also combined with Dr. Jane's prayers for a job. I followed the 7 monthly prayer points religiously with all the seriousness and faith i could muster.  Then heavens windows opened wide. August I got an international job, traveled to US all sponsored by my employer (mark you i had tried to travel in 2010 but could not because i was financially handicapped); October met my fiance, and bought a |
plot of land. In December God decided to repay me all the monies I had lost. I have used this money now to register for Sapphire Edition 2016.
I am now wedding August this year. Above all these physical and material blessings,God has opened my spiritual eyes and ears. I am seeing God save and deliver people when i stand to minister. I have seen the God who rewards persistence and holiness. All glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. I have now enrolled for Sapphire because i cannot afford NOT to keep my blessings.
-- Beth B, Kenya

14 March, 2016

The Longest Five Minutes of Your Life - Poem

 The Longest five minutes of your Life will be the First Five Minutes after you die

Exactly Five Minutes after you die (come out of your Body), you will be shocked and confused; for you can still see, hear, walk and even pass through walls. You will hear the people talking and wailing yet they cannot hear nor see you. 

Five Minutes after you die, you will be taking your first orientation on the reality of Life After Death. Even though you think you are dreaming,you will be shocked to realize that, this life you are experiencing is more vivid that the one on Earth. Everything will be much clearer and your senses will become more sharper than ever. And you will also see the other citizens of the Universe (Angels or demons) you (ignored) thought were not real. 

Five Minutes after death, you will  remember all the Church Services, the Prayer Meeting and Bible Studies you missed due to certain reasons you will simply come to realize were vanity. You will remember all the sermons you joked with and all the disheartening things you said about your Pastor. You will also remember all the sins,mistakes and shortcomings you did not confess and ask for forgiveness and all those you have not forgiven whiles on Earth. Every idle word will flash before you and Oh you will be surprised that you said them even in your chambers.

Five Minutes after death, you will remember all the people you did not witness the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to. You will also remember all the Souls who walked by you and those you sat with in the bus. You will remember how Holy Spirit asked you to bring someone to Jesus Christ and simply ignored and refused due to one reason or the other.

Exactly five minutes after death, you will instantly know if you lived the life of a true Christian and a disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth or simply followed the World and its pleasures.

Five Minutes after Death, you will remember all the opportunities you missed on Earth to serve God Faithfully with all your Might, with all your Soul and with all your Heart. You will also remember every opportunity you wasted. Oh yes! that which came unto you to Love your family and be faithful to the office and work the Lord entrusted you with to do on his behalf...you will remember every useless activity you undertook which stole the seconds of your life away without noticing it. 

Five Minutes after your die, Eternity is fixed for you, there is no second chance, no opportunity to come back to fix a mistake, to mend that broken relationship, to restore that treasure which you wrongfully took. No second chance to seek a Saviour to deliver you from Eternal Punishment.Where ever you shall see yourself, you will be there forever. 

Five Minutes after you die, all sport activities and events, social activities, Investment and Business deals, your Clothes, Jewelries, Money in the Bank, your cars and Houses together with your private Jets; even the business you built with your sweat and blood will be useless. They can't help you but may even add to the punishment and sorrows that lay ahead. Whereas to some, they are simply rubbish of the highest filth compared to the things they will seeing and experience

Five Minutes after you die, you will ask yourself the Most important Questions you skipped on Earth which is What Matter's Most? What is the Most Important things i should have done? What should have been my Priorities and who should have been my friend? Who should i have listen to and who should i have ignored? You will ask yourself all these Oh my Reader...you will surely ask.

The Longest Five Minutes of your life can be transformed by taking hold of the seconds you have now. To know Jesus Christ of Nazareth if you don't and make him the Personal Saviour of your life on Earth and after Earth if you have not. 

Brethren, Take the Next five minutes of  your life to get right with God Almighty;  if you are not right with him and in the next five minutes, make amends with the people who matter most to you if you are have any broken relationship. Take time out of your busy schedules and spend time with those important people God Almighty has given you. For a Man's life on Earth is like a puff of Smoke, it is here today and gone the Next Day.... James 4:14

God Bless You

11 March, 2016


I am writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to concerning a sect called The Brotherhood of the Cross and Star originating from Nigeria and spreading her tentacles across the world. This is a false religion and is one of the wicked and evil vineyards harvesting souls for the prince of the air (satan).

THE ALMIGHTY GOD, THE I AM THAT I AM says, the people of this religion do not have and will never have any place in His Kingdom. Everything they are doing is in vain and is to the glory and honor of a human being and satan.

The Founder of this Religion gave himself the title the almighty father and was purporting himself as god on earth from heaven. Brethren, don’t fooled because the founder olumba olumba obu spent his last days on the sick bed with blindness. Have you ever heard or read anywhere that the creator of the universe is blind?

Consider the following scripture:

Acts 4:12 – salvation is to be found through him ( Jesus Christ of Nazareth) alone; in all the world there is no one else whom God has given who can save us. 

Brethren, only the crucified Jesus Christ of Nazareth who dead and resurrected on the third day has the ability to grant humanity salvation. And salvation from what one may ask. It is salvation (exemption) from the Eternal punishment awaiting any soul that will depart this earth without Jesus Christ of Nazareth as his or her Lord and personal Saviour.

Have you ever heard of The Creator of the Universe die? It is never heard off because death exists only on the human plane but once you are not in this plane, you cannot die and will never die. But will either be in a place of torment or a place of rest.

Therefore fellow brethren reading this, may you ask the Lord of the Harvest to look towards the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star with mercy and deliver his own from among them that they shall not perish in everlasting fire. Let’s us also ask the Lord of the Harvest to enforce his perfect will on this sect sending souls to hell in numbers.

Next thing on Jesus heart is to let all humanity know that, there is no one on this earth or in the Heaven that answers to the title the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords except HE alone. All who ever attempted this are in hell fire being tormented by demons and with various kinds of tortures. Therefore, the fellow calling himself by this title in the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star should repent, seek and surrender totally to the True Messiah – Jesus Christ of Nazareth else he will also find himself in Hell fire burning forever, wishing for the least of his many servants to cool his tongue with a drop of water from her little finger.
God Bless You

10 March, 2016

Warnings to the End-Time Christian

I will like to give out a Series of Warnings Our Lord Jesus Christ has permitted me to release to the World to help fellow Christians from becoming stained with the wicked evil schemes of staining millions of Christians and baring them from being Raptured.

Warning Number 1: Human Flesh being sold on Open Markets

Be careful of human flesh being marketed at the Meat shops as Mutton & Beef. There are a group of people out there across the globe packing human flesh as canned Beef, fresh meat for restaurants.  These people know what they are doing and do not care of the spiritual effects. They are doing this in other to stain the spirits of innocent humans and to also incur the wrath of God upon the Innocent. In some countries, human flesh is sold to know and unknown customers along side various varieties of food and spirits. Christians, be on the Look out and be led by Holy Spirit as to where you should purchase meat for your house hold needs.

During prayer time, Lord Jesus made it known to me that, in a certain Asian country, human meat is canned and packaged as canned beef and sold to the unsuspecting public. They have been selling this product to their special customers who are aware of what they are eating and are in a form of a sect. This institution has decided to widen their nets into shops and shelves of other countries. So brethren, Be careful and be on the look out as a Heaven minded Christian else you will be seen as a cannibal in the eyes of God, for this can affect your citizenship of the new earth. Be led by Holy Spirit....in Jesus Name.

Warning Number 2: Household Products polluted with Human Blood

This is the second Warning i have been asked to give to the World. A number of household products are mixed with human Blood and sold to human beings. These products range from Soaps, Perfumes, Lipsticks, Hand-Creams, Make-ups, Ice-Creams, some Beverages, etc. Please be led by Holy Spirit in getting these things for personal use.

Important Notice:
One thing you must know is that, some genuine companies are having their products being polluted spiritually affecting their integrity and financial output because they are promoting agenda's in line with the peace of the Living God. Therefore if you are a Godly company experiencing unexplained problems about your products...it is time to pray and cover your products with the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth before releasing them to the Market. Lets keep being vigilant and remember...Be watchful and prayerful (Matthew 6:21, Mark 13:33) in all that you do in Jesus name...Amen

05 March, 2016

There is a Saint in Every Thief

Muller out on a Limb with God

Some Christians exhibit an unusual degree of faith. On this day, March 5, 1834 George Müller and Henry Craik announced their intent to form a new society. It was to be called "The Scripture Knowledge Institution, for Home and Abroad." What made the decision so bold was that the institution had not a shilling to its name. Furthermore, it renounced gifts from the unsaved and rejected any indebtedness. This venture was but another stride forward in the life of faith to which Müller had committed himself.

As a young man, Müller had not been taught the way to salvation although his father intended him for a clergyman and he studied for it. All the while, he frittered his life in sin. This included drunkeness, thieving, cheating and lying on a scale sufficient to land him in jail. He stole government money from his father. Afraid of being caught at fraud, he made promises of reform, promises he could not keep. He even stole his confirmation fee!
At university a friend took him to a prayer meeting. Without formally asking Christ into his heart, he experienced a sense of peace. Soon he was studying scripture and spending time with Christians. Direct appeal to Christ enabled him to renounce the evils that had such a grip on him. For the sake of Christ, he burned a novel he was writing. He renounced the stipend his father supplied him, believing it was wrong to accept since his father opposed the mission work he proposed to do. He began to tell others of his escape from sin through trusting Christ.

This did not mean he was without fault. He tried to find God's will by relying on the lottery. He won (the sign he had set), but God sent him in a different direction. Sometimes he grew depressed. A few times he relapsed into consuming the alcohol which had formerly held him in bondage. Each time he had to return to his knees and seek God again. Finding himself attracted to a girl who cared nothing for Christ, he drifted into a prayerless life. Not until he gave up the girl did his peace return.

His faith grew. As a pastor, he refused to accept pew rents. Each person should contribute as God laid it on his or her heart, he said. He placed an offering box at the back of the church where each could give in sight of God alone. He would not announce his travel needs but left it to God to supply as he saw fit. When he married, he and his wife Mary sold all they could afford and gave it to the poor. When he built his orphanages, he prayed for every penny, never announcing his needs.

Similar financial principles governed The Scripture Knowledge Institution. Established to aid Sunday Schools, circulate the scriptures and help missionaries, the institution thrived and expanded, obtaining a world-wide influence. A bold move? For most, perhaps. For one who truly believed God's promises, No
 I know someone out there is being challenged to go all out for Jesus. Never Give up.