10 March, 2016

Warnings to the End-Time Christian

I will like to give out a Series of Warnings Our Lord Jesus Christ has permitted me to release to the World to help fellow Christians from becoming stained with the wicked evil schemes of staining millions of Christians and baring them from being Raptured.

Warning Number 1: Human Flesh being sold on Open Markets

Be careful of human flesh being marketed at the Meat shops as Mutton & Beef. There are a group of people out there across the globe packing human flesh as canned Beef, fresh meat for restaurants.  These people know what they are doing and do not care of the spiritual effects. They are doing this in other to stain the spirits of innocent humans and to also incur the wrath of God upon the Innocent. In some countries, human flesh is sold to know and unknown customers along side various varieties of food and spirits. Christians, be on the Look out and be led by Holy Spirit as to where you should purchase meat for your house hold needs.

During prayer time, Lord Jesus made it known to me that, in a certain Asian country, human meat is canned and packaged as canned beef and sold to the unsuspecting public. They have been selling this product to their special customers who are aware of what they are eating and are in a form of a sect. This institution has decided to widen their nets into shops and shelves of other countries. So brethren, Be careful and be on the look out as a Heaven minded Christian else you will be seen as a cannibal in the eyes of God, for this can affect your citizenship of the new earth. Be led by Holy Spirit....in Jesus Name.

Warning Number 2: Household Products polluted with Human Blood

This is the second Warning i have been asked to give to the World. A number of household products are mixed with human Blood and sold to human beings. These products range from Soaps, Perfumes, Lipsticks, Hand-Creams, Make-ups, Ice-Creams, some Beverages, etc. Please be led by Holy Spirit in getting these things for personal use.

Important Notice:
One thing you must know is that, some genuine companies are having their products being polluted spiritually affecting their integrity and financial output because they are promoting agenda's in line with the peace of the Living God. Therefore if you are a Godly company experiencing unexplained problems about your products...it is time to pray and cover your products with the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth before releasing them to the Market. Lets keep being vigilant and remember...Be watchful and prayerful (Matthew 6:21, Mark 13:33) in all that you do in Jesus name...Amen

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